Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Intelligence Essays -- essays research papers

Intelligence (what it is, and what it is not)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Today more then ever one can sit back and look out upon the world around them. One can look in the homes and see the children busy with homework. One can see the computers sorting through mass amounts of information. One can also see nature exist as it has for countless years. Over history as the Human race has developed it has taken a fascination in the world around it. It’s main query is what separates it from the rest of what can be found on this small blue green planet called Earth? One of the commonly held answers to this is intelligence; but what is intelligence? What has it and what dose not? This is what shall be covered through the duration of this paper. Intelligence- The ability to process the information found in one’s surroundings and use it to make a logical decision based on more then just environmental stimuli. The ability to store that information until it is further needed. The ability to build upon the previously known information to help to improve the conditions of that beings existence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This definition covers all the main points in which an intelligent being should have. This said there may result some confusion as to what certain words imply, because of this the next few sentences shall be devoted to clearing such confusion. The first word is surroundings; Surroundings are the habitat or environment in which that being can be found. Logic is the...

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