Saturday, September 7, 2019

How Motivation Can Affect Employees' Commitment and Performance at Essay

How Motivation Can Affect Employees' Commitment and Performance at Work - Essay Example How Motivation Can Affect Employees' Commitment and Performance at Work? Motivation is required in every stages of life, and in everywhere, be it school, office or home. Motivation influences people to perform and it also helps to perform better. Motivation has certain ways to inspire people, certain theories to encourage people to work, to perform. These theories are known as motivational theories. The management of an organisation applies these theories to ensure the completion of the tasks and the achievement of the determined goals. There are several different approaches to motivate people in a workplace. The theories provided by the famous psychologists Fredrick Herzberg, Abraham Maslow, and Clayton P. Alderfer, relate to the need of the human, which helps to create a better work environment, enhanced performances, and a better living. The theories are known as Maslow’s Hierarchy Theory, Motivation-Hygiene Theory of Herzberg, and Existence, Relatedness and Growth (ERG) Theory of Alderfer. There are others theories given by David McClellandâ₠¬â„¢s Need Theory, Victor Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, McGregor’s X and Y Theory and Goal Setting theory of Edwin Locke. These theories are very much helpful to recognise the reasons that affect towards motivating people at the workplace to enhance the performances given by the employees and to increase the commitment towards work and the workplace. (Hoffmann, 2007). The major objective of this study is to highlight all these relevant theories related to motivation and workplace performance and their features. The paper would include the importance of these theories in an organisation and their analysis to enhance the commitment and the performance of every individual. The paper would also include a conclusion of the overall discussion. Findings The Maslow’s Hierarchy Theory In the year 1943, Abraham Maslow proposed a theory of motivation for the human, named as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. This was one of the earliest human motivation theories. This theory was developed based on the various psychological needs of a human being where the framework of the theory consisted of five sets of human needs. This framework was separated into two different groups, i.e. ‘basic needs’ and ‘higher-order needs’. The basic needs of a human being are shelter, food, water and safety. These are the needs which ensure the existence of a human being. And esteem, self actualisation, or self improvement and the social activities, comes under the higher order needs. The human motivation to satisfy the needs of the human basically is originated from the external or internal factors. The internal motivation of people is due to the factors which result in delight and a sense of achievement. The people who get motivated externally are influenced by the different external factors, which are controlled by others, such as, money. The framework of Maslow represents a pyramid structure and the framework consists of basic needs at its bottom and the higher needs are at the top of the structure (Yahaya, n.d.). Source: (Yahaya, n.d.). The basic needs are the psychological needs such as, food, water, sleep and shelter. These are the ne

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