Monday, September 30, 2019
Oil Spill Paper
Humans cause oil pollution. We put the boats and ships in the water, we build oil rigs and drill into the bottom of the ocean, and we dump the wrong chemicals into the ocean. Boats and ships have oil leaks just like our cars do. When we’re in the ocean, we can’t exactly clean it up with some limestone. If an oil pipe breaks, we can’t stop push a button and it stops flowing. The oil is coming from underneath the ocean so it takes us longer to stop it from flowing into the ocean. Some people don’t know, or don’t understand, that dumping the wrong chemicals can ruin our ocean and eventually, our land.Oil pollution hurts the marine environment. It is a poison to the wildlife. The oil can smother the animal, it can get in their digestive system and kill them, or it can even mess with their reproductive system and behavior. If oil were to get on the body or wings of a bird, it could make them drown because the oil is too heavy for them to fly. There are a few different ways to clean up an oil spill. Controlled burns can burn off the oil, but it’s not always a good option because the smoke harms our air. Booms and skimmer take oil off of the surface, but not below the surface.Water-oil separating devices help separate the oil from the water, but it can be pricey. Hay soaks up the oil, and leaves clean water behind. Natural recovery is the best way to clean up an oil spill. It may take a little bit longer to be fully cleaned, but it is the best way. Wave action, sunlight, natural water dispersion, and natural occurring microorganisms are the main ways oil spills can be cleaned up by natural means. Oil eating mushrooms is another way to decontaminated areas. This is known as mycoremediation, which is a term invented by Paul Stamets.Mushrooms secrete enzymes and acids that aid in the decomposition of difficult organism containments. Dr. Stamets’ treated soil with oyster mushrooms and then conducted an experiment that broke down almost all of the nontoxic components after four weeks. I think it would affect sandy shores more because the oil and contaminants can sink into the sand and soil. It can also affect the rocky shores, but not as much.http://www. waterencycolpedia. com/Oc-Po/Oil-Spills-Impact-on-the-Ocean. html http://www. cnbc. com/id/37593652/17_Ways_To_Clean_Up_The_Gulf_Oil_Spill? slide=9
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Traditions of Tatarstan
Family relations of the Tatars developed in a complex way. Family based on old principles, with some elements of woman's seclusion, traditionally dominated. The wedding and birth of a child were the most significant family events. The wedding through courtship was most widespread. The choice of a bride was made by groom's parents, then the matchmaker was sent. After the agreements, bride's relatives began to prepare for the wedding. A day before the wedding, groom's parents sent ransom and gifts to the bride. During the wedding and at the wedding dinner, bridegrooms were absent, represented by their fathers. The birth of a child was a joyful event. Tatar enlightener and historian Kayum Nasyri describes this custom as follows: When all guests arrive, the child is brought on a pillow to the mullah. He asks the parents how to name the child. The mullah prays, then repeats three times: â€Å"Let your precious name be †¦ â€Å". Each visitor is given honey and oil. Being treated, he puts as much money on a tray, as he can†. In some families, the wedding ceremonies – ransom for the bride (kalym), bride's dowry (birne), religious ceremony of wedding (nikah) and others -remain bright and interesting to our days. Ceremonies and holidays express the emotional and aesthetic life of the people. Celebratory culture of the Tatars traditionally included both religious (Kurban-bairam, Uraza-bairam, Ramadan) and secular holidays celebrated in a certain season. The calendar cycle of national holidays and ceremonies of the Tatar people begins with Nauruz celebrated on the day of the spring. It symbolizes updating Nauruz was followed by the time of spring sowing – the most beautiful season, when the Sabantui festival was arranged. Its history is as old as our people. The earliest evidences of Sabantui are dated of 921. Preparation to the holiday started two weeks in advance. Sabantui is traditionally celebrated. Sabantuy is one of the most ancient national holidays. It is celebrated in honour of the spring sowing. It is the most favorite holiday among people †. Maydan is the culmination of the holiday, where people compete in bags jumping, pot braking with closed eyes, pulling of a rope, horse riding etc The main distinctive element of Sabantuy is koras (Tatar wrestling) The winner gets alive ram. Muslim holidays were especially esteemed. Kurban-bairam is the most significant one. It is a holiday of sacrifice in memory of Prophet Ibrahim's willingness sacrifice his son for the sake of Allah. Kurban Bairam is a religious holiday of a sacrifice. It begins in 70 days after Ramazan and lasts for 3 days. Each Moslem must kill a ram and distribute its meat among poor people Uraza-bairam is celebrated at the end of a 30-day fast in Ramadan. Having tried sweets in the morning, Muslims go to the mosque, and in the evening arrange the family feast. Since 1992 two religious holidays Kurban-bairam and Christmas are included in Tatarstan's calendar of public holidays. It is impossible to imagine cultural life of Kazan without the Day of the City, which is celebrated on August 30. On this day, cities and villages of the republic flourish, all multinational Tatarstan people get together to see the festival open-air performance with historical customs and traditions, horse races, national wrestling, ensembles of ancient instruments and folklore groups performances. The holiday is ended with a big colorful firework. The Republic of Tatarstan enjoys the richest traditional and cultural heritage. Today the life of Republic combines both ancient traditions and the present. It is a memory of the past and aspiration to the future.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Final Exam Ec315
PART I. HYPOTHESIS TESTING PROBLEM 1 A certain brand of fluorescent light tube was advertised as having an effective life span before burning out of 4000 hours. A random sample of 84 bulbs was burned out with a mean illumination life span of 1870 hours and with a sample standard deviation of 90 hours. Construct a 95 confidence interval based on this sample and be sure to interpret this interval. Answer Since population standard deviation is unknown, t distribution can be used construct the confidence interval. ? The 95% confidence interval is given by ? X ? t? / 2,n ? 1 ? S S? , X ? ? /2,n ? 1 ? n n? Details Confidence Interval Estimate for the Mean Data Sample Standard Deviation Sample Mean Sample Size Confidence Level 90 1870 84 95% Intermediate Calculations Standard Error of the Mean 9. 819805061 Degrees of Freedom 83 t Value 1. 988959743 Interval Half Width 19. 53119695 Confidence Interval Interval Lower Limit 1850. 47 Interval Upper Limit 1889. 53 2 PROBLEM 2 Given the following data from two independent data sets, conduct a one -tail hypothesis test to determine if the means are statistically equal using alpha=0. 05. Do NOT do a confidence interval. 1 = 35 n2 = 30 xbar1= 32 xbar2 = 25 s1=7 s2 = 6 Answer H0:Â µ1=Â µ2 H1: Â µ1>Â µ2 Test statistics used is t ? X1 ? X 2 S 2 (n1 ? 1) S12 ? (n2 ? 1) S2 n1n2 ~ tn1 ? n1 ? 2 where S ? n1 ? n2 ? 2 n1 ? n2 Decision rule : Reject the null hypothesis, if the calculated value of test statistic is greater than the critical value. Details t Test for Differences in Two Means Data Hypothesized Difference Level of Significance Population 1 Sample Sample Size Sample Mean Sample Standard Deviation Population 2 Sample Sample Size Sample Mean Sample Standard Deviation 0 0. 05 35 32 7 30 25 6Intermediate Calculations Population 1 Sample Degrees of Freedom 34 Population 2 Sample Degrees of Freedom 29 Total Degrees of Freedom 63 Pooled Variance 43. 01587 Difference in Sample Means 7 t Test Statistic 4. 289648 Upper-Tail Test U pper Critical Value p-Value Reject the null hypothesis 1. 669402 3. 14E-05 Conclusion: Reject the null hypothesis. The sample provides enough evidence to support the claim that means are different. 3 PROBLEM 3. A test was conducted to determine whether gender of a display model af fected the likelihood that consumers would prefer a new product.A survey of consumers at a trade show which used a female spokesperson determined that 120 of 300 customers preferred the product while 92 of 280 customers preferred the product when it was shown by a female spokesperson. Do the samples provide sufficient evidence to indicate that the gender of the salesperson affect the likelihood of the product being favorably regarded by consumers? Evaluate with a two-tail, alpha =. 01 test. Do NOT do a confidence interval. Answer H0: There no significant gender wise difference in the proportion customers who preferred the product.H1: There significant gender wise difference in the proportion customers who preferred the product. P ? P2 n p ? n p 1 The test Statistic used is Z test Z ? where p= 1 1 2 2 n1 ? n2 ?1 1? P(1 ? P) ? ? ? ? n1 n2 ? Decision rule : Reject the null hypothesis, if the calculated value of test statistic is greater than the critical value. Details Z Test for Differences in Two Proportions Data Hypothesized Difference Level of Significance Group 1 Number of Successes Sample Size Group 2 Number of Successes Sample Size 0 0. 01 Male 120 300 Female 92 80 Intermediate Calculations Group 1 Proportion 0. 4 Group 2 Proportion 0. 328571429 Difference in Two Proportions 0. 071428571 Average Proportion 0. 365517241 Z Test Statistic 1. 784981685 Two-Tail Test Lower Critical Value -2. 575829304 Upper Critical Value 2. 575829304 p-Value 0. 074264288 Do not reject the null hypothesis Conclusion: Fails to reject the null hypothesis. The sample does not provide enough evidence to support the claim that there significant gender wise difference in the proportion customers who preferr ed the product. 4PROBLEM 4 Assuming that the population variances are equal for Male and Female GPA’s, test the following sample data to see if Male and Female PhD candidate GPA’s (Means) are equal. Conduct a two-tail hypothesis test at ? =. 01 to determine whether the sample means are different. Do NOT do a confidence interval. Male GPA’s Female GPA’s Sample Size 12 13 Sample Mean 2. 8 4. 95 Sample Standard Dev .25 .8 Answer H0: There is no significant difference in the mean GPA of males and Females H1: There is significant difference in the mean GPA of males and Females. Test Statistic used is independent sample t test. ? X1 ? X 2 S 2 (n1 ? 1) S12 ? (n2 ? 1) S2 n1n2 ~ tn1 ? n1 ? 2 where S ? n1 ? n2 ? 2 n1 ? n2 Decision rule: Reject the null hypotheses, if the calculated value of test statistic is greater than the critical value. Details t Test for Differences in Two Means Data Hypothesized Difference Level of Significance Population 1 Sample Sample Size Sample Mean Sample Standard Deviation Population 2 Sample Sample Size Sample Mean Sample Standard Deviation Intermediate Calculations Population 1 Sample Degrees of Freedom Population 2 Sample Degrees of Freedom Total Degrees of Freedom Pooled Variance 0. 05 12 2. 8 0. 25 13 4. 95 0. 8 11 12 23 0. 363804 5 Difference in Sample Means t Test Statistic -2. 15 -8. 90424 Two-Tail Test Lower Critical Value Upper Critical Value p-Value Reject the null hypothesis -2. 80734 2. 807336 0. 0000 Conclusion: Reject the null hypotheses. The sample provides enough evidence to support the claim that there is significant difference in the mean GP A score among the males and females. 6 PART II REGRESSION ANALYSIS Problem 5 You wish to run the regression model (less Intercept and coefficients) shown below: VOTE = URBAN + INCOME + EDUCATEGiven the Excel spreadsheet below for annual data from1970 to 2006 (with the data for row 5 thru row 35 not shown), complete all necessary entries in the Excel Regress ion Window shown below the data. 1 2 3 4 A YEAR 1970 1971 1972 B VOTE C URBAN D INCOME E EDUCATE 49. 0 58. 3 45. 2 62. 0 65. 2 75. 0 7488 7635 7879 4. 3 8. 3 4. 5 36 37 38 2004 2005 2006 50. 1 92. 1 94. 0 95. 6 15321 15643 16001 4. 9 4. 7 5. 1 67. 7 54. 2 Regression Input OK Input Y Range: A1:A38 Input X Range: B1:E38 Cancel Help ? Labels Confidence Level: x X X Output options X Constant is Zero 95 % Output Range: New Worksheet Ply:New W orkbook Residuals Residuals Residual Plots Standardized Residuals Line Fit Plots Normal Probabilit y Normal Probability Plots 7 PROBLEM 6. Use the following regression output to determine the following: A real estate investor has devised a model to estimate home prices in a new suburban development. Data for a random sample of 100 homes were gathered on the selling price of the home ($ thousands), the home size (square feet), the lot size (thousands of square feet), and the number of bedrooms. The following multiple regression output was generated: Regression Statistics Multiple R 0. 8647 R Square . 7222 Adjusted R Square 0. 6888 Standard Error 16. 0389 Observations 100 Intercept X1 (Square Feet) X2 (Lot Size) X3 (Bedrooms) Coefficients -24. 888 0. 2323 11. 2589 15. 2356 Standard Error 38. 3735 0. 0184 1. 7120 6. 8905 t Stat -0. 7021 9. 3122 4. 3256 3. 2158 P-value 0. 2154 0. 0000 0. 0001 0. 1589 a. Why is the coefficient for BEDROOMS a positive number? The selling price increase when the number of rooms increases. Thus the relationship is positive. b. Which is the most statistically significant variable? What evidence shows this? Most statistically significant variable is one with least p value.Here most statistically significant variable is Square feet. c. Which is the least statistically significant variable? What evidence shows this? Least statistically significant variable is one with high p value. Here least statistically significant variable is bedrooms d. For a 0. 05 level of significance, should any variable be droppe d from this model? Why or why not? The variable bed rooms can be dropped from the model as the p value is greater than 0. 05. e. Interpret the value of R squared? How does this value from the adjusted R squared? The R2 gives the model adequacy. Here R2 suggest that 72. 22% variability can e explained by the model. Adjusted R2 is a modification of R2 that adjusts for the number of explanatory terms in a model. Unlike R2, the adjusted R2 increases only if the new term improves the model more than would be expected by chance. f. Predict the sales price of a 1134-square-foot home with a lot size of 15,400 square feet and 2 bedrooms. Selling Price =-24. 888+0. 02323*1134+11. 2589*15400+15. 2356*2=173419 8 PART III SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS. Problem 7 Define Autocorrelation in the following terms: a. In what type of regression is it likely to occur? Regressions involving time series data . What is bad about autocorrelation in a regression? The standard error of the estimat es will high. c. What method is used to determine if it exists? (Think of statistical test to be used) Durbin Watson Statistic is used determine auto correlation in a regression. d. If found in a regression how is it eliminated? Appropriate transformations can be adopted to eliminate auto correlation. Problem 8 Define Multicollinearity in the following terms: a) In what type of regression is it likely to occur? Multicollinearity occurs in multiple regressions when two or more independent variables are highly correlated. ) Why is multicollinearity in a regression a difficulty to be resolved? Multicollinearity in Regression Models is an unacceptably high level of intercorrelation among the independents, such that the effects of the independents cannot be separated. Under multicollinearity, estimates are unbiased but assessments of the relative strength of the explanatory variables and their joint effect are unreliable. c) How can multicollinearity be determined in a regression? Multic ollinearity refers to excessive correlation of the predictor variables. When correlation is excessive (some use the rule of thumb of r > 0. 90), tandard errors of the b and beta coefficients become large, making it difficult or impossible to assess the relative importance of the predictor variables. The measures Tolerance and VIF are commonly used to measure multicollinearity. Tolerance is 1 – R2 for the regression of that independent variable on all the other independents, ignoring the dependent. There will be as many tolerance coefficients as there are independents. The higher the inter-correlation of the independents, the more the tolerance will approach zero. As a rule of thumb, if tolerance is less than . 20, a problem with multicollinearity is indicated.When tolerance is close to 0 there is high multicollinearity of that variable with other independents and the b and beta coefficients will be unstable. The more the multicollinearity, the lower the tolerance, the more th e standard error of the regression coefficients. d) If multicollinearity is found in a regression, how is it eliminated? Multicollinearity occurs because two (or more) variables are related – they measure essentially the same thing. If one of the variables doesn’t seem logically essential to your model, removing it may reduce or eliminate multicollinearity.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Affects of the Cold War on the Middle East Essay - 1
Affects of the Cold War on the Middle East - Essay Example The effects of the Cold War on the socio-political affairs in the Middle East were very diverse and discursive in nature due to a number of economic, historical, political and religious causes such the Arab-Israel antagonism, the overt anti-religious nature of Communism, the vast reserve of furnace oil in the Middle Eastern countries, the non-democratic and most likely monarchic political systems in those countries during the Cold War and Islam as the religion of the majority of the people in the Middle East. Since most of the political governments of the Middle East were non-democratic and, to a great extent, monarchic after the Second World War up to 2000, the then rulers were forced to take shelter either in the US block or the Soviet in order to survive in the countries’ power with the support of any of the two superpowers. Also due to the vast reserve of oil, the Middle Eastern countries were strategically important for both of the superpowers. Therefore, the rulers of th ese countries needed backings of any of these two superpowers against the expansionist invasions of the others. Before the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan, the Arab countries were more or less neutral, though because of being geographically close to the Soviet Union and the overt US support for Israel in this region, the countries were more influenced by the Soviet Leaders. Because of the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan, the countries were alarmed; they began to feel the threat from the Soviet Union’s aggressive nature.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Week 4 Discussion Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Week 4 Discussion Questions - Essay Example Leadership is an important element in strategy implementation because it provides the vision, the direction, and the emotional impetus to achieve tactical goals. Without it, strategy is naught. An example of a CEO’s key role in strategy implementation may be represented in the case of Cofidis headed by Michel Guillois. When Cofidis was facing stiff competition from web based companies, Michel Guillois guided it through the transition from a primarily direct marketing business to a broad range web marketed enterprise. Furthermore, Michel Guillois leadership style helped negotiate the issues presented in the tactical implementation of the strategy by competitors, cross-culturalism, and unpaid accounts. Thus, leadership is an important element of strategy implementation. Next, under what conditions would it be more appropriate to fill a key management position with someone from outside the firm when a qualified insider is available? There are at least two situations in which this may be appropriate. The first is when all the qualified people in house are needed elsewhere. For example, say Cofidis has the skills to implement a new website full of all of the features necessary to address the current tactical challenges, but those managers skilled in web development are engaged in a data migration project. It might be more feasible for Cofidis to hire from outside than to divert resources in house. Another example is when hiring from outside ads additional benefits. Say where Cofidis is engaging increasingly in web marketing, it may be more cost effective to hire an advertising manager than to have an information systems professional do double duty. Furthermore, it may bring added insights and innovations of the new blood. These are just two of many po ssible reasons a company may want to hire management from the outside even if the skills are present in house. Last, what has gone well and not so well so far in this class? What areas do we
Workplace Human Resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Workplace Human Resource - Essay Example Hence, this department is only responsible for managing the existing employees within the business. Credit Union Bank has a corporate HR department responsible for the implementation and development of different aspects of human resource management, including hiring, talent management, change management, organizational performance, learning and development, employee engagement, benefits, compensations, diversity and inclusion, employee relations, and so forth, However, the local branch I work for has its local HR department. Basically, the HR department in my branch of the bank is responsible for the same things the corporate one is. However, of course, the amount of work and the scale of responsibilities differ significantly. While the corporate department is more focused on the long-term goals of the whole chain of banks, the local HR department in my branch is more concerned about such aspects of work as getting the best-fit candidates for vacant positions, keeping under control the relationships between the employees in the workplace, giving feedback on the achievements and performance of the employees, and designing compensation and bonus systems. Since the branch I work for is relatively small, the local HR department is represented by one single person. Regardless of the fact that our bank branch is not big, to my point of view, it is hardly possible for one person to cover all the responsibilities and duties an HR manager is supposed to cover. Proceeding from this, it becomes clear why some HR-related problems regularly occur in my workplace.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Contact Issues in Family Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Contact Issues in Family Law - Essay Example The increasing incidence of divorce has created custody battles and problems of access, which have proved to be detrimental to children. Studies conducted by Flouri and Buchanan have revealed that rancor among divorced parents and lack of contact with their father can lead to depression in children, especially girls and in the case of males, the absence of a father can also lead to criminal behavior. According to Matthew Stannard, one of the causes for violent criminal behavior in fatherless boys may be a â€Å"mother’s hostility†towards the father which deprives the child of contact with him, or because the father doesn’t take fatherhood seriously. Bob Geldorf, one of the most vocal activists for the rights of fathers, pointed out that fundamental changes are required in the law and the process in family courts, which tend to favor mothers in the battle for custody of children. The family Court system is based upon adversarial rules of litigation, and acrimonious divorce proceedings can often place the parents as bitter opponents in the Courts and cause child custody hearing to become scenes of power struggles. The family Courts have been ineffective in enforcing court ordered access to fathers, since they are reluctant to separate the children from their mothers and there is a lack of availability of middle ranking punishments and incentives to ensure cooperation from mothers – even when punitive fines and prison terms exist for breaching of contact orders, they may not be imposed in view of the danger of adverse consequential effect upon the child. Family cases take a long time to be processed through the court system, as a result of which fathers are denied access to their children for extended periods.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Marketing Presentation Report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Marketing Presentation Report - Coursework Example Tele Cinch’s and Blackberry’s core and actual elements and finally compare their distribution and marketing communication strategies from a critical point of view. Furthermore, the report will evaluate whether their strategies are similar or dissimilar to that of each others. Identifying the Products’ Core, Actual and Augmented Elements Tele Cinch 1.0 The innovative designing of the phone has deliberately contributed towards the modernised definition of smart phone devices by providing unique features such as large buttons and long lasting battery power. Furthermore, core elements, such as heating function and speech dialling are especially integrated in the handset to provide convenient facilities to the aged groups that the brand targets the most. Moreover, the brand assures its customers that it is user friendly and easy to use among all other available smart phones. Furthermore, in relation to its distribution operations, it assures to deliver the product wit hin 48 hours at any place desired by the customer. In addition, the brand provides augmented elements like 3 years guarantee to all its products along with a replacement warranty to enhance its customer relationship providing assistance through its technical support team. Blackberry Bold 9900 The brand claims that this actual product is the thinnest smart phone in their product line up. The uniquely integrated ‘Liquid Graphics’ touch screen ensures life time durability to the customers while using its features such as swiping, zooming and pinching photos and videos. A few core elements incorporated in this product are ‘Vlingo’ which enables ‘speech to operate’ facilities that enable the user to use their voice for writing messages, opening applications, setting statuses on Twitter along with numerous other activities. Moreover, the brand claims that its operating system makes it the fastest Blackberry till date (Research In Motion Limited, 2012 ). The Blackberry Bold’s augmented elements are its innovative applications that are available to the user free of cost, its built-in Near Field Communications (NFC) that enables connecting with other NFC enabled devices and the useful accessories that the brand provides for the convenience of the users, such as travel charger, Bluetooth headsets and external battery charger bundle (Research In Motion Limited, 2012). Comparing the Distribution and Marketing Communication Strategy Tele Cinch 1.0: Distribution Strategy The brand uses traditional style of distribution process that include finished products transferring from manufacturers to the wholesaler to the retailer and finally to the end customers (Bucklin, 1965). Furthermore, the brand, at times follows different approaches of skipping the wholesaler and transferring directly to the retailer or skipping both the wholesaler and retailer and selling it directly to the customers. Blackberry Bold 9900: Distribution Strategy T he brand uses various modern approaches while distributing its products. It focuses on partnering with resellers to sell the various products. The products are also sold directly to the c
Monday, September 23, 2019
Braided River System in South-Eastern Spain Essay
Braided River System in South-Eastern Spain - Essay Example Landcover is mostly low bush and grasses with or without trees (Prakash, 2005). Land usage includes agriculture (barley and others under irrigated conditions), grazing, mining (gypsum, gravel and sand) and tourism (movie-making and others) (Prakash, 2005). The gypsum karst of the Tabernas-Sorbas basin of SE Spain is a Neogene intramontane one in the Betic mountain range and is composed of significant deposits of evaporates from the Messinian period (Calaforra and Pulido-Bosch, 2003). The semi-arid environment in the region has assisted in conserving the large numbers of surface and underground gypsum karstic forms and the speleogenetic processes characteristic of such a region (Calaforra and Pulido-Bosch, 2003). In essence, this implies that, at least for this field study at the Western edge of this karstic formation, a semi-confined status existed upon the gypsum strata (Calaforra and Pulido-Bosch, 2003) through which the old braided river section flowed and it is possible that only those speleogenetic processes characteristic of a karst region such as this have been influential in the accretion process of sediment evident today. In study of fluvial systems such as rivers the term 'braided' implies a low proportion of flood-plain mudstones and a high one of sedimentary sand elements like sandstone (Adams and Bhattacharya, 2005). There is characteristic distinction which states that 'meandering' channels have high mudstone-to-sandstone ratios and tend to have high sinuosity combined with single channel flows (Adams and Bhattacharya, 2005). In contrast, 'braided' channels have a high sandstone-to-mudstone ratio and tend to have multiple channel flows (Adams and Bhattacharya, 2005). This distinction is blurred at times by continuity of variables (Adams and Bhattacharya, 2005) but, for the purpose of this field study, it is accepted that the study area comprised of a 'braided' channel portion. Of eminent interest to this study are the depositional and erosional patterns of the river at the meandering stage and the braided one. It has single-layered laterally accreting patterns with similar eroding ones in the me andering stage while accretional patterns in the braided stage are multi-layered and vertical (Adams and Bhattacharya, 2005). Field Work Rationale: To test whether 'braided' stream sections have lateral and/or vertical sorting/fining tendencies. Methodology: Six different randomly selected channels of the known old braided river system in the Urra Field Centre were chosen. From each channel, three samples from the left and right banks and the centre of the stream were taken. Sample bags were used to collect the pebbles from the sample-taking areas. A tape measure was also used to measure the channel sections. A pebble template and a grain size chart were used to size up the collected pebbles. Additionally, a camera was used to collect photos of the sample-taking areas to provide rough assessment of the pebble characteristics at each site. The pebble sizes were measured and the data tabulated as per each site characteristic. In this part of the study the data shall be analysed through multiple statistical descriptive tests such as mean
Sunday, September 22, 2019
How to Write a Visual Analysis Essay to Comic Essay “In As the World Burns†Essay Example for Free
How to Write a Visual Analysis Essay to Comic Essay â€Å"In As the World Burns†Essay In As the World Burns: 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Stay in Denial, authors Derrick Jenson and Stephanie McMillan create a clever comic essay to capture their youthful audience into imminent environmental issues. First published in 2007, their essay contains bantering between two young girls which engages the audience into a statistically dominated argument on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to save the planet. However, the statistics show that minor lifestyle changes will not have a lasting impact. Then, with input from many pleading species of animals and a native person, a resolution to change is decided upon. Big business, industrialism, over-population and a modern technical society are portrayed as the main problems. The authors present a strong message to future generations on environmental issues, using a comic style with young children as the main characters, native peoples and pleading animals, and repetition with emotional and ethical appeals to the readers. The authors use a comic style which is well suited to the intended audience. The girls’ bantering back and forth to solve the world environmental issues appeals to youth, through the knowledge of one girl and the idealism of the other. One is idealistic and the other a brainy one. The authors cleverly use children to get the message across of our environmental imbalance. In one scene’s caption the light hair girl says,†And the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And it all keeps killing the planet†. Some may find that Jensen and McMillan’s pictures and text are simplistic and annoyingly over-done. The bantering and pleading may put-off some readers. This comic technique has not-so-subtle innuendoes of politics and anti-establishment. A good example of this is the cow who remarks â€Å"And recognize your real enemies: production, the system that requires, the people in power who keep it running.†The use of native people and pleading animals is also an effective technique. This is especially evident when a crow brings various species of animals to the discussion with the girls. A rapid succession of pleas are written, a good example is a heron saying, â€Å"Fight with all your heart†and a toad’s exclamation of â€Å"It may even be too late.†These statements conjure-up emotions due to the visual impacts and words on the reader. The native person suggests that their land should be returned to them, in its original, pristine state. The third part of the author’s message is delivered through repetition and emotional appeal. Through the voices of children and soon to appear various species of life, the pleas are unrelenting and repetitive. People like children and animals; this is a good avenue to gain immediate attention to the audience. The anxiety of simply living in today’s world is brought forth by the authors in the girls’ reaction to giving up their standard of living in these statements: â€Å"We don’t know how to live without these things.†and â€Å"We’ll die without them†. These examples are one way that the authors pull the audience into an emotional state of guilt. Authors Jenson and McMillan successfully deliver an environmental message using a comic style with young children, pleading animals and native people, and a repetitive, emotional appeal. The criticisms of government and politics are craftily woven into the essay especially for the desired audience. The tone of this essay is emotional and authoritative; only if the reader does what is suggested by the animals will the world survive. The repetition of the animals’ emotional pleading has a lingering effect on its readers. How can one resist pleading animals? The essay’s ending makes the reader feel that there is acceptance by all parties of the need to change and all will be in harmony. The author’s succeed in communicating a message of hope: we can save the planet if we work together in harmony with nature. Jenson and McMillan’s essay did a fine job in communicating their thoughts and imparting the urgency of our need to change our behaviors for the environ ment now. Examples of Thematic Essay on StudyMoose Visual Analysis Essay Examples Steps Helping to Write the Visual Analysis Essay Visual Analysis Essay
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Buying decision process and Sony overview
Buying decision process and Sony overview Sony was founded in 1946 in Tokyo to be a new revolution in the world of communications and technology, was able to progress throughout her career innovative products added all the new and useful to the lives of millions of people, Sony is one of the best companies in the worlds leading manufacturer of Audio Video In addition to excellence in the areas of technology and development of industry computer laptops and mobile phones It is well known for many fans and viewers of the technical world of electronics Since it was founded in May 1946 and to this day continues to Sony in its bid submission to the infinite and well-being and comfort of all categories of consumers through a variety of high-quality products. We may need a lot of pages to talk about Sony and its history of achievements, which had said the welfare of peoples lives But the company is well known by its fans and clients and its products is almost devoid of any where in the house Acquire products and all categories of people and on a different level of consumer In this report we will learn on one of the excellent products, which is a high-quality TV set in terms of purity and clarity of image and sound What makes this product the perfect choice for those who wish to enjoy watching favorite programs with all the comfort that it is not only a high quality product in terms of the characteristics contained in But several of the most important aspects of it available to consumers at a competitive price is almost unmatched by any other product on the market And where the decision to purchase is the most important decisions of interest to any organization interested in studying the market and the marketing of their products we will discuss in some important details about. INTRODUCTION TO SONY TV SET This offer is available at all Sony stores, and customers would enjoy 10% discount if they buy online from our web site Also we offer free delivering and one year guarantee Facilities for payment by installments with the possibility of payment in installments over two years 60 inch LX900 Series 3D Full HD BRAVIA LCD TV High frame rate LCDs with a frame sequential display, Sony makes it possible to watch Full HD 3D quality video on 3D compatible BRAVIA LCD TVs. This technology involves alternately transmitting images for the left eye and right eye to the screen. When viewed through the active shutter glasses, the two separate images on the shutter glasses are synchronized with the onscreen image with their Full HD quality intact and precisely transmitted to the viewers eyes. The high-quality super-fine Full HD 3D images deliver unprecedented reality and presence. This offer includes loudspeakers and a DVD Player which makes the user feels Like a home cinema Features: LCD size: 60(152cm), 16:9 TV system: digital: dvb-t analog Display resolution: full HD 1080 (1920 x 1080) Buyer behavior decision-making process How do customers buy? Customers go through a five-stage decision-making process in any purchase. This is summarized in the diagram below: This model is important for anyone making marketing decisions. It forces the marketer to consider the whole buying process rather than just the purchase decision (when it may be too late for a business to influence the choice!) The model implies that customers pass through all stages in every purchase. However, in more routine purchases, customers often skip or reverse some of the stages. For example, a student buying a favorite hamburger would recognize the need (hunger) and go right to the purchase decision, skipping information search and evaluation. However, the model is very useful when it comes to understanding any purchase that requires some thought and deliberation. The buying process starts with need recognition. At this stage, the buyer recognizes a problem or need (e.g. I am hungry, I need a new TV set, I have a headache) or responds to a marketing stimulus (e.g. you pass Sony store and are attracted by a big screen showing a football match or an action movie and). An aroused customer then needs to decide how much information (if any) is required. If the need is strong and there is a product or service that meets the need close to hand, then a purchase decision is likely to be made there and then. If not, then the process of information search begins. A customer can obtain information from several sources: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Personal sources: family, friends, neighbors etc à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Commercial sources: advertising; salespeople; retailers; dealers; packaging; point-of-sale displays à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Public sources: newspapers, radio, television, consumer organizations; specialist magazines à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Experiential sources: handling, examining, using the product The usefulness and influence of these sources of information will vary by product and by customer. Customers value and respect personal sources more than commercial sources (the influence of word of mouth). The challenge for the marketing team is to identify which information sources are most influential in their target markets. In the evaluation stage, the customer must choose between the alternative brands, products and services. How can the customer benefit from the information? An important determinant of the extent of evaluation is whether the customer feels involved in the product. By involvement, we mean the degree of perceived relevance and personal importance that accompanies the choice. Where a purchase is highly involving, the customer is likely to carry out extensive evaluation. High-involvement purchases include those involving high expenditure or personal risk for example buying a house, a TV set or making investments. Low involvement purchases (e.g. buying a soft drink, choosing some breakfast cereals in the supermarket) have very simple evaluation processes. Why should a marketer need to understand the customer evaluation process? The answer lies in the kind of information that the marketing team needs to provide customers in different buying situations. In high-involvement decisions, the marketer needs to provide a good deal of information about the positive consequences of buying. The sales force may need to stress the important attributes of the product, the advantages compared with the competition; and maybe even encourage trial or sampling of the product in the hope of securing the sale. Post-purchase evaluation Cognitive Dissonance The final stage is the post-purchase evaluation of the decision. It is common for customers to experience concerns after making a purchase decision. This arises from a concept that is known as cognitive dissonance. The customer, having bought a product, may feel that an alternative would have been preferable. In these circumstances that customer will not repurchase immediately, but is likely to switch brands next time. To manage the post-purchase stage, it is the job of the marketing team to persuade the potential customer that the product will satisfy his or her needs. Then after having made a purchase, the customer should be encouraged that he or she has made the right decision. Factors affecting buying decision Possible influences on the decision process Personal influences Demographic Situational Involvement Psychological influences Perception Motives Attitudes Personality Social influences Roles and family Reference groups Social classes Culture and subcultures Personal factors: Is one that is unique to a particular person? It can influence purchasing decision In this section we discuss three categories which are demographic, situational, and level of involvement factors. Demographic factors: Such as age, sex, race, ethnic, origin, income, family life-cycle, and occupation Demographic factors have a bearing on who is involved in family decision making. For example, its estimated that by 2010 the Middle East and North African countries. Will have the largest market for TV sets because of more new apartments built for old men who is getting married that means more opportunities to sell wide number of TV sets . Men with age between 25 and 35 are know to have more influence in buying decision process for furniture and other equipments when they are starting furnishing their new apartments with all Necessities. Another example is a persons age and income may affect the number and types of information sources used and the amount of time devoted to seeking information. Demographic factors also affect to which a person uses products in a specific product category. Consumers in the 20 to 45 age group are more interested in buying new technology such as this TV set with high definition image specially those who get high income they find it easy to buy a new TV set even if the old one still in a good shape or condition . Here Sony set plans how to attract those potential consumers in term of marketing mix focusing how to set prices and Situational factors: Are the external circumstances or conditions that exist when a consumer is making a purchase decision. Sometimes a consumer engages in buying decision-making as a result of unexpected situation. For example, a person may hurriedly buy a TV set to watch the world cup 2010 or owner of a coffee shop try to attract more customers by offering them watching their favorite teams in the world cup or Olympic Games just two or three days before it starts or sometimes during that occasions. Yet in other circumstances the same individual might spend many weeks shopping around for a discount or any offer available. Situational factors can influence a consumers actions during any stage of the buying process. The time available to make decision is a situational factor that strongly influences consumer buying decision. If there is a little time for selecting and purchasing the TV set, a person may make a quick choice and purchase a readily available brand. Level of involvement: Many aspects of consumer buying decisions are affected by the individuals level of involvement; it determines why he or she is motivated to seek information about this product and brand but virtually ignores others. The extensiveness of the buying decision process varies greatly with the consumers level of involvement. The sequence of the steps in this process may also be altered. Low-involvement buyers may form an attitude about this product and evaluate its features after purchasing it rather than before. Conversely, high-involvement buyers spend much time and effort researching their purchase beforehand. Such TV set is a product that undergoes a great deal of investigation before they are chosen. Psychological factors influencing the buying decision process Operating within individuals partly determine peoples general behavior and thus influence their behavior as consumers. Perception Different people perceive the same thing at the same time in different ways. Similarly, the same individual at different times may perceive the same product in a number of ways. Perception is the process information inputs are the sensations received through sight, hearing, and touch the product. Perception is a three-step process. Although consumers receive numerous pieces of information at once, only a few of them reach awareness. They select certain inputs and ignore many others because they do not have the ability to be conscious of every input at the same time. This phenomenon is sometimes called selective exposure because they select inputs that are to be exposed to their awareness. For example if they are concentrating reading this paragraph, they probably are not aware that car outside making noise, that the light is on, or that they are touching this book. Even though they are receiving these inputs, they ignore them until they are mentioned. For example a person hoping to buy this TV set is likely to watch an advertisement containing TV set information. An input is likely to reach awareness if the information helps satisfy current needs. If the intensity of an input changes significantly, the input is more likely to reach awareness. When a store manager reduces a price slightly, they may not notice because the change is not significant, but if the manager cuts the price in half, they are much more likely to recognize the reduction. Motives Is an internal energizing force that directs activities towards satisfying a need or achieving a goal. Motivation is the set of mechanisms for controlling movement toward goals. A buyers action at any time is affected by a set of motives rather than by just one. At a single point in time, some motives in the set have priority, but the priorities of motives vary from one time to another. For example, a persons motives for having this TV set when not having a TV set rather than if having an old TV set. Motivation also affects the direction and intensity of behavior. Individuals must choose which goals to pursue at a particular time. A buyer may use a particular shop because of such patronage motives as price, service, location, honesty, product variety, or friendliness of salespeople. Thats why Sony marketers should try to determine why regular customers patronize a store and then emphasis these characteristics in the stores marketing mix. The marketing department should do researching by asking group of people for example what motivates them, why they keep buying that brand even if they know that brand is not as good quality as Sony. Keep researching what motivates them by other brands and what are motives of other brands. Ability and knowledge Individuals vary in their ability, their competence and efficiency in performing tasks. One ability of inters to marketers is an individuals capacity to learn. Learning refers to changes in a persons behavior caused by information and experience. The consequence of behavior strongly influences the learning process. Behavior that results in satisfying consequences tends to be repeated. For example, when a consumer buys a TV set and likes it, he or she is more likely to advise friends or relatives to buy the same TV set with the same brand he/she bought. In fact, the individual will probably continue to purchase that brand until it longer provides satisfaction. But when the affects of the behavior are no longer satisfying, the person will switch to a different brand. This is very important for marketers in SONY Company to keep searching for reasons that makes individuals satisfied with this product related to the marketing mix. Buyers when making purchasing decisions, have to process information. Individuals have differing abilities in this regard. For example, when purchasing this TV set , a well-educated potential buyer who has experience with technology and good brands available in the market may be able to read, comprehend, and synthesis the considerable quantities of information in technical brochures for various competing brands. On the other hand, another buyer with more limited abilities may be incapable of performing this task and will have to rely on information obtained from advertisements or from a sales representative of a particular brand. Here SONY marketers should offer all informations that attract different levels of people, and choose smart advertisements that introduce the product, and its benefits. Inexperienced buyers use different types of information from more experienced shoppers who are familiar with the product and purchase situation. Inexperienced buyers use price as an indicator of quality more frequently than buyers who have some knowledge of a particular product category. So sources of information are different, while buyers with expertise are more confidence to compare and find direct information related to the product, consumers who lack expertise may seek the advice of others making a purchase or take a long a friend. Marketers should be aware of what general consumer back ground of the company and its products, while some consumers think SONY is quite expensive others believe that SONY has the best quality and so on, here SONY have to create the best tools of providing positive information and knowledge for those Attitude Refers to knowledge and positive or negative feelings about the product. The acts towards which consumers have attitudes may be tangible or intangible, living or non-living. An individual learns attitudes through experience and interaction with other people. Just as attitudes are learned, they can be also changed. An individuals attitudes remain generally stable and do not change from moment to moment. Likewise, at any one time, a persons attitudes do not all have equal impact; some are stronger than others. Consumer attitudes towards a firm and its products greatly influence the success or failure of the firms marketing strategy. When consumers have strong negative attitudes towards one or more aspects of a firms marketing practices, they may not only stop using the firms product but also urge their relatives and friends to do likewise. For example, one of SONY stores in NORTH AFRICA is was not trusted by wide range of customers because of unfair prices related to other branches in the MIDDEL EAST countries, consumers in those countries does not know that was not SONY company, so the image of SONY was affected in that area, and sales started to flow down because of that big mistake by the company who was representing SONY company in NORTH AFRICA. Marketers in SONY should always measure consumers attitudes towards prices, package design, the brand name, advertisements, salespeople, services after sale, stores locations, features of the product, and also social responsibility activities. Several methods can help gauge these attitudes. One of the simplest ways is to question people directly. Asking about the consumer satisfaction about the TV set, are they satisfied with quality and the price, knowing the feedback of consumers, and keep going determining the positive and negative points , to check the performance of all steps involved while marketing the product, trying to attract more consumers by studying their attitudes. Personality Includes all the internal traits and behaviors that make a person unique. Each persons unique personality arises from both heredity and personal experience. Personalities are typically describes as having one or more characteristics, such as compulsiveness, ambitiousness, gregariousness, dogmatism, authoritarianism, introversion, extroversion, aggressiveness, competitiveness. Here should attempt to find relationships among such characteristics and buying behavior. Even though a few links between several personality characteristics and buyer behavior have been determined, the results of many studies have been inconclusive. Some researchers see the apparently weak association between personality and buying behavior as due to unreliable measures rather than a lack of relationship. A number of marketers are convinced that a consumers personality does influence the types and brands of products purchased. For example the type TV set brand that a person buys may reflect one or more personality characteristics. At times, SONY aim advertising campaigns at general types of personalities. In doing so, they use positively valued personality characteristics, such as gregariousness, independence, or competitiveness. Most products promoted this way. Social factors influencing the buying decision process The forces that other people exert on buying behavior. Roles and family influences Every person occupies position within groups, organizations, and institutions. Associated with each position is a role. A set of actions and activities that a person in a particular position is supposed to perform, based on the expectations of both the individual and surrounding persons. Because people occupy numerous positions, they also have many roles. For example, a man may perform the roles of son, wife, father, employee or employer, civic organization member, and student in an evening class. Thus are several sets of expectations placed on each persons behavior. An individuals roles influence both general behavior and buying behavior. The demands of a persons role may be inconsistent and confusing. To illustrate, assume that the man mentioned above is thinking about buying this TV set. While he wants this TV set to enjoy watching world news or football games, his children want to watch cartoons or connect the screen to play station and play games. His wife wants him to delay the TV set purchase until next month. A colleague at work insists that he should buy a particular brand, known for high quality. Thus an individuals buying behavior is partially affected by input and opinions of family and friends. Family roles related directly to purchase decisions. The male head of household is likely to be involved heavily in the purchase of this product. Deciding if its the right time to purchase or not. Although female roles have changed, women still make buying decisions related to many household items. Husbands and wives participate jointly in the purchase of products, especially durable goods such this TV set. Some young men aged 25 to 35 who is getting married in summer season; their brand loyalty can be quite changeable. In this case marketers in SONY frequently promote for such product during holidays to catch this hard to reach group at time when they are more receptive to a promotional message. When two or more family members participate in a purchase, their roles may dictate each is responsible for performing certain tasks: initiating the idea, gathering information, deciding whether to buy this TV set, or selecting another brand. Thats why marketers need to be aware of how roles affect buying behavior. To develop a marketing mix that precisely meets the needs of the target market, and they must know not only who does the actual buying, but also what other roles influence the purchase. Because sex roles are changing so rapidly, they must ensure that information is current and accurate. Reference groups A group becomes a reference group when an individual identifies with it so much that he or she takes on many of the values, attitudes, or behavior of group members. The person who views a group as a reference group may or may not know the actual size of the group. Most people have several reference groups, such as families, friends, religious, civic, and professional organizations. A group can be negative reference group for an individual. Someone may have been a part of a specific group at one time but later rejected its values and members. One can also specifically take action to avoid a particular group. A reference group may serve as a point of comparison and a source of information for an individual. A customers behavior may change to be more in line with the actions and beliefs of a group member. For example, a person might stop buying one brand of TV set and switch to SONY on the advice of members of the reference group. Generally, the more conspicuous the product, the more likely it is that the brand decision will be reference group. This days reference groups plays a big role affecting the buying decision, specially in advertising and the way the company choose to promote for the product, it was a very successful experience when SONY do a smart advertisement for its products specially TV screens, a lot of consumers enjoyed watching the Brazilian football player RECARDO KAKA doing the advertisement, he attracted a lot of customers, even who dont watch football matches. Social classes Within all societies, people rank others into higher or lower positions of respect. This ranking results in social classes. A social class is an open group of individuals who have similar social rank. A class referred to as open because people can move into and out of it. The criteria for grouping people into classes vary from one society to another. In western countries, many factors are taken into account, including occupation, education, income, wealth, race, ethnic group, and possession. In some countries like Arabic countries, wealth and income are more important than education and occupation in determining social classes. A person is ranking someone does not necessarily apply all of societys criteria. The number and the importance of the factors chosen depend on the characteristics of the individual being ranked and the values of the person who is doing the ranking. Social class influence many aspects. For example, it affects childhood training, choice of religion, selection of occupation, and how people spend their time. Because social class has a bearing on so many aspects of a persons life, it also affect buying decisions, for example, upper-class seem to prefer luxury automobiles such as the BMW and MERCEDES-BENZ, which symbolize their status, income, and financial comfort. Thos upper-class would buy TV set with the latest technologies available which is full HD screens and 3D with 60ince size with all the accessories, they like to make it like a home cinema they might spend large amount of money to buy such a TV set. Culture and subculture Is everything in surroundings that is made by human beings. It consists of tangible items, and intangible concepts, such as education, welfare, and laws. Culture also includes the values and wide range of behaviors that are acceptable within a specific society. Are learned and passed on from one generation to the next. Culture influences buying behavior because it permeates daily lives. It determines what people wear, eat, where to live and travel. It also influences how people buy and use products and the satisfaction gained from them. While some countries spend a lot of time watching TV , others might spend much time surfing the internet, so culture determines how TV purchased and used, it in turn affects all the marketing mix, promotion, distribution, and pricing of the product. Marketing mix The Market Mix (often referred to as the 4-Ps) Refers to the unique blend of marketing Elements designed to meet the needs of the Organizations target market. The Marketing Mix consists of the organizations à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Product à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Price à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Promotion à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Distribution (Place) Understanding how to position the market offering Putting the right product in the right place, at the right price, at the right time. We already have created a TV set that is a particularly group of customers wants, now we put it on sale in a place that those same customers visit regularly, and price it at a level which matches the value they feel they get out of it; and do all that at a time they want to buy. Theres a lot of truth in this idea. However, a lot of hard work needs to go into finding out what customers want, and identifying where they do their shopping. Then we need to figure out how to produce the item at a price that represents value to them, and get it all to come together at the critical time. The marketing mix is a good place to start when we are thinking through our plans for this TV set, and it helps avoid any kind of mistakes. The marketing mix and the 4 Ps of marketing are often used as synonyms for each other. In fact, they are not necessarily the same thing. Marketing mix is a general phrase used to describe the different kinds of choices organizations have to make in the whole process of bringing a product or service to market. The 4 Ps is one way. A good way to understand the 4 Ps is by the questions that we need to ask to define marketing mix. Here are some questions that will help you understand and define each of the four elements: Product What does the customer want from the product/service? What needs does it satisfy? What features does it have to meet these needs? Are there any features weve missed out? Are we including costly features that the customer wont actually use? How and where will the customer use it? What does it look like? How will customers experience it? What size(s), color(s), and so on, should it be? What is it to be called? How is it branded? How is it differentiated versus your competitors? What is the most it can cost to provide, and still be sold sufficiently profitably? (See also Price, below). Place Where do buyers look for this product? If they look in a store, what kind? A specialist boutique or in a supermarket, or both? Or online? Or direct, via a catalogue? How can you access the right distribution channels? Do you need to use a sales force? Or attend trade fairs? Or make online submissions? Or send samples to catalogue companies? What does competitors do, and how can we learn from that and/or differentiate? Price What is the value of the product to the buyer? Are there established price points for the product in this area? Is the customer price sensitive? Will a small decrease in price gain extra market share? Or will a small increase be indiscernible, and so gain extra profit margin? What discounts should be offered to trade customers, or to other specific segments of your market? How will the price compare competitors? Promotion Where and when can we get across marketing messages to target market? Will we reach audience by advertising in the press, or on TV, or radio, or on billboards? By using direct marketing mail shot? On the Internet? When is the best time to promote? Is there seasonality in the market? Are there any wider environmental issues that suggest or dictate the timing of market launch, or the timing of subsequent promotions? How do competitors do their promotions? And how does that influence your choice of promotional activity? The 4Ps model is just one of many marketing mix lists that have been developed over the years. And, whilst the questions listed above are the key, they are just a subset of the detailed probing that may be required to optimize marketing mix. Amongst the other marketing mix models have been developed over the years is Boom and Banters 7Ps, sometimes called the extended marketing mix, which include the first 4 Ps, plus people, processes and physical layout decisions. Another marketing mix approach is Lautenbergs 4Cs, which presents the elements of the marketing mix from the buyers, rather than the sellers, perspective. It is made up of Customer needs and wants (the equivalent of product), Cost (price), Convenience (place) and Communication (promotion). In
Friday, September 20, 2019
Modern European History Essay -- essays research papers
Modern European History 1. What did Paul Valery mean in saying that the mind of Europe doubted itself profoundly? Â Â Â Â Â Before 1914, people in Europe believed in progress, peace, prosperity, reason, and rights of individuals. During that time, people began to believe in the Enlightenment, industrial developments were just starting and scientific advances began to take place. People then really believed in progression and further developments. Â Â Â Â Â Unfortunately, World War I broke out. Nevertheless, the optimistic people of Europe still did not doubt the outcome and were so convinced that it was not going to have any long term effects. They looked toward happier times and hoped life will go back to where it was before. But little did they know, as a result of the war, total war broke out and crushed all the hopes and accomplishments that the people had established. This shocking reality was unbearable and uncomprehending to the people's hopes and dreams. And as this lasted over the years, the age of anxiety was created. People didn't know or what to expect anymore. They did not know what was going to happen after the war. They're so devastated by the war that many who were still alive lost faith and all hopes. Many intellectuals began to doubt the Enlightenment and even the future of Western civilization. This state of uncertainty and unpredictability brought out many modern philosophers of that time. One of them was a Fren...
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Television and Media - Daytime Talk TV is Immoral Essay -- Argumentati
Daytime Talk TV is Immoral Today’s society has become a visually based culture and, as a result, people learn and act from what they see. With the advent of television, many programs have been aired ranging from news programs to sitcoms and from game shows to talk shows, but talk shows, today, have the most effect on the public. Daily, viewers turn on their televisions and many are bombarded with images of sex, drugs, and violence on the talk shows. Unfortunately, many people are either disturbed or affected by what they see. As Vicki Abt and Leonardo Mustazza point out in their article, â€Å"Coming After Oprah: Cultural Fallout in the Age of the TV Talk Show,†â€Å"Surely long-term exposure to this genre has consequences for the way we judge ideas, behaviors, and ‘values’†. . .†(Abt and Mustazza 26). Despite many people’s beliefs that daytime talk TV today is purely entertainment, it is certain that it presents many immoral values and distorts th e reality of how our society should behave. One negative effect that talk shows have on their viewers is the false sense of reality portrayed to children. Many viewers of daytime talk TV are young children because many are not in school when these programs are being aired since they are not old enough to attend yet, or they have come back from school. Sadly, these children are exposed to the distortion of reality portrayed from these talk shows. Shows, such as Jenny Jones, Ricki Lake, and Jerry Springer, are constantly having guests who speak about topics like sex and drugs, and there is always violence as well. In most episodes, the guests are either cursing at each other or attempting to attack one another. Children viewing these episodes may begin to grasp a f... ... America needs to step back and take a look at what these talk shows are doing to society as a whole and rethink exactly what should be on talk shows and what should not. People are being corrupted with these images of sex, drugs, and violence, and it needs to come to an end. Though talk shows are not solely responsible for the way people behave or think, they are a big part of it. As they are teaching corrupted morals and values, it is obvious that talk shows are not purely entertainment, but are very immoral. Works Cited Abt, Vicki and Leonard Mustazza. â€Å"Coming After Oprah: Cultural Fallout in the Age of the TV Talk Show.†Reading Culture. 4th ed. Ed. Diana George and John Trimbur. New York: Longman, 2001. 25-27. Willis, Ellen. â€Å"Bring in the Noise.†Reading Culture. 4th ed. Ed. Diana George and John Trimbur. New York: Longman, 2001. 34-37.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Intelligence Essays -- essays research papers
Intelligence (what it is, and what it is not)      Today more then ever one can sit back and look out upon the world around them. One can look in the homes and see the children busy with homework. One can see the computers sorting through mass amounts of information. One can also see nature exist as it has for countless years. Over history as the Human race has developed it has taken a fascination in the world around it. It’s main query is what separates it from the rest of what can be found on this small blue green planet called Earth? One of the commonly held answers to this is intelligence; but what is intelligence? What has it and what dose not? This is what shall be covered through the duration of this paper. Intelligence- The ability to process the information found in one’s surroundings and use it to make a logical decision based on more then just environmental stimuli. The ability to store that information until it is further needed. The ability to build upon the previously known information to help to improve the conditions of that beings existence.      This definition covers all the main points in which an intelligent being should have. This said there may result some confusion as to what certain words imply, because of this the next few sentences shall be devoted to clearing such confusion. The first word is surroundings; Surroundings are the habitat or environment in which that being can be found. Logic is the...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Nelson Mandela a Most Admired Hero Essay
Nelson Mandela is one of the best examples of heroes in contemporary times. He devoted his life to end the apartheid in South Africa. His struggle and devotion to this cause was so important that we could say that the international movement of solidarity with the struggle for freedom in South Africa was arguably the biggest social movement the world has seen. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born on the 18th of July 1918 is a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and politician who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was the first black South African to hold the office, and the first elected in a fully representative, multiracial election. His government focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid through tackling institutionalized racism, poverty and inequality, and fostering racial reconciliation. A Xhosa born to the Thembu royal family, Mandela attended Fort Hare University and the University of Witwatersrand, where he studied law. Living in Johannesburg, he became involved in anti-colonial politics, joining the African National Congress and becoming a founding member of its Youth League. After the Afrikaner nationalists of the National Party came to power in 1948 and began implementing the policy of apartheid, he rose to prominence in the ANC’s 1952Defiance Campaign, was elected President of the Transvaal ANC Branch and oversaw the 1955 Congress of the People. Working as a lawyer, he was repeatedly arrested for seditious activities and, with the ANC leadership, was prosecuted in the Treason Trial from 1956 to 1961 but was found not guilty. Read more: The person I admire essay example Although initially committed to non-violent protest, in association with the South African Communist Party he co-founded the militant Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) in 1961, leading a bombing campaign against government targets. In 1962 he was arrested, convicted of sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the government, and sentenced to life imprisonment in the Rivonia Trial. On 11 February 1990, Nelson Mandela is released from Victor Verster Prison after 27 years spent in jail. Four years later, Mandela is elected the first black President of South Africa. His presidency faces enormous challenges in the post-Apartheid era, including rampantnpoverty and crime. Mandela is particularly concerned about racial divisions between black and white South Africans, which could lead to violence. The ill will which both groups hold towards each other is seen even in his own security detail where relations between the established white officers, who had guarded Mandela’s predecessors, and the black ANC additions to the security detail, are frosty and marked by mutual distrust. While attending a game of the Springboks, the country’s rugby union team, Mandela recognizes that the blacks in the stadium cheer against their â€Å"home†squad, as the mostly-white Springboks represent prejudice and apartheid in their minds. He remarks that he did the same while imprisoned on Robben Island. Knowing that South Africa is set to host the 1995 Rugby World Cup in one year’s time, Mandela persuades a meeting of the newly black-dominated South African Sports Committee to support the Springboks. He then meets with the captain of the Springboks rugby team, Franà §ois Pienaar, and implies that a Springboks victory in the World Cup will unite and inspire the nation. Mandela also shares with Franà §ois a British poem, â€Å"Invictus, which had inspired him during his time in prison. Franà §ois and his teammates train. Many South Africans, both black and white, doubt that rugby will unite a nation torn apart by some 50 years of racial tensions. For many blacks, especially the radicals, the Springboks symbolize white supremacy. Both Mandela and Pienaar, however, stand firmly behind their theory that the game can successfully unite the South African country. Things begin to change as the players interact with the fans and begin a friendship with them. During the opening games, support for the Springboks begins to grow among the black population. By the second game, the whole country comes together to support the Springboks and Mandela’s efforts. Mandela’s security team also grows closer as the various officers come to respect their comrades’ professionalism and dedication. The Springboks surpass all expectations and qualify for the final against The All Blacksâ€â€South Africa’s arch-rivals. New Zealand and South Africa were universally regarded as the two greatest rugby nations, with the Springboks being the only side to have a winning record against the All Blacks up to this point. The first test series between the two countries in 1921 was the beginning of an intense rivalry, with emotions running high whenever the two nations met on the rugby field. Before the game, the Springbok team visits Robben Island, where Mandela spent the first 18 of 27 years in jail. Franà §ois Pienaar mentions his amazement that Mandela â€Å"could spend thirty years in a tiny cell, and come out ready to forgive the people who put him there†. Supported by a large home crowd of both races, Pienaar motivates his team. Mandela’s security detail receives a scare when, just before the match, a South African Airways Boeing 747 jetliner flies in low over the stadium. It is not an assassination attempt though, but a demonstration of patriotism, with the message â€Å"Good Luck, Bokke† the Springboks’ Afrikaans nickname  painted on the undersides of the plane’s wings. The Springboks win the match with a score of 15–12. Mandela and Pienaar meet on the field together to celebrate the improbable and unexpected victory. Mandela’s car then drives away in the traffic-jammed streets leaving the stadium. As Mandela watches the South Africans celebrating together from the car, his voice is heard reciting â€Å"Invictus†. Mandela has been a controversial figure for much of his life. Right-wing critics denounced him as a terrorist and communist sympathizer. He nevertheless gained international acclaim for his anti-colonial and anti-apartheid stance, having received more than 250 honors, including the 1993Nobel Peace Prize, the US Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Soviet Order of Lenin. He is held in deep respect within South Africa, where he is often referred to by his Xhosa clan name, Madiba, or as Tata (â€Å"Father†); he is often described as â€Å"the father of the nation†.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Pros and Cons of Free Trade
IntroductionFree trade is an agreement between two or more countries in exchange for goods and/or services without the enforcement of tariffs or duties and at a benefit for each country. Advocates in favor of free trade believe that it gives Americans a better standard of living because of the goods and services received at such low prices. Free trade strengthens the U.S economy, creates jobs, spreads the value of freedom, reinforces the rule of law, and helps under developed countries.(White n.d).Most foreign countries can manufacture goods at lower cost so we pay less for them. Economists of free trade believe that when we sell more of our products overseas, American businesses can employ more people. Opponents who oppose U.S. free trade believe that it has caused many job losses here in the U.S and is not good for the economy. Many jobs overseas can be performed for a fraction of the cost of what American workers earn; so many U.S jobs are outsourced. Opponents also stress the unf ortunate exploitation of workers in underdeveloped countries and the defiling of their resources.Lastly the free trade agreement is a little one- sided, the U.S buys more goods from overseas than what other countries buy from us.THE PROS AND CONS OF FREE TRADE 3The advantage of free trade is the goods and services that can be bought at a reasonable cost. Also, the use of less expensive materials and labor acquired through free trade leads to a lower cost of manufactured goods. Dollar Tree is an example of how free trade has allowed this business to grow. This dollar store sells all of its goods for one flat rate of $1 to the American consumer. Normally, a pack of batteries would be $4.00 but at Dollar Tree it is $1. A large loaf of bread , frozen food, cleaning agents, head phones, pet supplies, baby clothes, toys, and more are just $1, all items are imported from either Mexico, China, Japan, Brazil or the Philippines.â€Å"Deep discounts translates into savings in food and goods. Denise Froming of The Benefits of Free Trade: A Guide For Policymakers states, â€Å"Because of these low prices the U.S. economy has grown by more than 23 percent, adding more than $2.1 trillion to the nation's gross domestic product (GDP) and raising the wealth of the average American consumer by more than $5,500†(Froming 2000). Although, these are tremendous savings brought about by these imports, it would be better to see U.S jobs and more American products made here at reasonable cost.The disadvantage of outsourcing jobs is how it impacts on American workers, for example in Ohio a once lucrative steel manufacturing company, named Republic Steel, became America's third largest steel company. Wikipedia states, â€Å"Republic Steel remained prosperous until the 1970s, but because of cheaper foreign imports, rising labor costs, and other factors they began to go under. In 1984 in an exchange of hands Republic merged into LTV steel but unfortunately, in December 2001, LTV fi led for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.†(Wikipedia 2014).THE PROS AND CONS OF FREE TRADE 4The steel plant was leveled and now in its place stands a Wal-Mart super store, the size of three football fields. The benefits of discount pricing do not outweigh the drawbacks of not having jobs. Hundreds of jobs were lost when Republic Steel went under and we now get our steel from Mexico†¦ Coincidentally, while writing this paper Ohio governor Kasich is bringing back Republic Steel with the help of a Mexican steel giant ICH who has brought Republic Steel out of bankruptcy.Ohio is producing shale oil and will need a steel plant to make pipes for gas lines within the next year. The average income with overtime and night shifts will be $50,000, and if this deal goes through it will inject more money into Ohio’s economy.(Schoenberger, 2011). In the U.S you have to pay at least minimum wage so, some companies who want to reap a high profit go to other countries and exploit those worker s. For example a pair of Michael Jordan tennis shoes made in China and Vietnam for around $7 resells for $70-180 here in the U.S.(Wiki n.d)The workers that produce these shoes in sweat shops make less than $2.46 per day with no benefits. (Jonathan n.d). The entrepreneurs who exploit the resources and labor of third world countries discredit what free trade is all about. What is needed is a balance of goods and services along with keeping a fair percentage of jobs for Americans. There should also be some way to police entrepreneurs from exploiting the resources of other countries.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
A Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams
This is the story in continuation. The Restaurant at the end of the Universe begins from where The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy ended. Ford Perfect, Trillian, Arthur Dent and Zaphod Beeblebrox are suddenly attacked by a Vogon ship, as they left the planet Magrathea.A cup of Tea had caused the problem, the computer remained jammed to put through that difficult demand, and the Improbability Drive failed to function. Destiny played its part, Zaphod Beeblebrox, the Fourth ancestor of Zaphod’s saves them.Zaphod and Marvin disappear and reappear at the Offices of the Guide on Ursa Minor Beta. When they reach the fifteenth floor, half of the building is suddenly lifted off of the ground by Frogstar Fighters. Zaphod passes through and experiences many a strange places and events and finally finds a space liner abandoned 9 centuries ago. The passengers in it are still alive through an intense life support system. They are yet to receive the supply of ordered lemon-soaked pap er napkins.The situation is further confounded with the confusing situation about numbers, arithmetical calculations and the English syllables. The shrunk Heart of Gold in the jacket pocket of Zaphod, makes this mystery character more mysterious. His friends emerge out of it and are assimilated into it, under strange procedures. The story ends with Zaphod and Trillian return to the Heart of Gold, and it is commandeered by Zarniwoop.The writer creates one impossible situation after the other and in stories of this genre, suspense is the natural outcome. Adam’s wit and humor add more punch to the storyline. The fight between the computers is comparable between the fight amongst the human beings. My reaction to the climax of the story is, let more such stories come out from the pen of Douglas Adams.b) Setting: Discuss how the setting (time and place) enhanced the storyThe objective of the characters in the book is to reach the restaurant at the end of universe. A time wrap t echnology is put into operation; they dine and go back to resume their normal activities, at the same time the end of universe continues to happen.The trips can be made daily. But they are difficult, the robots and computers are not co-operative. Odd situations arise, as the computers are created with emotions and intelligence. An interesting part of the story is that an order for lemon-soaked napkins remained unexecuted for over 900 years in a spaceship. Some of our slow-moving government departments need to take lessons from this episode.c) Characterization: Discuss the characters, their motives, your reactions to them:The characters are enjoyable. One can experience lots of fun and satire in the writings of Adams. The characters provide first grade entertainment. When there is no logic in the plot, it is futile to expect that the characters will be logical.Reading this novel means to travel on a â€Å"Travel as you like†ticket; or sailing in a rudderless boat. The sum and substance of the story is like the mind of a directionless and destination less youth! The ‘mental’ condition of most of the characters is like that of an ejected pilot from a crashed plane-you don’t know when you will land or whether you will land safely! But they are no ordinary comical situations.There is an element of genius right through the entire story. Just turn the next page-the contents of the previous page will make that happen with you! The characters have a lasting quality about them and they faithfully discharge the duties and responsibilities for which they are created. As compared to human beings, they do better in this respect.d) Themes: What were some of the issues or lessons that emerged from the novel?Man’s obsession with making machines and dependence upon advanced technological equipments, will not do well to him in the long run. They will complicate and confuse his life and take away the charm from his activities. Adams brings life into the machines. Like human beings they to have emotions.Adams has given the example of Elevators (Sirius Cybernetics Corporation Happy Vertical People Transporters) which are tired of their monotonous job of going up and down.Adams describes the distress of the Elevators, thus: â€Å"Not unnaturally, many elevators imbued with intelligence and precognition become terribly frustrated with the mindless business of going up and down, up and down, experimented briefly with the notion of going sideways, as sort of an existential protest, demanded participation in the decision making process and finally took to squatting in basements sulking.†(Adams, 1980, p.47) –an apt comparison to the demands of the labor force engaged in doing monotonous and repetitive jobs. No satisfaction, no joy in such types of work!e) Style: Discuss what was unique or interesting about the writer’s language or style. Sometimes dream sequences or flashbacks, symbols, or vivid imagery e nhance a writer’sThe plight of Marvin, the robot evokes sympathy. He is capable of any function; he is smart and strong but remains depressed. He possesses amazing language processing skills and he utilizes it to narrate his mental torture. He is neglected by everyone; he has no solutions to his own woes.The situation where an unarmed Marvin succeeds in defeating the ruthlessly powerful battle robot looks as if it is a real-life situation. It speaks about the vivid imagination of the writer. In spite of the frightening situations created that make one’s heart throb and palpitate, the novel is a comedy. That makes it highly readable.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Cosi Essay
Moreover, Nowra displays black comedy through the character’s uncouth and crude dialogue. The approach of a play within a play is used to mirror the life of Lewis within the play itself. It is only through the use of these structural techniques. It is only through the utilisation of such structural techniques that Nowra is able to accentuate the intensity and dramatic impact of Cosi The initial and most dominant structural technique used by Nowra to vividly and visually depict to the audience love and our compassion for ‘others’ in our society, is his use of structure in the text. Act one begins with the play opening in an old and burnt out theatre; theatre; this symbolises the presence of confusion and uncertainty in the atmosphere. However, the theatre undergoes a slow transformation for the characters as the rehearsals gradually progresses. The first act of the play is used to depict the relationship of the characters and their perception of the outside world, â€Å"Will outsiders see the show? †by asking this, Cherry acknowledges the difference between the world she exists in and the rest of society, distancing herself from the outside world and the people in it. Act one show the internal relationships of the characters, which eventually applies the dramatic impact. Moreover, the second act of the play is designed to portray the inner workings of the character’s minds. Nowra uses employs the technique of contrasting the two acts in order to not only show the transformation experiences by the characters, but to also show the two different perspectives of mental health in the 1970s. Thus, Nowra asserts through this technique that there are in fact two competing perspectives of mental health, one within the institution and also an ‘outside’ perception, hence challenging the characters own values and beliefs. *** It can be understood that Nowra uses the structural techniques of contrasting two acts, in order to show a transformation undergone by the characters and to show the inner working verses the outside perspective of mental health in the 1970s. They face their own challenges and values as they learn more about their own abilities. Nowra also demonstrates to the audience that these are ‘extraordinary people’ not judgmentally insane, â€Å"Cosi gave me something to think about, something to do, see I’m happy coming to this burnt out theatre†. Through the use of the two contrasting acts, the audience is Shown the character’s extraordinary change which is accentuated by the use of structural techniques such as the juxtaposition of the two acts, Which allows the characters to transform and finally â€Å"come out of their shells†. Nowra also uses dialogue to contrast characters and highlight to the audience that they are people worthy of viewing in a play. Nowra challenges the audience’s perception of mental health in the twentieth century when he introduces the character Doug, who is a ___(frail and broken young man who perceives life as ‘nothing more than a pile of crap’). Doug’s dialogue is direct and blunt but also intelligent and socially correct when he says _________________________________________________________ the way ‘outsiders’ deal with mental illness in the institution. His use of uninhibited directness highlights that the patients are not afraid to say what they are thinking and that what they are thinking is the same as a person in a broader society. â€Å"You’re not deaf are you? †this type of dialogue indicates that he knows how to behave socially, as he asks the right questions, in fact Lewis seems as if he is mental, hence why Doug asks if he is deaf. In the conversation with Doug and Lewis we see Doug asking questions, which seem to be inappropriate, Lewis ________________quote for when he uses synonyms_______hesitantly replies. Do you love her? , does she sleep around†¦. †From this we see that Doug has good mental agility, as his sequence of Questions are in fact, socially correct.. Moreover, Dough is portrayed as intelligent which is highlighted when he articulates synonyms for ‘location’ and ‘dwelling’. The directness comes at his question, â€Å"are you a poofta? †which ultimate ly gets the laugh from the audience; It is these uncensored, blunt and awkward lines that create the desired shocked but amused response from the audience. The Play within a play is a technique employed to mirror Lewis’ life with the words of an opera and escalate the desired dramatic response by Nowra. When mirroring Lewis’ life, Nowra touches on the theme of love and compels the audience to assess their own attitudes to love at the conclusion of the play. We are encouraged to empathise with the characters as they discover the value of love and loyalty. (Find a quote research play within a play. ) â€Å"What is going to happen to the couples in the future: a life of torment and adultery†. Nowra purposely draws on the consequences of immorality through Zac to show the generalisation on the modern world, towards the end of the play this statement ironically contests’ the final events of Cosi fan tute. Another effect that the play within a play acts as is a filter which allows the audience to see the issues of the external world through the behaviours of the characters. Nowra anticipates the audience to tap into the worries and dilemmas that they face from the actors, â€Å"It’s just that in here you miss out on a lot of changes in society’s morals†. The audience are also involved in the actor’s reality and are able to relate to their lives and reconsider and redefine their own morals and values. Consequently, the audience are drawn into the play to such a real level that they are affected by the character’s problems, feelings, motivations and search for reality. Thus, the technique of mirroring the character’s lives creates a surreal and realistic impact on the audience, hence heightening the vivid effect of Cosi. In order to create an intense and dramatic impact of the play, Nowra utilizes various structural techniques throughout Cosi. The use of two contrasting acts displays the transformation of many significant characters and invites the audience to the concept of transformation of the individual. Moreover, the frank and straightforward dialogue assigned to the characters prove to the audience that Cosi is a play worth viewing and create the desired ‘shock’ response by the audience. Furthermore, Nowra scripts a ‘play within a play’ to compare and contrast the parallel between the play and the lives of the characters, thus extending the dramatic impact of Cosi to each member of the audience.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Quantitative and Qualititative reserch----teenager smoking Research Paper
Quantitative and Qualititative reserch----teenager smoking - Research Paper Example The main reason for the study is to address the increasing rates of smoking among teen in the United Kingdom. This study has two major aims. The first aim is to illustrate the negative effects of smoking, both first hand and second hand, among the teenage demography in the United Kingdom. The second aim of the research is to illustrate measures that address the health challenges cause by teenage smoking. The hypothesis for the study is that; teenager smoking has negative health consequences. The first analyzed study explains that; the addictive drug contained in cigarette smoke is called nicotine. The addiction causes the teenage smokers to go on with the habit of consuming tobacco. Addicted teenage smokers consume adequate nicotine levels to achieve their craving needs. Individuals, who crave high nicotine levels, consume more cigarette products. Tobacco smoke has more than 60 chemicals that cause cancer. Smoking, therefore, harms almost all body organs. The second study focuses on the health consequences of smoking. Short term effects of smoking include; nicotine addiction and respiratory effects. The long term effects of smoking entails reduced lung functioning and minimized lung growth. Other generate effects involves heart strokes during later stages of life, and heart diseases. The third research study shows the demographics involving teenage and children smoking. In 2014, approximately 4% of children and teens aged between 11 and 15 continuously smoke not less th an one cigarette every week. However, regular teenage smokers in the United Kingdom consume an average of 36 cigarettes per week. The three studies employed appropriate research techniques. This is because they applied both quantitative and qualitative approaches of research, during data analysis (Laura 2008). The main limitation in the three studies involved minimum time duration for collecting data. Respondents normally required adequate
Thursday, September 12, 2019
The Theme of Dedication in the Movie Chariots of Fire Essay
The Theme of Dedication in the Movie Chariots of Fire - Essay Example This is because it involves the making of significant sacrifices, crucial decisions and options. It additionally involves the taking of several bold, courageous and unusual steps. At times, the choices may be tough if two vital options are involved. It is such choices that may lead to criticisms and discouragements from others. In this case, dedication plays an essential role in giving an individual the will to continue while bearing in mind the benefits of his or her activities. Ultimately the fruits of the action of dedicated people are shown from the impact they create in the society as well as the reputation they present to the society. Dedication and Perseverance in â€Å"Chariot of Fire†The main theme brought out in this movie is that of dedication and commitment. This is shown in the events and results of the races in which Abraham and Liddell participated. It is revealed that for an individual to have this strong drive of dedication there is an underlying reason. This is considered the main element that makes him strong in the implementation of his actions. Abraham notices a high level of anti Semitism among the staff and students at the University of Cambridge. He is convinced that he can take part in an activity that will prove the ability of Jews to succeed and thus eliminate prejudice (Bradshaw par. 1). It is one of the actions that he uses to cover their prejudice and superior feeling by ignoring their criticisms. Liddell, on the other hand, gains enjoyment from serving God as a son of missionary parents. In spite of his sister; Jennie’s disapproval, he is convinced that, through his participation in competitive running, he will get a chance to glorify God (Ben, Charleson and Havers). This is before he goes for missionary work in China. As such, his main dedication is in the overall service of God in different fields. In addition, the action in which someone is to be dedicated should elicit the feeling of enjoyment. Despite the preju dice Abraham enjoys taking part in the Gilbert and Sullivan club. As such, dedication id brought about by various motivational factors. They include the numerous wins and victories that Abrahams gets within the college and in other national competition (Bradley, 576). These include the first time historical win at the Great Court run. It is these activities that give him the confidence of a greater win. It is from this that he attains the dedication to run in the effort to fight prejudice. In â€Å"Chariots of Fire†dedication is detected to be made stronger by the faced obstacles. During the 400 meter race, Liddell is tripped by a Frenchman. He is like Abraham, equally motivated by his performance, and recovers the distance to his win (Ben, Charleson and Havers). This opinion is especially influenced by their convictions to take part in the race. Nonetheless, the main difference between the intended purposes of the Jew and Christian in running activities also reveals this. W hile the Scottish Eric Liddell does it in order to glorify God, the Jewish Harold Abraham runs to escape from prejudice. The desire to achieve these purposes in the race prevents them from being discouraged and instead provides them with the strength to pursue their goals towards success. They thus possess a powerful will despite their different religious and racial affiliations. Ben, Charleson, and Havers use it to show that dedication in the same field surpasses the differences in different aspects.
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