Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Lifes Simple Pleasures in William Wordsworths I Wandered Lonely as a

Lifes Simple Pleasures in William Wordsworths I Wandered Lonely as a smear Edna St. Vincent Millay once wrote, And all the loveliest things there be come simply, so it seems to me. This aphorism clearly accents the meaning of William Wordsworths poem I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud. In his work, the verbalizer reminisces about a past experience in which he saw a beautiful multitude of daffodils swaying in the breeze. As he recollects this scene, the speaker gradually realizes the true beauty he had found that day. Often, some of the simplest things in life go unnoticed and untouched, when, in reality, they are the most precious. Consequently, it is not until later on these extraordinary things are gone forever that their significance is truly understood. Through careful choice of similes, personification, and diction, William Wordsworth clearly expresses that it is the simple things in life, such as Nature, that is so important. One element Wordsworth incorporates in his poem to sign ify the necessity of simplicity in ones life is the simile. The speaker begins his recollection with the emptiness he holds inside as he wandered lonely as a cloud / That floats on high oer vales and hills (Wordsworth 1-2). This simile symbolizes the speakers yearning for something more fulfilling as he wanders through life. Often, clouds move around separated from the rest and are left to wander aimlessly through the sky until they find more clouds to fulfill their emptiness. Wordsworth chooses a cloud to echo the speakers subject because, like a cloud, the speaker perhaps feels separated from everything in life and is simply floating through the patches of daffodils without a destination or purpose in hopes that someday he will discover fulfil... ...t Gale Research, 1986. 389.Perkins, David. Wordsworth and the Poetry of Sincerity. Cambridge Belknap, 1964.Pottle, Frederick A. They Eye and the Object in the Poetry of Wordsworth. Wordsworth Centenary Studies Presented at Cornell a nd Princeton Universities by Douglas Bush and Others (1951) 23-42. Rpt. in <http//www.galenet.com/servlet/LitRC.Salvesen, Christopher. The embellish of Memory A Study of Wordsworths Poetry. Lincoln U of Nebraska P, 1965.Wordsworth, William. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud. The Bedford Introduction to Literature Reading, Thinking, Writing. 5th ed. Ed. Michael Meyer. Boston Bedford/St. Martins, 1999. 1127.-. Preface. lyric Ballads. By William Wordsworth. 1957. 111-133. Rpt. in Nineteenth-Century Criticism. Ed. Laurie Lanzen Harris and Cherie D. Abbey. Detroit Gale Research, 1986. 388-389.

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