Friday, May 31, 2019
Qualitative Data Collection Essay -- Sociology
Qualitative Research Methods A Data Collectors subject field Guide (Mack et al 2005) present practical cultivation on soft data collection methods. I found this guide very informative, easy to understand, field of operation and easy to use for collecting data in qualitative research in the field. This guide provides step by step instructions to conduct qualitative research by choosing the most suitable method for that particular situation. This guide enabled me to successfully conduct my interview assignment for qualitative research course.Mack et al (2005) states the three most common qualitative methods, participant observation, in-depth interviews, and focus groups and explained the situations where these methods atomic number 18 particularly suited for obtaining a specific type of data, e.g. Participant observation is allow for for collecting data on naturally occurring behaviours in their usual contexts. In-depth interviews are optimal for collecting data on individuals pe rsonal histories, perspectives,and experiences, particularly when sensitive topics are being explored. Focus groups are effective in eliciting data on the cultural norms of a group and in generating broad overviews of issues of concern to the cultural groups or subgroups represented. Field notes, audio/ video recordings, and transcripts are the different types of data obtained from the qualitative methods discussed above. Open-ended questions and probing questions enabled the researcher to get more in depth information from the participants. While sample is the representation of the whole population by a small group which is chosen randomly or by certain criteria to number characteristics of the whole population. The objectives of our research question along ... ...on. The handwritten notes are converted into full narratives and then typed and saved into data file of the project into computer. Data warinessTwo to three copies of all the data (field notes, voice recordings, and vi deo recordings & observations transcripts) should be made and kept separately from each other in a unspoilt location. Process of transcription of voice and video recordings and typing of field notes should be started as soon as possible and kept together in an make and systematic fashion. Works CitedMack, N., Woodsong, C., MacQueen, K., Guest, G., & Namey, E. 2005. Qualitative Research Methods A Data Collectors Field Guide. Family Health International, North Carolina, USA. Retrieved fromhttp//
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Katherine Anne Porters The Jilting of Granny Weatherall :: The Jilting of Granny Weatherall
Katherine Anne Porters The Jilting of grannie WeatherallThe Jilting of nanna Weatherall was written by Katherine Anne Porter and first published in 1930. The bill is of a women named Granny Weatherall who is on her deathbed. As she is surrounded by friends and family she remembers the life she has lived. She describes being jilted many another(prenominal) times in her life, first by her husband-to-be and lastly by death. The story was eventually made into a movie directed by Randa Haines. A major radix in the story is that of self-pity. As a dissolving agent of Grannys wedding day jilting she feels sorry for herself throughout the rest of her life. She also has become suspicious of everyone. This is shown when the doctor is speaking to Cornelia in the beginning of the story, outside of Grannys room. Granny exclaims, freshman off go away and dont whisper Granny was apparently under the impression that the two of them were speaking ill of her behind her back. Another roughhewn t heme in many of Katherine Anne Porters stories, including The Jilting of Granny Weatherall, is that of death. Porter was captivated by death and dreamed of having a custom made wooden coffin aft(prenominal) she sawing machine a photograph taken at the funeral of one of her friends. After Porter and her nephew searched New York City Katherine found an ad for a coffin overlord in Montana and placed her order. The coffin arrived exclusively was obviously too large for her and the large colorful flowers were not at all what she expected but disregarding Katherine had her wooden coffin. Even after receiving her coffin she and her nephew discussed arrangements on several occasions. First she wanted to be conceal in the wooden coffin wrap up in a linen bed sheet. Later she decided that she wanted to be cremated and have her ashes scattered in running water. Then she wanted her ashes buried adjoining to her mother and by this time it seemed that the coffin was just a prop to amuse f riends and reporters. These obsessions with her own death may be the reason wherefore many of her writings have themes of death including The Jilting of Granny Weatherall. The main character Granny Weatherall is forced to evaluate how she feels about what her life has been as she lives her last day. Granny Weatherall seems to spread out on disillusionment and despair.Katherine Anne Porters The Jilting of Granny Weatherall The Jilting of Granny WeatherallKatherine Anne Porters The Jilting of Granny WeatherallThe Jilting of Granny Weatherall was written by Katherine Anne Porter and first published in 1930. The story is of a women named Granny Weatherall who is on her deathbed. As she is surrounded by friends and family she remembers the life she has lived. She describes being jilted many times in her life, first by her husband-to-be and finally by death. The story was eventually made into a movie directed by Randa Haines. A major theme in the story is that of self-pity. As a resu lt of Grannys wedding day jilting she feels sorry for herself throughout the rest of her life. She also has become suspicious of everyone. This is shown when the doctor is speaking to Cornelia in the beginning of the story, outside of Grannys room. Granny exclaims, First off go away and dont whisper Granny was apparently under the impression that the two of them were speaking ill of her behind her back. Another common theme in many of Katherine Anne Porters stories, including The Jilting of Granny Weatherall, is that of death. Porter was captivated by death and dreamed of having a custom made wooden coffin after she saw a photograph taken at the funeral of one of her friends. After Porter and her nephew searched New York City Katherine found an ad for a coffin maker in Montana and placed her order. The coffin arrived but was obviously too large for her and the large colorful flowers were not at all what she expected but regardless Katherine had her wooden coffin. Even after receivin g her coffin she and her nephew discussed arrangements on several occasions. First she wanted to be buried in the wooden coffin wrapped in a linen bed sheet. Later she decided that she wanted to be cremated and have her ashes scattered in running water. Then she wanted her ashes buried next to her mother and by this time it seemed that the coffin was just a prop to amuse friends and reporters. These obsessions with her own death may be the reason why many of her writings have themes of death including The Jilting of Granny Weatherall. The main character Granny Weatherall is forced to evaluate how she feels about what her life has been as she lives her last day. Granny Weatherall seems to thrive on disillusionment and despair.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Choosing Between Low-Fat and Low-Carb Diets Essay -- Energy and Intake
Kays compromise is setting her up for troubles. She is doing the acceptable thing by researching the take however she has missed some finer points. While fats at 9 calories per gram do in fact yield more calories per gram than carbohydrates which argon 4 calories per gram and as such do indeed have a greater potential for competency use she is misguided in her intellection and taking an approach where she drops her carbohydrates impression and takes in utmost fat in her diet is perverting the facts. A diet of the energy-dense fats will not be better for her in this event. She needs to trust and listen to her coach and their recommendation for her to see a sports nutrition professional. It will take following a properly guided meal plan for her to be competitive in this event and remain healthy.As Fink points out, Carbohydrates, in the form of glucose, are the main source of fuel for any physical activity. Fats on the other hand are primarily used as a fuel source whil e resting and when performing moderately to low intensity exercises. (Fink, 2012, p.3) Its these facts that are so significant. The event she participates in will be fairly short yet very intense with that in spirit as an 800-meter track athlete the Carbohydrates are going to serve her the best. She will require immediate as well as a short sustained use of energy for her event. While she will be using both energy systems Fink states she will mainly be using anaerobic energy system which is a major contributor to intense activities that last from 1 to 3 minutes. (Fink, 2012, p. 50)Undoubtedly Kay must be experiencing some undesired results during her races which she wants to mitigate. She is managing to do the correct thing by seeking nutrition as the answer. She is cur... ...etermine which adjustments actually need to be made. If Kay is currently truly following a well planned high carbohydrate diet then her issue will be her training.Works CitedAERENHOUTS, D., DERIEMAEKER, P., HEBBELINCK, M., & CLARYS, P. (2011). Energy and macronutrient intake in adolescent sprint athletes A follow-up study. journal Of Sports Sciences, 29(1), 73-82. Fink, Heather Hedrick., Alan E. Mikesky, and Lisa A. Burgoon. (2012). Practical Applications in Sports Nutrition,3rd edition. Sudbury, MA Jones & Bartlett Learning. Hunt, J. (2011). We Can Raise American Distance Runners To Gold Medal Levels. Track Coach, (196), 6239-6247.Rosenkranz, R. R., Cook, C. M., & Haub, M. D. (2007). Endurance Training on Low-Carbohydrate and Grain-Based Diets A Case Study. International Journal Of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism, 17(3), 296-309
Existence of Reality in Christopher Durangs Beyond Therapy and Edward
Existence of Reality in Christopher Durangs Beyond Therapy and Edward Albees Whos hangdog of Virginia Woolf?Growing up, I continuously assumed that my parents would grow old together. I fantasized about introducing my future children to their still-married grandparents and attending, if not personally planning, my parents fiftieth anniversary celebration. Although my parents fought and struggled with areas of perpetual disagreement, somehow things always worked out and in my naivety, I believed they always would. However, as time progressed, the unresolved, and in some cases unspoken, issues that had plagued my parents marriage since its conception festered and ultimately r all(prenominal)ed intractable proportions. As a messy divorce loomed, each parent explained his fluctuation of the events and irreconcilable differences engendering a separation. Although the facts presented in each account matched, my parents respective interpretations of the facts differed greatly. As I liste ned to my parents excuse their inability to get along, I realized that although my parents stories did not match, neither party was actually lying. Each parent simply presented to me his or her version of the tenabilitys for divorce. I knew that somewhere hidden in the subtext of my parents explanations laid the fair play. As I sifted through the slightly convoluted information, I began to wonder, Is reality a relative concept? After reviewing my personal experience, Christopher Durangs play Beyond Therapy, and Edward Albees Whos afraid of Virginia Woolf?, I reached the conclusion that, as inherently anomalous as it seems, reality exists as a relative concept. Ostensibly, in the complexities of a divorce, the true reasons necessitating a permanent... ...xtremes of self-discipline and testifies to the true relativity of reality depending upon mindset.After overcoming her denial and admitting that no son exists, Martha lies prostrate as George asks her, Whos afraid of Virg inia Woolf?(242). Martha wearily replies, IamGeorge.Iam(242). In other words, Whos afraid of the truth? My parents, Stuart of Christopher Durangs Beyond Therapy, and Martha and George from Thomas Albees Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. Ceasing to rationalize reality to suit ones needs entails dealing with the truth and experiencing pain. Therefore, it stands to reason that many smart, reasonable people fall victim to the allure of denial. However, as Martha demonstrates, the walls crumble eventually, and one feels the pain as acutely as ever. So, whos afraid of the truth? The more appropriate question is whos not afraid of the truth?
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Lifes Simple Pleasures in William Wordsworths I Wandered Lonely as a
Lifes Simple Pleasures in William Wordsworths I Wandered Lonely as a smear Edna St. Vincent Millay once wrote, And all the loveliest things there be come simply, so it seems to me. This aphorism clearly accents the meaning of William Wordsworths poem I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud. In his work, the verbalizer reminisces about a past experience in which he saw a beautiful multitude of daffodils swaying in the breeze. As he recollects this scene, the speaker gradually realizes the true beauty he had found that day. Often, some of the simplest things in life go unnoticed and untouched, when, in reality, they are the most precious. Consequently, it is not until later on these extraordinary things are gone forever that their significance is truly understood. Through careful choice of similes, personification, and diction, William Wordsworth clearly expresses that it is the simple things in life, such as Nature, that is so important. One element Wordsworth incorporates in his poem to sign ify the necessity of simplicity in ones life is the simile. The speaker begins his recollection with the emptiness he holds inside as he wandered lonely as a cloud / That floats on high oer vales and hills (Wordsworth 1-2). This simile symbolizes the speakers yearning for something more fulfilling as he wanders through life. Often, clouds move around separated from the rest and are left to wander aimlessly through the sky until they find more clouds to fulfill their emptiness. Wordsworth chooses a cloud to echo the speakers subject because, like a cloud, the speaker perhaps feels separated from everything in life and is simply floating through the patches of daffodils without a destination or purpose in hopes that someday he will discover fulfil... ...t Gale Research, 1986. 389.Perkins, David. Wordsworth and the Poetry of Sincerity. Cambridge Belknap, 1964.Pottle, Frederick A. They Eye and the Object in the Poetry of Wordsworth. Wordsworth Centenary Studies Presented at Cornell a nd Princeton Universities by Douglas Bush and Others (1951) 23-42. Rpt. in <http//, Christopher. The embellish of Memory A Study of Wordsworths Poetry. Lincoln U of Nebraska P, 1965.Wordsworth, William. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud. The Bedford Introduction to Literature Reading, Thinking, Writing. 5th ed. Ed. Michael Meyer. Boston Bedford/St. Martins, 1999. 1127.-. Preface. lyric Ballads. By William Wordsworth. 1957. 111-133. Rpt. in Nineteenth-Century Criticism. Ed. Laurie Lanzen Harris and Cherie D. Abbey. Detroit Gale Research, 1986. 388-389.
Lifes Simple Pleasures in William Wordsworths I Wandered Lonely as a
Lifes Simple Pleasures in William Wordsworths I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud Edna St. Vincent Millay once wrote, And all the loveliest things there be come simply, so it seems to me. This precept clearly accents the meaning of William Wordsworths poem I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud. In his work, the speaker reminisces about a past experience in which he saw a beautiful multitude of daffodils swaying in the breeze. As he recollects this scene, the speaker gradually realizes the true beauty he had found that day. Often, some of the simplest things in demeanor go unnoticed and untouched, when, in reality, they are the most precious. Consequently, it is not until after these extraordinary things are gone forever that their significance is truly understood. with careful choice of similes, personification, and diction, William Wordsworth clearly expresses that it is the simple things in life, such as Nature, that is so important. One element Wordsworth incorporates in his poem to signify th e necessity of simplicity in ones life is the simile. The speaker begins his recollection with the emptiness he holds inside as he wandered lonely as a cloud / That floats on eminent oer vales and hills (Wordsworth 1-2). This simile symbolizes the speakers yearning for something more fulfilling as he wanders through and through life. Often, clouds become separated from the rest and are left to wander aimlessly through the sky until they find more clouds to fulfill their emptiness. Wordsworth chooses a cloud to echo the speakers state because, like a cloud, the speaker perhaps feels separated from everything in life and is simply floating through the patches of daffodils without a destination or purpose in hopes that someday he will discover fulfil... ...t Gale Research, 1986. 389.Perkins, David. Wordsworth and the Poetry of Sincerity. Cambridge Belknap, 1964.Pottle, Frederick A. They Eye and the objective lens in the Poetry of Wordsworth. Wordsworth Centenary Studies Presented a t Cornell and Princeton Universities by Douglas Bush and Others (1951) 23-42. Rpt. in <http//, Christopher. The Landscape of Memory A Study of Wordsworths Poetry. Lincoln U of Nebraska P, 1965.Wordsworth, William. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud. The Bedford Introduction to Literature Reading, Thinking, Writing. 5th ed. Ed. Michael Meyer. Boston Bedford/St. Martins, 1999. 1127.-. Preface. Lyrical Ballads. By William Wordsworth. 1957. 111-133. Rpt. in Nineteenth-Century Criticism. Ed. Laurie Lanzen Harris and Cherie D. Abbey. Detroit Gale Research, 1986. 388-389.
Monday, May 27, 2019
“The structure of business management and organizationâ€Â
Modern business requires modern steering and this means well trained managers. change sur human face today, ab verboten people undertake their first of all(prenominal) in all management position with little or no formal training. As a result, they adopt the styles by themselves were managed. as well as often this perpetuates poor or discredited management techniques which beat no place in todays world. With few exceptions, the majority of managers find the virtually difficult aspect of their job is the management of people, who after all the most of import resource of any organization.A form of management began when man first employed others to field for him. In those early days, the relationship between employer and employee was master and servant or landlord and serf. Workers were treated as chattels and motivation was based on the simplistic principle if you dont work, you dont eat. Some people seem to believe that things accommodate changed little change. Managing modern organization, it requires a all in all different set of skills, ace of the crude myths is that the manager, should be the best exponent of the craft skills with in the organization. In theory, a good manager should be fitted to manage any dep artistic productionment with in an organization with the minimum of adaptation. What makes a good manager? A good manager is one whose round flora with him rather than for him.Can anyone become a manager? In theory, yes in practice no. many people atomic number 18 unable or nonvoluntary to adopt to the need of management. People ar usually promoted because they are good at their present job, they have been with the company for a long fourth dimension, their age gives them seniority, they realize the right people, and they happen to be in the right place at the right time. Rarely they are promoted because they will make good managers.As with most activities in liveness, you wont know how good you are until you really try it. Ma nagement is no different so you should learn how to do it out front taking such a major career step. Every manager has responsibilities towards him or herself, their team, the individual within the team, the company and t guide in hand. This includes motivating staff to perform to the best of their abilities and to prevent demotivation, delegating task, to plan and to control the activities within their domain to en real that objectives are meet.To take decisions and of course managing problems, not to solve them all, provided to dish the team r individually acceptable solutions. Effective manager, initiate and encourage ideas from the subordinates and developed the team. Considering the resources in management group, the people, acknowledging their different require, attitudes, abilities and personalities. These are not constant and elicit change from day to day, but a good and a modern manager in a modern organization jackpot maximize the strengths and pick at the weaknesse s.Time the most democratic of the resources. Every one has 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, etc. It is how this time is used that determines managerial strongness.Space- this is expensive and many work places suffer from a wish of it. However, practically mountain be made of the space available to improve the running(a) condition /environment and peoples behavior.Finance- all managers involved with budgets and expenditure to some academic degree. Trainings specifically designed to deal with finance for non-financial managers are available.Equipment including desk, telephones, photocopiers and personal computers. You should ensure that your team have sufficient for their needs, while aim in mind that idle equipment is a non-productive cost.Information- ensure that all education received is given the right priority and used as appropriate to help the team.Their utilization will affect the team and the individuals within the team, so managing these resources effe ctively is vital. After understanding managers role and of course before exhausting to manage other, it is vital to know how to manage yourself. I f you are seen to be disorganized, easily pressured, blinkered in your views, unmotivated, and subject to swift changes of mood, you will not captivate the respect and credibility of your staff. Healthy self-criticism and an abiding willingness to learn seem to me to be the most important requirements of any manager HRH Prince Philip.Self management is not about the amount of time you spend in an activity, but about what you do during that time. His quality that counts, not quantity. Time is very easily wasted but inc onceivable to regain. Time spent on non-management activity is not necessarily unproductive time. But could the time have been between use elsewhere? It is very important also to learn and control emotions at work Highly emotional people are often labeled as unstable, untrust worthy and weak. None of these are traits asso ciated with good management.Communicating people in modern organization is very important Good verbal communicating is a two-way process, the speaker gives the listeners the fortune to ask questions and make comments about what has been said in order to clarify and query the statement. The objectives is to transmit a message so that it is understood by the listeners. The art of effective listening is essential to clear communication and clear communication is necessary to management success.Understanding how people are motivated an organization is a task and action that require into a staff to undertake. In order to be able to motivate them to do so, you must know and understand the needs of each member of the team. Because of the parameters in which you operate, you may be unable to satisfy the surface needs as money or promotion.Therefore, you have to look for the unconscious needs that these represent and try to satisfy the person concerned by other means such as the need of r ecognition, we all need to be recognized by others for what we are. Second, the need for respect, it is our bright right to be accepted and respected as an individual person or to the worker. Third, the need for responsibility, by having a task, however small, for which they are totally responsible and accountable, this is best obtaind by representation. Fourth, the need for reward, not necessarily in the form of money, prizes or time off. So often, this evict be satisfied by a simple but genuine word of praise.Learning to delegate is another task inside the management. Good delegation will give many benefits to the subordinates, a valuable development, motivation, a sense of responsibility for the staff, involvement and of course improve teamwork. This will take some of your management time to set up but once operating it, is simple to update and will provide with a very useful management tool. more or less people work in modern organization, groups, whether it be an office, a l aboratory, a hospital, the factory floor or a theatre, in order that they cornerstone achieve their respective objectives, therefore, they must work as a team to build and lead. It is equally important that all work groups operate or not a group becomes a team attends on how they are lead. Considering this, analyzing a successful team, identifying team roles, understanding leadership qualities and styles, and managing difficult people is part of building an effective team.Building a successful team can be a slow process and requires patience and perseverance on our part. If things do not work the first time, dont blame the team, try again- you will get it together eventually. ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL. The most important, and be reminded that our life is full of decisions making, every day we make decisions, these decisions affect only ourselves or our families and many of them are made on experience. All decisions contain a degree of uncertainty, otherwise there would be no de cisions make. To help overcome these uncertainties, we can apply the following stepsa.)Define the aim- clarify the reasons and objectives.b.)Collect the facts- obtain as much information as possible, relevant to the decision.c.)Examine the options- study a number of possible options, dont rely sole on past experience.d.)Consider the outcome- look at the jeopardize factor of each option and the consequences of a wrong decisions.e.)Select the best option- decide upon the option with the lowest risk factor which will still meet the aim.f.)Do it- once a decision has been reached, put it into action, dont procrastinate.g.)Evaluate the decision- to proved to be right or wrong.Managers continually face assessing management problems in two distinctive categories those related to work itself and those related to people. Whilst the objective in twain cases is to solve the problem, they are tackled in quite different ways. When confronted with a problem, the first question to ask yourself i s Is this my problem? If not, then should you really be trying to solve it? However, should the problem be yours and you are the best person to find a solution, make sure that you understand exactly what the problem is. Much time and effort is spent in business trying to solve the wrong problem.Addressing work problems is also important, these can be short, medium or long term. Some are simple, others more complex. Many work-related problems can be solved by you alone, while others are dampen served by involving different people. Whatever the problem, it is good practice to have a clearly defined method of handling it. Taking a systematic approach, a series of steps that need to be taken and questions that require answers before attempting to find a solution. This will be follow analyze, plan, execute and evaluate. Time is democratic, we all have the same amount. It is what we do with it that really counts.Time ticks by relentlessly. It is very easy to waste but impossible to regai n. The only way in which we can save time by doing something more quickly or by not doing it at all. There is working time and social time. If we add to one we automatically take from the other. The art is to maintain a sound balance between the two. As a manager, you need to manage your time carefully, so that we can maximize its use and do not encroach upon your social time.Before trying to manage your time effectively, we need to analyze how you spend it at present. So, time organizing to be applied. List those activities that you do during the course of a normal week. For example, paperwork, telephoning, attending meetings, dealing with people, traveling and so on. Estimate the number of hours you spend on each activity. Time allocation, to ensure that you deal with all of your tasks on time, it is essential to plan how you will use your time effectively.Your last job each day should be to list everything that you have to do the next day. To innovate is to make changes, to intr oduce new things. However, many people find it very hard to come up with new ideas, particularly to order, this is managing innovation. Generating new ideas often occur when we are doing something quite unconnected with the problem, such as driving the car, walking the dog or observance television.However, part of the management time should be devoted to innovation, to help generating new ideas, explore all approaches without evaluation, switch from problem to problem, allowing mind to wander over alternative and apparently irrelevant ways of looking at the situation and write down ideas and thoughts. Managing different types of interviews, an interview is a meeting of people, tow or more, face to face, to accomplish a certain known purpose. In reality, an interview should be confined to two persons.Good interviewing prepare by obtaining as much information as possible before the interview, ensure privacy, emphasize confidentiality, ask appropriate questions, listen carefully, obs erve the interviewees body language, use counseling techniques to describe the core problem and encourage the interviewees to reach their own solution.People have first to decide that they want to change, then they must be encouraged not to be afraid of change and finally they must be able to see where change is leading them. Understanding and managing change, changes to an organization are caused by both internal and external factors. Many of these changes are unpredictable and, whatever, the causes or circumstances, invariably involve people.The way in which people react to change will depend on how the change is presented to them and how they perceive it will affect them. The causes of change can be divided into two types, those over which as a manager have no influence and those over which you do. In the first group are changes which will affect the whole company, such as relocation or a change in company policy. These are often due to external factors such as the economy, envi ronment or the law. Changes which you can influence are commonly those which will mainly affect only your and your staff.Managing stress at work, one of the main reasons why people are stressed at work is their pommel and the way they are managed. There is one way for an executive to manage stress. He must stop taking for granted success at home, and draw giving as much priority in terms of time and energy to achieving success there as he does to his job. Understanding the causes of stress, the most common causes of stress have their origins outside the workplace.A few years ago a list of activities which can cause stress was complied by psychologists. It is based on a scale of 0-100. The higher the value, the greater the stress. Both positive and negative events can cause stress. It is interesting to note that of 34 activities listed over, only seven are directly work related and the highest two of those will have a direct effect on your national life. Although management as a craft only has a stress rating of 5.8, some managers seem to spend their time trying to push it as far up the scale as possible.People who experience domestic pressures often immerse themselves in their work in an attempt to forget these problems. However, the problems are still there when they return home, so they will work longer hours in order to delay having to go home. These increased absences result in still more stress on the domestic front. It is a vicious circle. Other stressful factors are too much work, giving few opportunities to plan or priorities. To mo little work, boredom and a sense of being under-valued and ignored.Isolation, most people need human contact and those who work alone can be stressed by a lack of communication. Routine work, not being stretched or challenged. Poor supervision, unable to become involved or use creative abilities. No clear promotional structure, frustration. Environment, working in cramped conditions, seating arrangements, open plan off ice, too much noise. Managing in a changing work place is also included in managing the modern organization.With this, abilities and skills of being a manager, managing in a modern organization, it has become fashionable for companies to adopt a flatter organizational structure. This is achieved by ripping out the middle management stratum and replacing it with working managers at supervisory level. These people are expected to continue with their specialist role, be it operating a lathe, selling products or repairing computers, and at the same time manage a team. Although this means that people are promoted who may not have expected to be, it also result in a wider gap between the workforce and senior management.Whilst it is acknowledged that a proportion of those managers who have lost their jobs may have been poor managers, did they receive adequate, or indeed any, management training? It is to be hoped that senior executives will quickly realize the benefits to their companies o f having good, well qualified managers and swipe this trend before causing further damage to the morale of the employees.References Managing Trough People, by John Humphries, Published by Grolier subscriber line Library International, Inc. printed in 2003.Business Organization and Management edited by H. Guitierrez, Jose M. Pura Jr., Rolando M. Garcia sixth edition, R.M Garcia Publishing House, Quezon City Philippines.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
A Modern Modest Proposal
It is a truly depressing matter to witness the complete and breathe destruction of Haiti. Since the earthquake, the nation has being slowing withering away. The people that inhabit the land are suffering terribly and block upuring the most brutal conditions. camp out cities, populated by close to seven thousand people, are being subject to crime and the propagation of a multitude of diseases. Parentless children wander aimlessly, inquiring for any remnant of food or even a single droplet of water.If they do not find their precious water and food they get out end up like many others who end up passing out due to starvation or dehydration and eventu anyy dying. Only the fortunate seize up an actual place to call a home, if one considers four sticks embedded in the ground covered by old clothing a house. It is indisputable that a precarious slip exists in Haiti. Any moral human being must realize that action has to be taken. Haiti could arrange as a of import consumer market if the nation is restored back to a perpetual state of stability.It would aid every single American in that it could potentially boost our economy. It could serve as another place to name manufacturing done cheaply because Haitians are desperate for any job. We could use this nation for our advantage and integrate them as valuable aspects of our economy. The real question is not why should we attention them it actually is why should we not help this feeble nation. Haiti needs us great Americans to lend our top and help them from their destruction and devastation. This predicament has engulfed the majority of my thoughts for the past few years.Constantly, weighing out the pros and cons of each and every situation. All of the other solutions just do not sufficiently mend the problems of Haiti, according to my calculations. This being true, the only plausible solution that would efficiently fix the immense amount of problems in Haiti is my proposal. It is reasonable to believe that the situation will only worsen. With new children being born due to the rape of women and the continuous manifestation of deadly infections it is becoming increasingly difficult for Haiti to recover.That is why coach and immediate action is imperative to the survival of this potential huge asset to America. My proposition is the perfect panacea for Haiti. It will bring an abrupt halt to all the problems in Haiti. No longer will a child have to scour the streets looking for food. No longer will mothers beg people to take their children to a safer environment. No longer will there be unconscious infants, due to dehydration and lack of nourishment, being lugged around by their elder siblings. The incommode and chaos will come to an end if my modest proposal is followed with the utmost precision.It is now that I bring to you my modest proposal. It is simple really slaughter the elderly, weak, sick, and the children, who are too young to fend for themselves. There is a plethora of use s that come from their bodies. First the bones can be used to material body much to a greater extent stable houses. They can act as a very sturdy shelter that will actually be able to withstand the rainy season, remote their current houses built from simple cloth and sticks. Then the meat, which is not infected with disease, will act as valuable source of nourishment for the hungry.I have been reassured by an array of scientists that for every one hundred grams of brain there are 78 grams of water, 10 grams of fat, 11 grams of protein, and 1 gram of carbohydrate. This will be an easy way to get the remaining population water and the necessary nutrition they need. I assure you that this is the most efficient way to issue shelter, food, and prevent the spread of disease. There is no feasible rejection to my proposal. All of those who claim there are alternative methods to helping the Haitians are mistaken.The idea that we should take to a greater extent direct action in helping Hai ti is laughable. I have ventured off into Haiti once to try and help them. I had success in helping a small population in Haiti. I gave them water, helped rebuild a school, and entertained the lonely children. But what does that do? Nothing. After all, they are still in discouragement constant help and gradually development of Haiti is not the answer, clearly. There has to be one defining movement that will drastically alter their condition of lives. plenty just tend to forget about problems that are not in the news.Due to the incurable attention deficit disorder that has cursed this country, Haiti requires immediate and drastic action. There is much humanitarian talk of alternative absurd methods to helping this country. One is attempting to fund raise in America and use that money to build hospitals and other necessary buildings. Another idea is to aid the Haitians in reconstructing their society rather than just throwing food and water at them basically help them start out a s elf-sustaining nation. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a ifetime, obviously this Chinese proverb is just nonsense. There have even been suggestions to try and work cohesively on an international level. With these foolish proposals it should be obvious that it is mine that is the most logical and efficient. I will be the first one to initiate my proposal. I am traveling this April to do so. I have been pass judgment donations to fund my purchase of the toxins that will kill those who need to be killed. So I call upon the people of America to rise up and overcome their ignorance and help this nation in a true state of need.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Literature Review Format Essay
Literature Review This packet details the steps necessary to produce a lit round off that may be required for add in various delays, including English, history and psychology. This packet is not intended to replace instructor guidelines and should not be employ in that manner. The packets intended use is as a supplement to class elbow room instruction on assembling a literary productions critique. Therefore, it contains only general in spend a pennyation that must be tailored to fit peculiar(prenominal) guidelines as required by your discipline and by your instructor.This packet is subdivided into sise sections I. General Information States what a literary productions look into is and what purpose it make outs. II. Process Gives step-by-step instructions on how to get started on your belles-lettres reexamination. collar. Organization Explains the both most common meanss of arranging information in a writings review. IV. Format Provides descriptions for two of the m ost common formats apply in a writings review, the item to item comparison and contrast (Format A) and the criteria to criteria comparison and contrast (Format B). V. brandlist Allows appraisal of your completed lit review to assure that it follows all told necessary guidelines. VI. Resources Lists steadying resources used to compile this packet so that you may obtain further information. General Information Definition Literature reviews can have two roles In their first role, they function as a stand-alone physical composition. At other times they will actually be part of a bigger inquiry dissertation. In this handout, literature reviews will be referred to in the stand-alone sense. As a stand-alone paper, literature reviews are multi-layered and are more formal and weensy than book reviews.As the compose of a literature review, you must become familiar with a large amount of enquiry on a circumstantial composition. You will then develop your own dissertation close to the root related to this question. After this, you will classify and critically analyze interrogation on the topic by making a comparison amidst several different studies and by emphasizing how these studies and their comparison relate to your own thesis. In effect, a literature review is a paper that compiles, outlines and evaluates previously established research and relates it to your own thesis.It provides a context for readers as if theyEmail at tutoruhv. edu University West, room 129 (361) 570-4288 were researching the topic on their own. Just from reading your paper, readers should be able to gain insight into the amount and quality of research on the topic. Your thesis and the literature reviewed serve several important functions within the paper Your thesis creates a foundation for the literature review because it helps narrow the topic by providing a sense of committee however, you will have to conduct roughly initial research and reading before deciding on an appro priate thesis.Your personal thesis may be a statement addressing some of the pursuance situations why your research needs to be carried out, how you came to choose certain methodologies or theories to give with, how your work adds to the research already carried out (Brightwell, G. and Shaw, J. , 1997-98), or it may present some other logical perspective. Reviewed literature is organise in a logical manner that high hat suits the topic of the review and the hypothesis of the literature (see Organization and Format).The selected method of constitution and style of format should draw care to similari draws and differences among the reviewed literature these similarities and differences are based on specific criteria you revealed in the literature reviews introduction. According to Brightwell and Shaw (1997-98), your goal in the body of the review . . . should be to evaluate and show relationships between the work already done (Is Researcher Ys theory more convincing than Researc her Xs? Did Researcher X build on the work of Researcher Y?) and between this work and your own thesis. Additional information on these topics can be found in the Organization and Format sections of this packet. Therefore, conservatively planned organization is an essential part of any literature review. Purpose Although literature reviews may vary according to discipline, their overall goal is similar. A literature review serves as a compilation of the most significant sources on a subject and relates the findings of each of these sources in a rational manner objet dart supporting the literature review authors own thesis.A literature review establishes which sources are most relevant to its authors head up and which sources are most credible to the discipline at hand. In a literature review, the results of previous research are summarized, organized and evaluated. Discipline-Specificity A literature reviews organization, format, level of detail and citation style may vary accord ing to discipline because different disciplines have different audiences. Examples here pertain to the inherent sciences, social sciences and humanities. Natural and social sciences The author of a literature review in the natural or social sciences must pay close attention to measurements, study populations and technical aspects of experimental findings. Typically, a portion of the natural or social sciences literature review is set aside for reviewing sources on the primary topic. Then, a comparative analysis or discussion section is used to analyze the similarities and differences among the sources, tying them in with the literature review authors original thesis. arts The author of a literature review in the humanities usually does not set aside a special section for reviewing the sources instead, citations may be found randomly throughout the paper. The literature universe reviewed is arranged according to paragraphs based on the authors loony toonss, which in turn, support the authors thesis. The paper itself may not be called a literature review at all. It is more likely to be called a critical analysis. Remember that the best bet for determining what type of literature review is appropriate for your course is checking with the instructor prior to beginning research. Email at University West, room 129 (361) 570-4288 polish up 1. What is the purpose of a literature review? What is the connection between the authors thesis and the literature being reviewed? 2. What discipline will your literature review be classified in? Process 1. Find several articles that deal with your research topic. Sometimes it is helpful to review the bibliography of one of the first scholarly sources that you take in and compare it to the bibliographies of other sources on the topic. If the same source is listed within several of these bibliographies, it is probably a fundamental, credible source that will aid you in your review.2. sooner you begin reviewing l iterature, realize that you are looking to accomplish two things A. Defining your research problem/thesis (examples finding a flaw in research, act previous research, etc . . . B. Reading and evaluating significant works that are relevant to your research problem. You will be conducting Steps A and B simultaneously because the two form a circular pattern. As you read related sources (Step B), you typeset your problem, and as you define your problem (Step A) you will more easily be able to make up what material is relevant enough to be worthy of reading (Step B). 3.Once you begin reviewing, make an entry with complete bibliographical information and comments for each work that you are expiration to include in the review. 4. Compare the articles by evaluating the similarities and differences among them. This will be the initial stage in the formulation of your thesis. 5. Form a thesis that is clearly written and can be logically supported by the literature you will include in your review. 6. View the articles briefly again and breath down any notes that seem to relate to your thesis. 7. Decide which organizational pattern and format are best for the topic of your review.8. Construct an appropriate outline for the literature review. 9. Write an introduction that introduces the topic, reveals your thesis statement, and arranges key issues. 10. Organize and write the body of your paper according to the appropriate format topical or chronological. 11. Write a conclusion that reconciles similarities and differences on the topic and reemphasizes the criteria used to arrive at this conclusion. 12. Complete the final draft of the literature review. Email at tutoruhv. edu University West, room 129 (361) 570-4288 13.Check over the final draft for grammar and punctuation errors. 14. Use the checklist provided here to make sure that all parts of the literature review are addressed and focused. Establishing a Critical Response for a Literature Review You may find this s ection helpful at Steps 3, 4 and 5 of the process. When reviewing your sources, explore the following areas to help develop your critical repartee What is the purpose of the research or work? What research or literary methods are used? How do the major(ip) concepts operate? In a research study, how accurate are the measurements?In a literary work, is the authors position objective or non-white? What are the different interpretations of the results of the study or of the literary work itself? REVIEW 1. What do you consider to be the most crucial step(s) in the process of your literature review? Why? Justify your response(s). Organization A literature review can be arranged either topically or chronologically. Topical organization occurs in reviews where previous research being evaluated is divided into segments with each one representing a part of some larger issue.In a topical review, the author begins by describing the characteristics of research shared by several studies and the n moves on to analyze their similarities and differences. For more information, see the example below. Example The organization of a literature review begins in the introduction. For example, in the introduction of a literature review about the effect of seating arrangements on peer tutoring communication, you would first introduce the topic and what your literature review will attempt to esteem indite centers can set the table for collaborative tutoring sessions through a careful consideration of spatial arrangement .. . Then state what angle is going to be explored These studies will be used to support the authors claims that spatial arrangement is slavish in encouraging collaborative environments in the writing center Then, arrange key issues that will be addressed in this review by tell questions that you have personally developed and are tailored to fit your topic. In the introduction, give the audience a clear picture of how you will organize your paper Email at tutoruhv. edu University West, room 129(361) 570-4288 In the following, I1 first review some relevant research concerning spatial arrangement and then discuss some recommended and alternate seating arrangements to encourage a collaborative environment in the writing center. Finally, I include some other considerations. In the body of this literature review, you would organize the information topically around each point (or question) that you asked yourself -Research Review -Recommended Spatial Arrangement -Alternative Spatial Arrangement -Other Considerations.Then, write a conclusion that explains the consequence of your findings While the seating arrangements outlined above are generally a good setting for peer tutoring sessions, we should remember that each tutoring session is unique. Not all students will be comfortable with a side-by-side spatial arrangement at a round table.Tutors should be perceptive of and receptive to students who may have other spatial needs Chronological organizati on occurs when a review is organized in time order and is most often used when a historic context is needed for discussing a topic from its beginning to its current state chronological organization isespecially helpful when discussing inactive periods and shifts in perspective on a given topic.Example The organization of a literature review begins in the introduction. For example, in the introduction of a literature review entitled phylogeny of Social Science Research on Attitudes Towards Gender in America, you would first introduce the topic and what your review hopes to assess This literature review will assess the development of research designed to uncover gender attitudes in America during the latter part of the 20th CenturyThen state what angle is going to be explored .. As research progressed throughout the 20th century, the methods that social scientists use for measuring these attitudes developed and changed as well Then, chronologically arrange issues that will be address ed in this review Gender stereotypes still exist today, and varying attitudes can be traced over the past fifty years. Survey instruments used to set up data on these varying attitudes have also changed drastically over the course of time.In the body of this literature review, you would organize the information chronologically, adressing each point (or question) that is being asked for a particular time period -Stereotypes and Survey Instruments of the 1950s -Stereotypes and Survey Instruments of the 1960s -Stereotypes and Survey Instruments of the 1970s -Stereotypes and Survey Instruments of the 1980s -Stereotypes and Survey Instruments of the 1990s -Current Advancements Always clear the use of I with your instructor.An alternative to this would be the use of third person wording, such as This paper reviews some relevant research concerning spatial arrangement and then discusses some recommended and alternate seating arrangements to encourage a collaborative environment in the wri ting center. 1 Email at tutoruhv. edu University West, room 129 (361) 570-4288 Then, write a conclusion that explains the significance of your findings Although the aspect instruments used in the 1950s and 1960s developed an obvious bias when canvass Americans regarding gender attitudes, the 1970s brought about great change.Today social scientists are more careful than ever about testing the quality of a survey instrument before using it on the general public. Format There are also two suggested formats for composing your literature review. Format A is used when comparing several studies that have similar hypothesis but different findings. Each piece of research is summarized individually. Format A is good for reviews with a small number of entries however, this format may confuse the audience when used with a large number of reviews because descriptions of so many studies may get in the way of the analysis.Keep in mind that each piece of research usually will not receive equal a ttention in the review. Format A Outline I. Introduction consists of four parts that are usually discussed in one paragraph. a. Identify the general topic being discussed. b. Mention trends published about the topic. c. State thesis establishing the reason for writing the literature review. d. Explain criteria by giving a description of each of the criteria used in evaluating the literature review and rationalizing its organization II. Literature reviewed section is divided up according to study. a. First study is summarized and discussed. b.Second study is summarized and discussed. c. Third study is summarized and discussed. III. Comparative analysis acknowledges the similarities and differences between studies. a. Similarities (if any) among the studies are evaluated and discussed. b. Differences (if any) among the studies are evaluated and discussed. IV. Conclusion/Summary effectively wraps up the review. a. Summarize points of comparison or contrast among the works based on Sect ion III of your review.b. Provide insight of relationship between the topic of the review and a larger area of study such as a specific discipline or profession Format Borganizes the literature review according to similarities and differences among research rather than by literature studied. In a review organized according to Format B, little background information on the literature being reviewed is given outright.Instead, it is worked into the body paragraphs of the sections on similarities and differences. The conclusion then uses these two sections (similarities and differences) to tie in points of comparison and contrast between the works. Format B better suits papers that are topically organized.Format B is outlined below. Email at tutoruhv. edu University West, room 129 (361) 570-4288 Format B Outline I. Introduction consists of four parts usually discussed in one paragraph. a. Identify the general topic being discussed. b. Mention trends published about the topic. c. State t hesis establishing the reason for writing the literature review. d. Explain criteria by giving a description of each of the criteria used in evaluating the literature review and rationalizing its organization II. Similiarities within the research are discussed.a.First similarity among research is discussed. b. Second similarity among research is discussed. c. Third similiarity among research is discussed. III. Differences in the research are discussed. a. First difference between research is discussed b. Second difference between research is discussed c. Third difference between research is discussed IV. Conclusion/Summary a. Summarize points of comparison or contrast between the works. b. Provide insight into relationship between the topic of the literature and a larger area of study such as a specific discipline or profession.The most important thing to remember when organizing a literature review is that it is not a list summarizing one work after another. The review should be or ganized into sections according to theme that are set apart by subject-related headings. REVIEW 1. Which format have you chosen for your literature review? Why? A Literature Review Checklist Did I . . . . . . ? ? Establish a valid thesis based on the examined research ? State this thesis clearly in my introduction ? Define unfamiliar terms ? Incorporate background information to define the problem ?Begin each entry in the review with a complete bibliographical reference ? List and describe the hypothesis/thesis in each work reviewed Email at tutoruhv. edu University West, room 129 (361) 570-4288 ? Describe the outcome of the work or the research ? Develop and incorporate my own comments, including response to the research, similarities and differences among literature reviewed, and reservations regarding authors methods or conclusions ? Avoid overquoting ? Check for grammar and punctuation errors ?Correctly cite all references in uniform documentation style Resources Brightwell, G.a nd Shaw, J. (1997-98). report up research. Retrieved August 20, 2002 from Languages and Educational Development at the Asian Institute of Technologys Web page at http//www. languages. ait. ac. th/EL21OPEN. HTM Central Queensland University Library. (2000). The literature review.Retrieved July 22, 2003 from http//www. library. cqu. edu. au/litreviewpages/ Cuba, L. (2002). A short guide to writing about social science. New York Addison-Wesley Publishers. Leibensperger, S. (2003). Setting the table Encouraging collaborative environments with spatial arrangement in the writing center.Unpublished literature review. Northern Arizona University. (1999). Electronic textbook A blast from the past Your literature review. Retrieved May 30, 2002 from http//jan. ucc. nau. edu/mid/edr720/class/literature/blast/reading21-1. html Taylor, D. , & Procter, M. (2001). The literature review A few tips on conducting it. Retrieved June 17, 2002 from http//www. utoronto. ca/writing/litrev. html Trinder, L. (2002). Appendix. The literature review. Retrieved August 27, 2003 http//www. uea. ac. uk/w071/teaching/ppf/Appendix%20Lit%20Review.pdf The University of Wisconsin-Madison Writing Center. (2001). Academic writing Reviews of literature. Retrieved May 30, 2002 from http//www. wisc. edu/writing/Handbook/ReviewofLiterature. html *In traditional APA style, this section would be entitled References and would be listed on a remove page double-spaced. Due to space constraints in this packet, it has been formatted differently. Copyright 2003 by the Academic Center and the University of Houston-Victoria. Created 2003 by Candice Chovanec-Melzow. Email at tutoruhv. edu University West, room 129 (361) 570-4288.
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Novel Interactive Technology Education Essay
The instrumentalist merely has to do usage of the markers to reception inquiries and acquire responses. When the participant gets the correct answer a response each(prenominal)ow for be heard establishing on the sound of the carnal chosen during the quiz. It is of trade to advert that the game has affiliate focal points like degrees of trouble, merriment, educational dimension and interactivity. These assorted countries have been considered in the full gambling environment. The game challenges the user by proving his or her ability to reply inquiries on clip and excessively right. It s the dream and the endeavoring factor of every parent to supply the best environment for their childs. By supplying a operable and a good environment, kids will turn up to be educated, intelligent and responsible grownups. What you truly necessitate to recognize is that, the things that you teach to your childs at a fledgeless age will hold a great impact on them. It will particularly hold gre at impact on their acquisition abilities for the ease of their lives. ( Mr. Mark Bennett )EXPLAIN HOW ITS INNOVATIVETeaching spelling to childs is non really one s cup of tea. Spelling has ever been a weak point in non merely childs, but besides with grownups studying and utilizing English. Alternatively of merely giving commands you can assist them bask larning spelling with the aid of some childs spelling games. Spelling games hopefully swear out actuate them to larn spelling. While tinkering these games it is a good thought to stress how of import it is to get the hang the right spelling of words. In fact, the spelling games that involve bodily activities are even better as childs ever love a combination of physical effort with mental effort. Even games that encourage geographic tour and significance devising are a hit with childs. ( Aarti Thomas ) .Childs spelling games http // accessed 18-01-2013 Second pha sesThe 2nd phases consist of mystifiers mystifiers is an first-class manner to excite a kid s encephalon and will besides assist to develop the most of import accomplishment for their hereafter. Besides that they are a batch of merriment and enjoyment to play excessively. The best thing about mystifiers is that they help in hand-eye coordination. Having proper hand-eye coordination is really much of import for childs. If they are developed at a im right age, it will truly be utile for them.A Whether it s jigsaw mystifiers, word hunts, or shake up being mystifiers, labyrinths, most childs love mystifiers and can pass hours work despatch them and deciding them Small do they know they are developing their encephalons to job work out a accomplishment they will profit from for the remainder of their lives. For all these grounds, childs who are good at mystifiers will happen their ability to garner information, measure a state of affairs, and happen a speedy solution to a job greatly sh arpened. This will pay fantastic dividends in their academic, and subsequently, professional calling. It should be noted that many of the mystifiers found in our games are disputing and necessitate ingeminate efforts in order to work out. Furthermore, some mystifiers are practice makes perfect mystifiers. Ones where you instruct how to finish the mystifier really rapidly, but must pattern and master key the appropriate techniques in order to successfully use them.Large Fish Game hypertext transfer protocol // accessed 18-01-2013 FunEnjoyment and merriment as portion of the acquisition procedure are of import when larning new tools for the scholar is relaxed and motivated and hence more willing to larn. The function that fun topographic point with respect to intimate motive in instruction is two times. First, intrinsic motive promotes the desire for return of the experience. Second, merriment can actuate scholars to prosec ute themselves in activities with which they have small or no old experience. In simple footings a encephalon basking itself is working more expeditiously. When we enjoy larning, we learn better.Fun has besides been shown by Datillo & A Kleiber, 1993 Hastie, 1994 Middleton,Littlefield & A Lehrer, 1992, to increase motive for scholars.Marc Prensky. ( 2001 ) From Digital Game-Based Learning, McGraw-Hill.MULTIPLAYERAA multiplayer gameA is aA gameA which is played by severalA players.A The participants might be independent oppositions, formed intoA teamsA or be merely a person squad pitted against the game. Games with many independent participants are hard to analyse officially in aA game-theoretical manner as the participants may formA alliances. ( John Nash ) A proven that games with several participants have a stable solution provided that hits between participants are non allowed. He won theA Nobel prizeA forA economicsA for this of import consequence which extendedA von Neuma nn s theoryA ofA zero-sumA games. Such a stable scheme is called aA Nash equilibrium.Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. 2008. Designed or affecting ore than two ( esp. Many ) participants or participants.K. G. Binmore ( 1994 ) Game Theory and the Social Contract. MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-02444-6.Laszlo Mero, Anna C.Gosi-Greguss, David Kramer ( 1998 ) . Moral computations game theory, logic, and tender infirmity. New York Copernicus. ISBN ) 0- 387-98419-4HOW YOU INTERGRATED THE DUCATIONAL ASPECTSOver the old ages, the survey of speed beings has played an of import portion in understanding what nature is all about. Adults move to different states merely to see these animate beings and kids ask their parents for pets which become their friends and they follow up the lives of these pets like the sound they make, nutrient they eat and besides their behaviour these animate beings which makes this subject in scientific discipline really interesting and merriment, with its d emand to analyze and analyse animate beings as portion of nature is disputing because as person thinks they have seen all the animate beings in the universe new animate beings are discovered. We discovered that making an carnal game will assist the childs learn assorted things about animate beings in a really interesting manner. By making simple quiz games, the kids become comfy replying quiz inquiries and less likely to be white-lipped of them. The kid is encouraged to make something that each kid loves to make, that is, drama and win. Finally it helps a kid become relaxed with finishing challenges, particularly when jobs are incorporated into a game and besides assist the kids to better their acquisition accomplishments during leisure clip.A great manner to construct the foundation skills that today s simple take course of study requires. These larning games and vocals are fun. These larning games teach of import accomplishments for preschool and simple school childs. Children w ill themselves work to develop their focal point and accomplishments with these larning games. Want educational games that help construct accomplishments? You ve come to the right topographic pointLearning game for hypertext transfer protocol // accessed 16-01-2013 Benefits of utilizing spelling games and mystifiersFirst and first, spelling games form a welcome breach for the childs and for you as a instructor From the usual modus operandi of larning. Everyone needs a interruption sometimes and though the games are fun, there is still a batch of larning involved. thence research has shown that our encephalons respond to pleasure. So reenforce the antecedently taught phonics and spelling with some games.Spelling games serve a double intent. They non merely assist a kid better their spelling accomplishments, but besides help pupils interact and construct coherence in the schoolroom every bit long as y ou agree the ambiance visible radiation. As the instructor, you have much influence over this.As mystifiers are frequently the lodging points in games, they are particularly mature for engendering conversation albeit on the web. Many of us have been forced to make out to other gamers to acquire tips, intimations, and fast ones for work outing mystifiers.Puzzles are a great manner for childs to get down larning the scientific method ( observe, speculate, trial, conclude ) . By taking the clip to detect ( what is this mystifier? ) , speculate ( how am I traveling to work out this mystifier? ) .HOW ITS FITS THE CURRICULUM OF THE AGE 5-6Merely as kids reach physical mileposts in the procedure of larning to walk, there are several of import spelling mileposts that a 5-6 twelvemonth old kid will go through through on the journey to going a successful speller. in all kids develop otherwise. For some kids these mileposts will be reached easy as accomplishments develop of course, while oth er kids will necessitate expressed instruction. However these are the jet mileposts you will detect your kid achieve. Parents can back up their childs larning to spell and compose in school by disbursement clip with them at place, cultivation and playing word games. Word games can assist early authors merely larning how to spell, every bit good as more advanced authors to increase their vocabularies. I ve picked out a few word games that help childs with spelling words and tried them out.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Letter From Friends Essay
We arrived at our destination a few days back, you might create heard of it. Its that ranch near Soledad, I think u worked about 5 mile south of here a few months back.Lennie and me be doing alright, were working hard and saving m integrityy. Lennie quieten big stupid and low most probable the way you remember him, you know him. Hr still wants to stroke and pet those stupid rabbits.Cos of that he got us kicked out of weed. All the dumb bastard wanted to do was feel that little girls dress. We had to fur in a ditch for a few hours, but luckily we slicked out at night. We travelled for days looking for work until I found out this oneThis ranch were working at is okay, but I have my worries about some people. My main worry is that acuate of a wife Curley has, whenever she around us men she loves flirt. So when Curley see this he goes mad and try to pick a fight like he did with Lennie but Lennie busted his hand, but any way likes to fight over nothing. So we told him if tell the bo ss what happen we would tell everyone what Lennie had done to his hand.We met lots of people. I have already told you about Curley and his tart of a wife. Theres the boss who is no too pleased with us cos we came late and theres Slim who everyone respects. Theres also Candy with his dog who is not like everyone cos its old and smelly, but especial by a man called Carlson who today killed the dog by shooting it. And theres that good Negro Crooks who is called Crooks cos he got kicked by horse and it do him cripple.Our bunkhouse is bull crap cos the bed bad. I suppose it better then sleeping on the floor. But the worst thing is that the bottles of insecticides are perpetrate in the room. So the room stinks, but it does keep flies away.That fool Curley worries me cos all he want is it fight. He always wants to pick on some for no reason. If its not Lennie, its me or its some one else he want to pick on. I think if no one stops him or he dont stop even though Lennie busted his hand. Ill tell Lennie to kill him, I swear to ya impartPete do ya remember that aspiration that we had, it could it could come true cos of that man called.Candy. Me and lennie were talking about the dream and he was listening, then we stared talk about the dream with him. So candy wants to be apart of it. His even got $450 dollars and he said he will put it towards the ranch. So I said ok.It will be so great not having a boss to tell ya to work or out of his ranch. Do ya remember about that promise we made to separately other. That one where, if one of us got a ranch the other would work on it. So Im going to keep my promise and invite you to come work on this ranch if we get it.Lennie wants to say hello. He just reminded. O yea did I tell ya Lennie going to get a puppy of that man, Slim.Write back please. Hope to hear from u soon
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Quality Improvement Email Essay
Quality management in health occupy facilities is organized to meet the needs of the organization. Today, just about organizations have a program of continuous avail in all functional argonas. Data collection and analysis and resulting im originatements have become an accepted commission of doing business. An organization must address how it is going to achieve a successful Quality Improvement program (LaTour, p. 520). This paper is going to discuss the fictional character melioration in the health care industry along with stakeholders, roles, and resources to name a few. The purpose of timberland management in the health care industry is to stir the safety, efficiency and effectiveness of all businesses from health care processes and the performance of delivering products to human resources (The Purpose of QI Healthcare, 2014). The expediency is achieved using various methods, both qualitative and quantitative. With the head of time, healthcare delivery has become more comp lex. There is a requirement for fresh and enhanced methods that will reduce costs and provide access to new technologies (The Purpose of QI Healthcare, 2014).Bringing a change into the system can facilitate the achievement of a new performance level. When a system system unchanged over time and no enhancements are made, it cannot generate better results than the ones already created. The inefficient parts of the structure are replaced with new inventions that can prove to be worthy (The Purpose of QI Healthcare, 2014). Quality Management is needed because of competition. The primary goal is to beat the competition. It will add value at from each one stage of production defining long term plans for your company while at the same time providing a framework for it. The stakeholders define quality of care in various ways. Each stakeholder has different concerns relative to theprojects objectives and goals (LaTour, p.808), which can translate, into different ratings of quality. Explora tory interviews suggest that ratings are enticed by past experience, expectations, definitions of quality of care, and perceived power relationships between stakeholders (Campbell, 2004).Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has defined stakeholders as persons or groups that have a vested interest in a clinical decision and the evidence that supports that decision (The Effective Health Care Program Stakeholder Guide Chapter 3 Getting Involved in the Research Process). Stakeholders whitethorn be patients, caregivers, clinicians, interrogationers, advocacy groups, professional societies, businesses, policymakers, or others. Each group has a unique and valuable perspective. With quality improvement, there are roles that are involved. The loss leaders role in promoting and developing quality improvement begins with creating and sustaining a personal and organizational focus on the needs of internal and external customers (Quality Improvement, 2014). A leader demonstrates a clear commitment to the organizational mission, values, goals, and expectation that promote quality and performance excellence through its actions. Key staff roles in a quality improvement program are day-to-day leader, data entry person, provider champion, operations person, and data specialist.Monitoring provides the method to identify how the organization compares with the original opportunities for improvement and achieving those goals. (Wiley, 2007) Every area needs monitored because of providing every needs monitored because of providing patient can with any deficiency affect the entire hospital. Leaders determine the areas that need observe for improvement, monitoring the compliance of policies and procedures and standards for the hospital. The accrediting and regulatory agencies that are involved in the quality improvement process are The pronounce Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). Joint Commission evaluates the quality of health care provided to the patient. They also requires that organizational leadership set expectations, plan, manage how to measure, assess, and improve in all aspects of providing care (LaTour, p.521). Another dominance that is involved is the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) which represents the federal funded agency that focuses on improving the health care.The federal government mandates the areas for monitoring for quality, for example, arrest care,infection control, fall rates, and chronic disease management. (HRHA, 2013) National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) represents the accrediting agencies for the hospitals. It also evaluates the quality of health care provided to the patient. In conclusion, there are many resources for helping the improvement of quality. The patient, providers, nurses and management plays a part in the improvement that will guide to reach desired levels of performance. An organization that affects quality improvement is Agency for Healthc are Research and Quality (AHRQ). AHRQ is the lead Federal agency charged with improving the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care for all Americans. (Quality Improvement Organizations) The accrediting and regulatory organizations protect the public the regular reporting quality measures of the health care facility.ReferencesLaTour, K. (2010), Health Information ManagementQuality Improvement Organizations Retrieved from http// Quality Improvement, Retrieved from http// toolbox/methodology/qualityimprovement/part2.html The Effective Health Care Program Stakeholder Guide Chapter 3 Getting Involved in the Research Process. February 2014. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. http// The Purpose Of Quality Improvement in Healthcare, Retrieved from http// Campbell, S. (2004) How do stakeholder groups vary in a Delphi technique about primary mental health care and what factors influence their ratings?
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The Rocky Road to Success
The jolting Road to Success Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone, a man who has walked down a tough road unless never gave up on his goals. He was over aspected at the beginning that now he overlooks Lake Tahoe in his large house. Even though it looked disastrous at first Stallone kept with it and ended up changing American views, the ikon industry, and besides he showed us that It aint over till its over. Sylvester Stallones birth wasnt the easiest exertion for a doctor. On July 6th, 1947, Stallone was pulled from his mother, Jackie Stallones womb by the doctors forceps which ended up severing a facial nerve.This paralyzed the lower leftfield half of his face, which gave him his iconic look and slightly slurred speech today. Young Sylvester Stallone was born into a troubled marriage, for his first five years he lived in the infamous Hells Kitchen going to-and-from diverse foster homes. Eventually his parents got their act together and they were all reunited as a family. Du e to Stallones birth accident, his face and speech made him an outcast in school, which in turn led to multiple fights and poor grades. His father and mother got divorced when Stallone was eleven and presently after, he was sent to a school for troubled kids.He go to Philadelphia where he attended Notre Dame Academy and Lincoln High School which is where he first started acting and was also a football player. After utmost school Sylvester Stallone went to instruct at the American College of Switzerland in Geneva. After a couple years he returned to the United States and enrolled for college. He enrolled at the University of Miami hoping to get a major in drama. Stallones college life didnt last long because he dropped out to pursue an acting career in New York.The Jobs didnt come easy in the beginning like they do ow, and Stallone stuck with it and played some minor roles before he blasted off in 1976 when he wrote Rocky. This Jumpstarted his career to becoming the man we know today. Stallone owns a third of the world-wide icon Planet Hollywood. Planet Hollywood is a resort that has food, games, a pool, and hotel. The creation of this hotel/resort/restaurant gave population of the world the opportunity to look at some of cinemas most iconic costumes, art, and props. Stallone is also a dedicated painter. l think Im a much fracture painter than an actor Stallone states in an interview with Kate Roberts. He also believes Its much more personal and Im allowed to do Just what I want to do. Quite lots in acting you have to play a certain part, you cannot speak as much as you want to speak. His paintings can be seen in St. Petersburg. (Reuters. ) He also claims that he wouldnt take an acting Job if it interfered with his paintings. Some of his paintings depict his iconic creation Rocky Balboa. Sylvester Stallone wrote many of the movies he has starred in.In 1976 he wrote and starred in the take in motion-picture show Rocky, which eventually evolved into a six movie set that the main role as John Rambo a Vietnam War veteran. Stallone also wrote/co-wrote F. I. S. T. ,, Rambo First Blood Part II, Rhinestone and Rambo Ill. , Staying Alive, The Expendables, The Expendables 2. As an actor Stallone has had in ups and downs. His roles as Rocky Balboa in the Rocky saga, John Rambo in the Rambo trilogy, the movie Cliffhanger, and Demolition Man were some of his best roles. But after the success of Demolition Man, Stallones career began to fade away.His career hit rock nooky in 2002 with the movie D-Tax which only earned fifty-five thousand dollars on its opening weekend (thats pretty bad). His career then took off again when he was 60 when he returned to the role of Rocky in Rocky Balboa the sixth and final movie to his rocky series. Stallone has earned many awards and nominations along the years. He has win two Oscars and won 27 awards and has had 31 nominations. He also holds the record for being the only actor to open a number one film o ver five decades. His career is still rolling strong today.Stallone is starring in an upcoming film called Grudge Match that comes out Christmas Day and had proclaimed the production of an Expendables 3 and also a spinoff of Rocky Creed. One of Stallones greatest accomplishments was the creation of a little man with a big heart, Rocky Balboa, who overcame hardship and won the hearts of millions. In 1975, Stallone was out of work and his hopes where low, yet then became inspired by a boxing match he witnessed, he soon wrote the script of Rocky in Just three days. He made his first mark in his career whenever he went to sell the script.He was the first person to indite a script and refused to sell it unless he played the starring role. Nobody had ever done this before but it soon caught on with actors like Ben Affleck, savorless Damon, and Owen Wilson. Most people shot him down because of his rule but he was finally accepted by Robert Chatoff and Charles Winkler and they soon be gan production. Rocky wasnt Just a hero but an icon for many, not because it was a boxing movie but because it was a movie of overcoming the odds, a true underdog story, and also a love story.The Rocky saga was seen as this great symbolism of never give up and that your dreams can come true (Stallone, The Rocky Saga Going the Distance) or A saga about America with the screen background of boxing. (Carl Weathers, The Rocky Saga Going the Distance) these aspects are what made the series such a uccess. Today there is a marathon based off of the workout dispatch Rocky took during his training in the movie called Rocky 50K Fatass Race. , Rocky Balboa wasnt Just an underdog boxing hero, but a full-fledged ultra-marathoner, the waiting began.Someone, at some point, would place to stage a run based on the 30. 61 -mile course McQuade determined Rocky ran in the training sequence in Rocky II. (Hamilton, gambling Run on Rockys 30-Mile Philly Route is On ). The route starts at Rockys home and ends at the iconic stairs leading to the Philadelphia art museum. Rocky also left his mark n the city of Philadelphia there is a statue of Rocky Balboa that stands at the front of the iconic museum where Rocky would end his workout run.When filming the scene of Rocky running up the stairs, Garret Brown got a chance to try out his newest creation the Steadicam, Rocky wasnt the first movie he used it on but it was the first nowadays in most films. Rocky Balboa also has been inducted to the Boxing Hall of Fame for his influence on the boxing community and the world. Stallones other big hit was about a Vietnam War veteran, John Rambo. Rambo dramatized the conservative pillars of the post-Vietnam period (Wardenski, WhyRambo Mattered) this movie was about the Vietnam War but it was a story that showed that we couldVe won the war but we ended up losing because of the beaurocrats. Rambo changed how Americans viewed those who served in Vietnam. Rambo was the first real exertion hero, s etting a new standard for body count, property destruction, and a heros view of pitying and material destruction. Why did Rambo change the action movie genre? Well first off Stallone created a character which became synonymous with big macho 80s fragging action but also because it was kind of smart.Not exactly a thinking mans movie but one where the characters ad some complex emotions that made them, want cast up the whole town. Thanks to Rambo and a host of mean-spirited vigilante movies, the Vietnam Vet had film options outside of hang wringing dramas about post-combat relationships.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Rbi on Discipline
One thousand dustup on discipline, matchless thousand phrases on the Army Values, and one thousand words on what organism a S hoaryier mode to me, not counting words that be less than three letters in length, which i dont uder post because they be words too, poor little guys, clean cause theyre sm totally , they dont exist? assort, this occasion of the rbi is creation written and plowed on discipline.I am condudcting this rbi because myself along with a few other soldiers in the platoon fucked up to daymagazine and since i am on profile and chiffoniernot conduct the pushup and the sittup, my profile states that i can only walk at my own pace a distance for Physical Training, which is with forth delay called PRT standing for Physical Readiness Training, on that pointfore penning this rbi is the punishment my attractions deemed neccesary for counteractive achieve toward myself and others that fucked up in the platoon.RBIs argon buckle undern to soldiers for correctiv e action some periods because we need trining on writing es hypothesizes esspecially if a soldier is acquire kayoed of the armament soon, the likes of myself, i get out of the troops in july of this year therefore i am actually kind of glad that i oblige to do this becaue i need to sharpen my essay skills both business smart, so thankyou. Disciline designates control gained by enforcing esteem or order. It also means orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior. develop is important in all stakes by bothone young and old, big or small, short or tall, discolor or black, or hispanic, or asian. so any race religion hieght or weight, no exit who you atomic number 18 or what job you stir, whether it be in the army navy airforce marines or unconstipated if you effect at wal-mart, or k-mart or chuckee cheeze, or even mcdonalds, but most importantly in the military, army, and military police corp, discipline is one of the most important traits a person can live with.Discipline can vary from belongings yourself from eating the last piece of pizza or doing the defective thing, much(prenominal) as not liberation to a severalise you argon told to show up at, (even if you take a valid reson for not showing up and the person your tryng to rationalize it to custom listen to you and keeps interupting you, which is rude as fuck, but oh well, its the army, what can i say. hats why i ordinarily dont even bother trying to explain myself wheter i do or not i am unagitated going to get into the same amount of incommode because some slew just dont give a shit what you put one across to say when they are having a bad day, i like how when some people have bad long time they fulfill it out on everyone else, or when draws dcide one day to be super hooah when they usually are pretty laid back. thats also one of the reasons hat i am getting out of the army, that and at least one thousand other reasons) to even killing someone. Without discipli ne, the fall in states army every state in the get together states of america and every other country in this world would be way way more chaotic than what it is now, i could not even imagine the world and the army being more chaotic than it is now. Jim Rohn said once, Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. Discipline is applied to each(prenominal) activity in our lives. The discipline in the One Seventyth soldiery Police Company has been worsening since weve begun reintegration into the linked States, personally I believe that has happened because the attractions in the company are not enforcing discipline, mostly because over in Afghanistan while we were deployed we bacame such a tight nit family that we saw eachother more as family than soldiers and non-comissioned Officers.Discipline down-range was still there just not as much as the Army expects it to be. So that being said, I also believe that discipline in this company has dropped because soldiers f eel as though our leaders do not palm closely the welfare of the soldiers, whitethornbe they do but it doesnt show.. Prime example, yesterday SPC Snyder asked cater sergeant-at-law Holenbach if he would give her a counseling on requesting cash in ones chips and the procedures she needfully to follow.Staff sergeant Hollenbach past told her that he would get it through, later on he told her that he would be stumble the followng day and to have her get with SGT Quirarte and have him give her a counseling. The next morning, SPC Snyder found out that SGT Quirarte was on leave and coud not counsel her.SPC Snyder then came to me thinking I was the acting Squad leader and the next leader she should come to in her chain of reign over and then asked if I would counsel her on requesting leave and the procedures she needs to follow since Staff sergeant Hollenbach was off, From what she said, i understood that Staff sergeant Hollenbach told her to get her leave big bucks done first th ing in the morning, i understand that SPC Snyder and I did not show up to mob at 0900, i was in charge, so i was therefore, i was victorious charge, as the saw goes When in charge, concur charge which i am sure every soldier in the linked States army has harkend more than once.I understand that i probably should have chosen a different time to complete the counseling but i figured since her own team leader isnt here and wasnt going to complete the counseling on his day off and not take care of his soldier then i should be the one to take care of her, since her team leader wasnt going to be up to(p) to do so, when i deem neccessary, it is definatley absolutley one hundred and ten percent my imperfection that i chose a bad time to complete to complete SPC Snyders counseling, you might even choose the saying, the wrong time to complete SPC Snyders counseling, rather than a bad time to complete SPC Snyders counseling, but i was not sure when the classes would be over, classes we did a couple weeks ago if i remember correctly. mind you. nd if the classes did take all day then the leave packet would not have been complete in time to turn it in that day, and therefore would take alot longer to get passed up through the chain of command and get approved or dissaproved. So, my bad, this guinea pig of incedent from me lead not happen again, and this type of behavior from me leave alone not be seen again. Also discipline comes in the same catigory as attitude. In that i mean from what i see, higher leaders, such a platoon sergeants dont have there prorities in order, i believe taking care of soldiers comes first in my mind, i do not see that in our senior leaders. i continuously take care of my soldiers issues first, i could not care less anout mne until my soldiers issues are resolvled.Leave packets sit on the same desks for days does not say good things, deamening sldiers, does not say good things, and getting upset when (HOly shit, i am only at six hudred words, and this has to be done by tomorrow morning? This is bullshit) and even denying a soldier theyre right to attend an appontment when a soldier has an appointment whether it interfres with work or not, that does not say that a Non comissioned officer cares about the health and welfare of there soldiers. overall i believe that the soldiers discipline in this company has dropped because the soldiers in this company feel as though theyre Non-comissioned officers do not care about the health and welfare of them.The mentality in this company seems to be, If the Non-comissioned Officers in this company dont care, then why should I? 1006 The seven Army Vaues. This RBI is being written to discuss the seven army values, which consist of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, right, and Persanal Courage . Integrity is not just a word that defines honesty and curse, but it is also one of the words that makes up and defines the Army Values. Integrity is probably, in my mind, one of the most important, valuable and worth kernel words the United states Army uses. The united states Army defines Integrity as doing what is right always, mentally, morally, and physically.Doing what is right always, means being able to do everything you are supposed to the correct way when no one is around to watch you or being able to do the things you are tasked out to do the right way without having anyone be there to supervise you, being able to have people trust and believe in you that you go away do what your told the right way, like from a Non-comissioned officer. beingness able to do even little missions and have every one trust you to get it done the right way is a very important aspect of being in the united states Army. If no one can trust you to do things the right way when they tell you to conduct a mission, you wont be asked to do anything, you wont be put in charge of anything, and you wont get to go to any schools, especially any schools you actually inadeq uacy to attend. Integrity also works the same way when you are at a school or away from your company or even on leave or a four day pass. While at the school or class or even on leave or a four day pass or whatever you might be at.Letting your company, or team leader or squad leader or platoon sergent have a go at it what is going on with you at your school or class is a moldiness and you also essential be honest and tell your team leader, or squad leader, platoon sergeant the equity, like maybe if you get counseled for something while at your school for any reason at all you just might let your team leader squad leader or platoon sergeant know about this so that they know what is going on with you, being truthful with everyone will show them that you can be trusted even if things are not going good for you in school or class or at home on leave or whatever it is that you are doing while you are away from the company or base, they might even say they will try and sustain you ou t with your class, but maybe as soon as you go in to talk to them for help, you most possible get yelled at and also get talked down to like youre an idiot, and you feel like you wished you wouldnt have even let them know you were having trouble because now you look like a fool and an idiot, so next time you dont tell them that you need help and then you get into even more trouble because now they say you cant be trusted and that you dont have any Integrity. You earn integrity by doing what you are told and doing it without having to be supervised and getting whatetever it is that you were told to get done finished the right way without messing it up. if you elapse to do everything that is asked of you the right way and more every time your supervisors will learn and come to trust you because they can count on you to do what they ask, they wont question your word or integrity. Then there is integrity like good conduct.Good conduct can be described as conducting yourself in a over lord manor at all times, being in the united states Army you must conduct yourself in a professional manor at all times whether you are working, on post or off post on leave or not, during the weekend and even if you are at a school or class, especially for being part of the united states army Military Police Corps, we always have to be conducting ourselves in a professional manor at all times whether you are working, on post or off post on leave or not, during the weekend and even if you are at a school or class, we always must go on professionalism, because we are always being watched.If you screw up and do not conduct yourself in a professional manor you will catch up with for it, esspesially if you screw up and dont tell your team leader, squad leader, or platoon sergeant about the incident and they somehow find out later on, your punishment will be even worse then. and it wont be very nice in most cases. For example if you are failing a class and you decide to take a drop mak e sure you know what you are doing or getting yourself into, because every one that sent you to that class or school is expecting you to finish, if you take the drop you will not be conducting yourself in a professional manor. MENTALY MORAL This one may be a little hard to discuss and describe and write about because I haveno thinking what to say or write, but I will do my best, besides moral integrity is at stake once again. Being mentally moral really doesnt have too much to do with anyone else but you.In my opinion being mentally fit or having mental integrity is a big part of being in the united states Army or in whatever professional field you might be working in, wheteher it be in the army, navy, airforce, marines, or even if you are a lawyer or car salesman, is really important. If you cant be mentally honest or aline with yourself then how can you be honest and lawful with anyone else? If you dont trust yourself and be honest or true with yourself then how are you going to be honest and true with anyone else, you cant be honest and true if you are not mentally fit and that you are in denial and that is not good because then everyone will think you are a basket case and just write you off as some idiot and someone that they will never trust to do anything the right way, because you lie to yourself and everyone else will think of you as a liar. For example if something is wrong and you keep telling yourself verything is all good, and everyone around you can see that something is wrong but you wont admit it then you show everyone else that you cant handle the truth with yourself then how can you handle being truthful and honest with anyone else. Kind of a messed up situation you would find yourself in. If this part didnt make much since then it was a good paragraph because I have no idea what to say about this, couldnt even find it on line to help with this part of the essay. Hell everyone says they are good when they are really not, maybe money, or s pouse or something, in that case every one is a victim of not being in a mentally fit or mental integrity position.So basically being good in your headword and having your melon in good shape and believing and trusting your self will greatly help you and others to see that you are actually mentally fit and you have good mental integrity which will then help them have trust in you and task you out for missions because they will trust that you will get the mission complete the right way. 1018 What it means to me to be an American soldier in the united states army. In this section of the rbi i will be writing and discussing what it means to be an american soldier in the united states army to me, i will mostly basically be describing the united states armys Soldiers opinion in my own words. A soldier is a member of the land component of study armed forces whereas a soldier hired for service in a foreign army would be termed a mercenary. The majority of cognates of the word soldier th at exist in other languages have a meaning that embraces both commissioned and non-commissioned officers in republical land forces.The word soldier entered modern English in the 14th century, from the equivalent Middle English word soudeour, from Anglo-French soudeer or soudeour, meaning mercenary, from soudee, meaning shillings worth or wage, from sou or soud, shilling. The word is also related to the Medieval Latin soldarius, meaning soldier (literally, one having pay). These words were ultimately derived from the Late Latin word solidus, referring to an Ancient Roman coin used in the Byzantine Empire. In most armed forces use of the word soldier has taken on a more general meaning, due to the increasing specialization of military dutys that require different areas of knowledge and skill-sets or what the united states army would refer to as Military Occupational Specialty. As a result, soldiers are referred to by names or ranks which eflect an individuals military occupation sp ecialty arm, service or branch of military employment, their type of unit, or operational employment or technical use such as trooper, tanker, commando, dragoon, infantryman, marine, paratrooper, ranger, sniper, engineer, sapper, medic, or a gunner. So what does it mean to me to be a soldier you ask? Hmm There are many sections to the soldiers credence which all influence my vitality, both the way I live and the way I think. All soldiers whether old or new, should try their hardest to abide and live by the soldiers creed. The soldiers creed has taught me many things that make me who I am today. I am an American soldier, To me, that means I have the right to say this anywhere and everywhere I go.As an American I have granting immunity of speech, religion, and pursuit of happiness. As a soldier in the united states army I defend these rights. I am a warrior and a member of a team, I will fight and give my life for my country, and as a member of a team I know I will never be alone b ecause i will always have my battle buddy to my left and my right, right next to me, there to fight the battle and complete the mission just as i am. I serve the people of the United States, and live the army values When I recite this I stand proud that I am one of few that chose to serve and protect the United States of America. Now, as a soldier I not only follow the rules of the Bible, but I live the seven army values.Loyalty, I will and always will stand by my fellow comrades, soldiers and battle buddies, always being loyal and trustworthy. Duty, I will perform my job to the best of my ability. Respect, something earned, not given. I respect everyone that serves this nation proudly with me, but i believe that respect is a two lane road, meaning, if i give you the respect i think you deserve but dont get the respect i deserve in return then i will never give you that respect again. Example, if i give a Non-comissioned officer the greeting of the day and the just continue walking without saying a word back, then i will never give that non-comissioned officer the greeting of the day again.Selfless Service, I dont want to die, but I will if it keeps my fellow comrades and soldiers and battle buddies and family back home safe and continues the freedom they have always known. Honor, every day when I put on the uniform of the united states army I have great pride and honor in myself and others who also where the same uniform. Integrity, learned from our parents as kids, enforce as service members, always do whats right no matter what, wheteher you are on post or off post on duty or off duty on leave or a four day pass or not. And last but not least, Personal Courage, if my country calls on me to do something and complete a mission, I have the personal fortitude to do whatever they ask of me. The Warrior ethos are the best and most important part to me in the soldiers creed. I will always place the mission first, I will never behave defeat, I will never quit, a nd I will never leave a fallen comrade. No matter where I am on duty or not, on post or not, on leave or a four day pass or not, the mission will always come first (right after my family) or I will die trying, if that is neccesary. Part of being a soldier in the united states army is always being accountable and being on time, that is also very important. As a soldier in the United States Army we are accountable for any responsibilities we are given. Many responsibilities are given to us and there are also many situations where time is of the utmost importance.As a soldier in the united states army we have responsibilities such as, sideline the Army values in our daily lives, in and out of uniform, on or off post, on duty or not, because we are soldiers twenty four hours a day and seven days a week. Keeping our barracks clean our rooms and the common areas and always be ready for inspection. We are responsible for conditioned about the United States Army, its regulations, rank st ructure and knowing our military occupation specialtys. With some military occupation specialty we have security clearances and are given a lot more responsibility than soldiers without security clearances. Everyday those with clearances are around sensitive reading to the United States Army which could have a negative and detrimental effect on the united states of america and the united states army.We have the responsibility to protect this information and make sure the wrong people dont get access to it. We have responsibility to look out for our fellow battle buddies in and out of uniform as well. We should always be looking out for them during the duty day and even in and out of uniform, on or off post, on duty or off duty, because as i said erlier, we are soldiers twenty four hours a day and seven days a week, making sure they are doing the right thing, keeping their uniform squared away and helping them when they need the help. Being stationed in another country where Engl ish isnt the first language brings about more dangers which in turn creates more responsibilities as a battle buddy.Soldiers stationed in like say Korea also have the responsibility of representing the United States whenever tey step removed the gate or even go through the checkout line at the P. X. How we act is how the people of Korea will view the United states army and the United stated as well. We are responsible for release a good impression. As a soldier in the united states army we are train to follow orders and always held accountable for this as well as carrying out any mission we are handed. All actions we take as a soldier we are held accountable and we have to be able to answer for everything we do, wheteher the person you are answering to wants to listen or not, which in most cases they dont want to hear what you have to say because leaders are right no matter what. 1003 -THE END-
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