Thursday, April 18, 2019

Write informations about river, Lake and SWAMPS Essay

sp be informations about river, Lake and SWAMPS - Essay Exampleeks to unveil more information about these three main water supply masses, which are rivers, lakes and swamps besides organisms as well as plants that usually live in these water bodies.Rivers are the chief contributors in the hydrological cycle process (Weston, 2013). A river is a route of water that usually heads towards an oceanic or lake. Rivers serve the responsibility of drawing water from the earth before draining it into lakes and seas (Weston, 2013). Apart from water, they alike carry along millions of rocks, sediments and living organisms (Weston, 2013). Mainly, the latter rely on rivers as habitats because they cannot defy on ironical land except in water. Rivers serve the purpose of regulating environmental processes by shaping Continental landscapes through continuous flow, hence resulting to gradual erosion of valleys and plains (Weston, 2013).Rivers exemplifys of two categories, which are unfailing and Intermittent (Weston, 2013). Perennial carry water throughout the year without running prohibitionist while intermittent ones are seasonal. A river can be intermittent due to seasonal changes such as freezing during winter or running dry in summer (Weston, 2013). Some of the common lifeforms found in rivers include fish, dragonflies and snails. Rivers as well act habitats for variued types of plants such as arrowheads, skunk cabbage and the blue vervain (National Park Service, 2014). Some plants survive under water while others submerge or just float. Other roles performed by rivers include use for generation of hydroelectric power, aiding varied process essential to human beings like running industrial process, irrigation and vapidity of aquatic species meant for consumption like fish (Weston, 2013).These are large water masses enveloped by dry soil and in most case do not have any outlets. They usually comprise about 0.2 percent of the earths water (Dickerson, 2008). Most t hem vary in sizes ranging from those that are galore(postnominal) hundred yards wide to dozens of miles

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