Saturday, April 6, 2019

Walter chauncey camp Essay Example for Free

Walter chauncey camping area EssayWalter Chauncey Camp was an American football player, coach, and sports writer cognise as the Father of American Football. He invented the sports line of scrimmage and the arrangement of downs. With John Heismilitary personnel, Amos Alonzo Stagg, Pop Warner, Fielding H. Yost, and George Halas, Camp was one of the most cultivated persons in the early hi bosh of American football. He played college football at Yale College from 1876 to 1882, after which he briefly studied at Yale School of Medicine.He attended Yale Medical School from 1880 to 1883, where his studies were interrupted archetypical by an outbreak of typhoid fever and then by work for the Manhattan Watch Company. He worked for the late Haven Clock Company beginning in 1883, working his way up to chairman of the jump on of directors. Rules committee Camp was on the various collegiate football rules committees that developed the American game from his judgment of conviction as a player at Yale until his death.English Rugby rules at the time required a tackled player, when the ball was fairly held, to put the ball down immediately for scrummage. Camp proposed at the U. S. College Football 1880 rules chemical formula that the contested scrummage be replaced with a line of scrimmage where the team with the ball started with uncontested possession. This swop effectively created the evolution of the modern game of American football from its rugby football origins.He is ascribe with innovations much(prenominal) as the snap-back from center, the system of downs, and the points system, as well as the introduction of the now-standard offensive arrangement of playersa seven-man offensive line and a four-man backfield consisting of a quarterback, two halfbacks, and a fullback. Camp was also responsible for introducing the safety, the present of two points to the defensive side for tackling a ball carrier in his own end geographical zone followed by a free kick by the offense from its own 20-yard line to restart play.This is significant, as rugby union has no point value award for this action, but instead awards a scrum to the attacking side five meters from the goal line. In 2011, reviewing Camps role in the founding of the sport and of the NCAA, Taylor setoff also credited Camp with cutting the human activity of players on a football team from 15 to 11 and adding measuring lines to the field. However, Branch noted that the revelation in a contemporaneous McClures powder store story of Camps $100,000 slush fund, along with concern about the violence of the growing sport, helped lead toPresident Theodore Roosevelts intervention in the sport.The NCAA emerged from the national talks but worked to Yales disadvantage relative to rival Harvard, according to Branch. Writing Despite having a full-time job at the New Haven Clock Company, a Camp family business, and being an gratuitous yet very involved adviser to the Yale football team, Camp wrote articles and books on the gridiron and sports in general. By the time of his death, he had written nearly 30 books and more than 250 magazine articles.His articles appeared in national periodicals such as Harpers Weekly, Colliers, Outing, Outlook, and The Independent, and in juvenile magazines such as St. Nicholas, Youths Companion, and Boys Magazine. His stories also appeared in major daily juvenilespapers throughout the United States. He also selected an annual All-American team. According to his biographer Richard P. Borkowski, Camp was instrumental through writing and teach in attaching an almost mythical atmosphere of manliness and heroism to the game not previously known in American team sports.By the age of 33, twelve years after graduating from Yale, Walter Camp had already become known as the Father of Football. In a column in the popular magazine Harpers Weekly, sports columnist Caspar Whitney had applied the nickname the sobriquet was appropriate because, by 1892, Camp had almost single-handedly fashion the game of modern American football. The Daily Dozen exercise regimen Camp was a index of exercise, and not vindicatory for the athletes he coached. While working as an adviser to the United States military during initiation War I, he devised a program to help servicemen become more physically fit.Walter Camp has just developed for the Naval Commission on Training Camp Activities a short hand system of setting up exercises that seems to fill the bill a system designed to give a man a running jump start for the serious work of the day. It is called the daily dozen set-up, meaning thereby twelve very simple exercises. Both the Army and the Navy used Camps methods. The names of the exercises in the pilot light Daily Dozen, as the whole set became known, were hands, grind, crawl, wave, hips, grate, curl, weave,head, grasp, crouch, and wing.As the name indicates, there were twelve exercises, and they could be undefiled in about eight minutes . A prolific writer, Camp wrote a book explaining the exercises and extolling their benefits. During the 1920s, a number of newspapers and magazines used the term Daily Dozen to refer to exercise in general. Starting in 1921 with the melodic Health Builder record sets, Camp began offering morning setting-up exercises to a wider market. In 1922, the initiative reached the new medium of radio.

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