Saturday, July 27, 2019

Reflection on teaching Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Reflection on teaching - Research Paper Example Transformation learning theory remains a useful tool in designing adult education. Transformative learning theorists such as Edward Taylor, Patricia Cranton, Robert Body, and Robert Kegan have contributed greatly to the field of education. Their works identified factors that characterize transformative learning. They pointed the challenges face by educators in transformational learning environments. Their contribution to the transformational theory enhanced adult education. This reflective essay focuses on the contribution of the above theorists in enhancing adult education. Understanding the meaning of transformative learning is crucial since it enables us to understand how different adult teaching approaches work. I realized that the term transformational is used in different concepts to refer to idealized adult learning based on the nature of human communication. Jack Mezirow, who developed the theory of transformative learning in 1978 appreciated the importance of reflection in l earning. As we grow, we experience different situations, which change our perspectives (Taylor & Cranton, 2012). I had never realized the effects the different experiences have on our views. However, the transformational learning theory empowered me to understand that the different experiences accumulate and are the raw materials for transformation learning which occurs during adulthood. ... Based on the difference, the learner is able to make appropriate decision or changes. In my understanding, transformative learning encompasses trying to solve an existing problem using a new approach. It enables learners to expand their conscientiousness. During transformative learning, the learners become aware of the different selves within their psyche. Additionally, the learners become aware of their expectations and assumptions as well as those of other and interpret them to assess their relevance. .By assessing other people’s perspectives, the student learns to accept other people views. Studies on transformative learning have been used in altering learning environments to enhance adult education. Adult learners can be taught using different methods. Edward Taylor, a renowned contributor of transformative leaning, argued that the learning environment determined the level of openness demonstrated by learners. I agree with this since I also learn differently in different e nvironment. Taylor argued that ideal leaning conditions should encourage students’ autonomy and participation. Additionally, Taylor described effective instruction methods as those that promote learner centered teaching approach (Taylor & Cranton, 2012). Recent approaches on transformative learning emphasize on learning through intuitive and unconscious processes. Patricia Cranton is one theorist who has studied the role of intuitive and unconscious process in decision-making. Cranton’s views on informative learning helped me appreciate the role of reflection in learning. It is sitting back to contemplate on ones views, compare them with those of others and

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