Sunday, June 9, 2019

To teach children about the prevention about spreading germs and the Essay

To teach children to the highest degree the prevention about spreading germs and the cold and flu - Essay ExampleSince viruses are micro organisms, they cannot be seen with unclothed eyes. When the viruses of contagious diseases like cold and flu, enter our body, they reproduce rapidly and damage cells by secreting poisonous toxins. We become sick when healthy cells of our body are destroyed. contagion is the stage when the viruses invade our body and enter cells to start rapid reproduction process. The rapid multiplication produces a huge number of viruses which then destroy their array cells and cause diseases. The physical symptoms like sneeze, fever, cough, running nose etc. occur as a result of activation of antibodies and other such agents of the bodys immunity system that resist or fight the harmful foreign agents (viruses), resulting in physical symptoms The symptoms are indication that our body has started reacting to the invasion of foreign bodies and whitethorn need app ropriate backup mechanisms like medicines to kill those germs.Working with a group of four children in the implementation and learning methods of the preventive measures was a safe and sound new experience. The curiosity and enthusiasm of the children was contagious and implementing different measures of prevention turned out to be a great learning experience, which was full of fun. Initially washout hands became a big issue with the children but when their hands were put under the microscope and they saw micro organisms, they were quick to adopt this habit Showing the bearing of micro-organisms was a huge motivator for the children to take up and implement other preventive measures in their daily life. They also assured that all their friends and family members would also be informed about the need to wash hands not only as prevention against the infectious diseases but also for healthy living.Information about balanced diet had become a big debate but ultimately all the children agreed that they all

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