Friday, August 28, 2020
Asthma and its symphtomes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Asthma and its symphtomes - Essay Example Besides, my very own intelligent conversation involvement in asthma victims in as a training medical attendant working in a GPs medical procedure will be introduced. At long last, an end will integrate the central matters of the paper, and obviously state how issue is reflected in my general vicinity of clinical practice. Directly, Western social orders experience simple access to wellbeing data and training when contrasted with the past. For instance, the web gives a plenitude of data assets and access to general wellbeing administrations, chamber libraries are available to people in general, and contemporary media and promoting endeavor to 'teach' their buyers on item names. Huge scope endeavors of essential consideration laborers at utilizing conduct alteration strategies, and urging victims to embrace more beneficial ways of life, for example, staying away from contamination, or not smoking around kids, have been to a great extent fruitless. Be that as it may, despite the fact that it is at last the victim who concludes whether to embrace a more beneficial way of life, apparently factors exist which impede their entrance to wellbeing data, just as that of their families, and maybe likewise the essential consideration laborers who convey administrations to them (Morris, 2001, p. 48). Financial status of the victim has customarily been refered to as the predominant factor influencing wellbeing and prosperity. Imbalances in access to monetary assets brings about sensational contrasts in life possibilities (Fulcher and Scott, 1999, p. 588). For instance, one may not claim a PC, or can't manage the cost of an Internet association, so can't source wellbeing data. Then again, newness to utilizing a PC may refute an individual's enthusiasm of utilizing an open library's offices. Another predominant factor is the social convictions of the victim, which may compel a victim from utilizing contemporary prescriptions. Examination has demonstrated that resistant victims add to high horribleness paces of asthma. This might be because of strict connection, or from a question of meds that are not customarily connected with one's social childhood. Different components that can restrain access to wellbeing data include: social segregation, for example, can be experienced by old or the truly handicapped; land area that compels participation to wellbeing advancement programs; the victim encountering other medical problems that they consider 'progressively significant' than asthma; character qualities that impact an individual's choice to prevent the determination from securing asthma; or friend strain to not go to wellbeing instruction, or to keep away from utilization of prescription in some social contexts.Social developments that add to high bleakness paces of asthma incorporate asthma not being conceptualized as a perilous infection. Particularly, a nonattendance of manifestations, for example, wheezing are frequently deciphered as significance the nonappearance of the sickness all together. Henceforth, victims may neglect to perceive threat signals. Then again, asthma will in general be conceptualized as exclusively a youth experience. The way that the ailment can create whenever over the life expectancy doesn't have all the earmarks of being notable to people in general, as such numerous more seasoned victims may accept that their age gives them invulnerability from the illnesses increasingly genuine effects.It is likewise perceived that the superfluous bleakness rates o
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Extrusion of Thermoplastics Sheet Essays
Expulsion of Thermoplastics Sheet Essays Expulsion of Thermoplastics Sheet Essay Expulsion of Thermoplastics Sheet Essay 1. Unique Sheet swell is an of import system especially in boxing ventures. In this examination, Nova Innovene Polystyrene with Grade Empera 416N ( MFI 18 ) and Grade Empera 622N ( MFI 4 ) would used to gauge the distinction in finished result, bite the dust caput power per unit region under various handling conditions. Through sheet swell trial, it shows that expansion in mass final result as bite the dust caput power per unit region expanded. MFI 18 delivered more final result than MFI 14 as the jail monitor speed diminished from high to low. By using the loosened release informations at screw speed 2RPMto mystery plan diagram against with test results, it can foresee the maximal final result at various pass on caput power per unit region without making demonstrating. As screw speed augmentations, accentuation rate expansion, which prompts increment in screw speed, thus increment in thickness. Web break will occur with the speed of the hub pivot stack and extruder expanded rapidly. At the po int when pass on spread is more than finishing up sheet, thicknesses, cervix in, pull down will occur furthermore deliver a group of atomic direction. Draw down causes pass on swell, sharkskin and soften break. Sentmanat extensional rheometer is utilized to mensurate the extensional accentuation. . A film of polymer is twisted on two spinning membranophones, which apply immutable or variable strain rate extensional contortion on the polymer film. The accentuation is resolved from the torsion applied by the membranophones. Tear preliminary and contracting preliminary were done, in light of the fact that it is of import for applications, for example, supplement bundling. The supplement group may wilt under microwave temperature. 2. Points * Analyze how extraordinary working parametric amounts and conditions in a sheet swell method influence dice stream highlights using diverse MFI HIPS * Analyze the distinctive method conditions influence the contracting and atomic direction 3. Trial 1. MFI 18 HIPS Empera Grade 416N was included into the container. 2. The screw speed was balanced from 0RPM to 24RPM. 3. The final result was gathered and weighted after 90seconds for 2RPM and 4RPM, 45seconds for 8,12,16,20,24RPM and rehashed from 24RPM to 0RPM. 4. Genuine Melt Temperature, Pressure, Motor Current and Difference in Die Head Pressure were recorded. 5. The equivalent stairss from 1-4 were rehashed for MFI 4 HIPS Empera Grade 622N, however it began from 24RPM to 0RPM. 4. Outcomes and Discussion Allude to informative supplement for the outcomes under table 1 and 2. 4.1 Die stream include: mystery plan mass final result versus kick the bucket head power per unit zone ( for each class of stuff ) so as to deliver the bones stream highlights for each class of PS, as a guide of screw speed. From 1, which is for HIPS MFI 18, the ?P and mass finished result from the reducing bend, is higher than the expanding bend. It is on the grounds that the temperature was at that point truly elevated ( 168.5oC ) when the defrost was runing when the jail monitor speed was decreased to 20RPM from 24RPM.Whereas the temperature from screw speed 20RPM to 24RPM, which was 166.9oC. Higher temperatures, quicker defrost, more defrost created. Be that as it may, from 2, the jail watch speed at 12 RPM, the expanding bend has better quality result of 0.59g/min the diminishing bend. In existent reality, the finished result mass from the reducing bend should hold more than the expanding bend. Since, the temperature at screw speed 12RPM for the diminishing bend is higher than the expanding temperature. With notice to the shakers stream trademark condition †Newtonian ( allude to condition 1 in reference section ) , it shows that with the expansion in ?P, Q will other than increment.  µ will l essen as temperature and ?P expansion together, permitting to expand final result mass. The activity that causes a reducing of finished result rate for 12RPM for the diminishing bend, may be the administrator did non move up the extrudate completely or move up the example before the clock has arrived at 1minute. Allude to 5 in reference section ; it was the contrasting lump ramifications for MFI 4 and MFI 18 were from screw speed 24RPM to 0RPM were utilized to make a looking at. The final result for MFI 18 is higher contrasted with MFI 4 on the grounds that MFI 18 has low atomic weight which gives lower viscousness thus better quality item. Though, MFI 4 has higher atomic weight which gives lower viscousness thus lower finished result albeit under a similar jail watch speed. 4.2 Extruder stream trademark identifying with ‘open release informations for HIPS Screw speed 2RPM was utilized to plot the chart, in light of the fact that the results recorded from screw speed 8RPM to 24RPM was higher than the ‘Open release informations. Notice to 6 in addendum for MFI 18 and 7 for MFI 4. At screw speed 2RPM, the ‘open release informations was 17.7g/min for mass finished result and the ?P is 0mPa. For MFI 18, the mass finished result gathered was 11.2g/min and the ?P is 0.8mPa. For MFI 4, the mass finished result gathered was 17.09g/min and the ?P is 2.4mPa. 4.3 Account the propensities which are set up, with notice to expulsion stream hypothesis, and the impacts of jail watches speed/stuff viscousness. Express the importance of shear stream hypothesis to the perception of non-straight extruder highlights. Screw Speed An expansion in screw speed will expand the volumetric thus shear rates other than increases1. Screw speed, shear rate and final result are in direct extent under low-shear conditions2. Shear warming happens for polymer which will detract from added substance screw speed-all through correlations3. Dissolve Viscosity Allude to addendum for conditions 2-Single Screw extruder highlight and 3-shear move through an opening of constant measurement, each recommend that an expansion in viscousness will decrease the inclination â€dQ/d?P each element, following in expanded bones caput power per unit territory for a finished result rate which remains nearly unchanged4. 3.2 With notice to this hypothesis, portray and history for the connection between jail monitors speed and sheet thickness profiles. As the Screw speed augmentations, the sheet thickness profiles other than increment. The extruder and pivotal revolution stack speeds simultaneously5. On the off chance that the extruder increments quicker than the pivotal revolution, polymer build up between the bones and hub turn stack will either wrap a hub pivot or transition back onto the kick the bucket face6. On the off chance that the pivotal turn stack and departure gear speed is expanded unreasonably rapidly, web burst takes place7. In the event that the shakers spread enormously surpasses the finishing up sheet thickness, pulling or make trip down may go on to the closing product thickness8. It might deliver unnecessarily much sub-atomic orientation9. 3.3 Explain the marvel of drawdown, in footings of how it happens ( on the extruder ) and the sort of twisting which the polymer is exposed to. Drawdown intends to chop down the plastic s size by extending it10. It happens when longitudinal strain was forced upon an expelled, incompletely set defrost due to stress made by draw â€off viscousness which is more than dice finished result velocity11. The sorts of mutilations are bite the dust crestless wave, sharkskin and liquefy fracture12. Bite the dust Swell modifications in extrudate width at the issue of die13. It prompts longitudinal contracting and sidelong growth, which is brought about by revolving of polymer atoms in the wake of being extended through the die14. Sharkskin is the surface variation from the norm of an extrudate, which resembles a progression of edges opposite to the stream direction15. The reason for this may be the increasing speed outcome on the external bed results in lacrimation of the feeble flexible melt16. Liquefy Fracture is the point at which a bar like cross-area extrudate is wound into a signifier of winding, which is bambooing17. It is the reason for moderate unwinding times comparative with the bending rates in which the accentuation surpasses the quality of the defrost and a break results18. It tends to be limited by cut bringing down the bones breadth, which prompts chop down in shear accentuation thus chop down of defrost fracture19. 3.4 Suggest how a quantitative ‘extensional accentuation parametric amount may be estimated or determined from more remote instrumentality on the lump technique. The Sentmanat extensional rheometer ( SER ) is actually an installation that can be field introduced on shear rheometers20. A film of polymer is twisted on two spinning membranophones, which apply unchanging or variable strain rate extensional contortion on the polymer film21. The accentuation ( extensional ) is resolved from the torsion applied by the drums22. Allude to plot 1 for the condition of bending under force23. Where extensional accentuation is equivalent to Young s modulus increase by strain24. 3.5 Account for the results from the straightforward ‘tear preliminaries did on the sheets. It is anything but difficult to break in the arranged manner which is the y hub ; all things considered it is difficult to burst in the un-orientated way ( x-pivot ) . A touch cut along the edge in the un-orientated way, helps breaking separated simpler. Be that as it may, it was breaking in the x-pivot, sooner or later, the lacrimation begins to crack towards the y-hub. The ground why the lacrimation ever for y-hub is because of the particles were orchestrated in the y-hub way and it was cooled in a split second once it passed the fridge roller, and the atoms were solidified in that direction. 3.6 Account for the results from the contracting preliminary did on the sheets. Directional contracting happened in this experiment25. The evaluation of direction granted to the defrost during the shape f
Friday, August 21, 2020
Technology of Ultrasound Scans
Innovation of Ultrasound Scans 2.1 Ultrasound 2.1.1 Physics of Ultrasound Sound is a mechanical wave that movements through a flexible medium. Ultrasound (US) is sound at a recurrence past 20 000 Hz, the restriction of human hearing. Bats orientate themselves with the assistance of US waves at 100 000 Hz. Ultrasound at frequencies of 200 000 Hz is utilized for route. The recurrence scope of analytic US is somewhere in the range of 1 and 20 MHz. At the point when sound experiences a limit between two media of various densities a portion of the sound bobs back as a reverberation, a wonder called reflection. The remainder of the sound proceeds through the medium yet is avoided from its unique way, this is called refraction. Acoustic impedance is the obstruction of a medium to the engendering of sound and chooses how much stable will be reflected at the interface between the media. A portion of the vitality of the sound is changed over by grinding into heat while spreading, this loss of vitality is called ingestion. At the point when ultrasound waves experience a surface, a little piece of their vitality is dissipated away in irregular ways while the vast majority of the sound keeps on proliferating, a marvel called disperse. Reflection, refraction, impedance, retention and dissipate are for the most part marvels significant for picture development in symptomatic ultrasound use. Ancient rarities, echoes that don't compare to an anatomic structure yet result from the physical properties of ultrasound spread in the tissues, are additionally critical to know about when utilizing ultrasound. This marvel can likewise be of symptomatic assistance. One model is the acoustic shadowing of a gallstone, brought about by all out ingestion of the sound by the stone. Analytic ultrasound depends on the beat reverberation rule. The littlest useful units of the transducer are the piezoelectric precious stones. The gems are inserted in the test, and every gem has a particular recurrence. A heartbeat is started from every gem in the test and a longitudinal sound wave spreads through the body. A portion of the vitality is invested in the tissue and some is reflected. The reflected vitality is gotten by the test, which computes the profundity of the interface by estimating the time taken to return. We can say that the human body is made out of three fundamental materials contrasting in acoustic impedance: gas with a low impedance, bone with an exceptionally high impedance and delicate tissue with an impedance some place in the middle. The huge confound among air and bone and tissue (â€Å"impedance mismatch†) makes 100% of the sound be reflected at air/tissue interfaces and practically all the sound at bone/tissue interfaces. There is a little confound between various delicate tissues in impedance, a reality that is the reason for demonstrative ultrasound. Various frequencies of ultrasound are utilized for various indicative assessments. Higher US frequencies (7-16 MHz) have higher goals yet are firmly consumed by delicate tissue and are in this way utilized for shallow structures. Extremely high frequencies (16-20 MHz) will just go for a couple of millimeters inside tissue and are restricted to intravascular and visual assessments. Lower frequencies (3-7 MHz) are utilized for more profound structures, being less firmly assimilated and of lower goals. There are various methods of showing the abundancy of reflected sound waves: A-mode, M-mode and B-mode. A-mode (abundancy) figures just the profundity of the interface and is for the most part of recorded intrigue. M-mode (movement) is utilized to show moving structures and is utilized in heart ultrasound. B-mode (brilliance) is the standard US picture for most careful applications. Here the returning echoes are shown as shades of dark with the reverberation amplitudes spoke to by a dim level going from dark to white. The individual picture lines are put away, surveyed and gathered on the screen to make a two-dimensional B-mode picture. Doppler ultrasound utilizes the Doppler impact. At the point when US is reflected from a moving structure (for example blood) the frequencies of the waves change and the measure of recurrence change is controlled by the speed and course of blood stream. The utilization of Doppler is evident in vascular US but on the other hand is useful in different regions of symptomatic ultrasound. 2.1.2 History of Ultrasound Researchers, including Aristoteles, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, Sir Isaac Newton and Leonard Euler, have been considering the wonders of acoustics, echoes and sound waves for a long time. It was however not until 1877 that John William Strutt, otherwise called Lord Rayleigh, distributed a depiction of sound as a scientific condition in â€Å"The hypothesis of sound†which turned into the establishment for the study of ultrasound. A few years after the fact, 1880, Jaques and Pierre Curie found the piezo-electric impact; that an electric potential is created when mechanical weight is applied to a quartz precious stone, a significant disclosure that inevitably prompted the advancement of the cutting edge ultrasound transducer which contains piezoelectric gems. The primary investigation of the utilization of ultrasound as a clinical symptomatic device was distributed by the Austrian siblings Karl and Friedrich Dussik in 1942. They endeavored to find cerebrum tumors and the cerebral ventricles by estimating ultrasound transmission through the skull and inferred that if imaging of the ventricles was conceivable, the inside of the human body could likewise be pictured utilizing ultrasound. Shockingly it was later controlled by Guttner, in 1952, that the pictures created by the Dussiks were varieties in bone thickness. By the by, their logical work denoted the start of analytic ultrasonography in the clinical field and Dussik wrote in an article 10 years after the fact: †As blade and forceps in medical procedure, the synthetic specialist in chemotherapy, the high recurrence electric field in diathermy and X-beam application, so has medication taken on another physical device in the most recent decade: the ultrasonic field†. George Dã ¶ring Ludwig, cooperating with Francis Struther, was the main researcher to imagine gallstones, embedded in the muscles and gallbladders of canines, with ultrasound. His investigations likewise brought about the finding that the mean speed of ultrasound in delicate tissue is 1540 m/sec, a revelation that was to demonstrate significant for future research. Quite a bit of his work was anyway viewed as limited data, since he was utilized by the military, and thusly not distributed in clinical diaries. John Julian Wild and Douglass Howry were likewise significant pioneers in the ultrasound field. Wild was a specialist who had the option to picture gut divider thickness with ultrasound, and he additionally found a distinction in echogenicity among kindhearted and harmful tissue. Wild additionally created transrectal and transvaginal transducers and a filtering gadget for screening patients for bosom disease. Howry fabricated the principal B-mode scanner in 1949 and, together with the two architects Bliss and Posanky, he additionally built up the main straight contact scanner. The somascope, the principal circumferential scanner, worked in 1954, was likewise evolved by Howry. The issue with these scanners was that the patient must be immobilized and drenched for quite a while. In the period 1957-58 a ultrasound scanner was created by Howry and his partners where the patient was lashed to the plastic window of a crescent container loaded up with saline arrangement. In spite of the fac t that not inundated, the patient had still to be immobilized for quite a while. At long last, in the mid 1960s, Howry built up the direct held contact scanner, together with Wright and E Myers. During a similar time Ian Donald was doing ultrasound inquire about in England and 1958 he distributed an article that came to be a milestone, (â€Å"Investigation of stomach masses by beat ultrasound†), where he portrays how ultrasound changed the treatment of a lady determined to have progressed gastric malignancy significantly by diagnosing a cystic mass with ultrasound; the mass was later resected and seen as a favorable ovarian growth. Donald contributed altogether to the field of obstetric and gynecological ultrasound for instance by finding the urinary bladder to be a characteristic acoustic window for the pelvic organs and by estimating the biparietal breadth of the baby just because. A century sooner the Doppler impact had been found by the well known Austrian researcher Christian Andreas Doppler and introduced in 1842 of every a paper called ÃÅ"ber das farbige Licht der Doppelsterne und einiger anderer Gestirne des Himmels (On the hued light of the twofold stars and certain different stars of the sky). In Lund, Sweden, the chief pioneers of echocardiography Inge Edler and Carl Hellmuth Hertz, built up the principal echocardiogram in October 195323 . In this manner Hertz and Ã… sberg developed the initial two-dimensional continuous cardiovascular imaging machine 1967 and Edler and Lindstrã ¶m registred the primary concurrent M-mode and intracardiac Doppler blood stream accounts at about a similar time. Ultrasound has in the most recent decades grew rapidly and the primary computerized scanners were discharged onto the market in 1976, giving better and reproducible pictures. Interventional ultrasonography goes back to 1969 when Kratochwill proposed the utilization of ultrasound for percutaneous waste. Concerning for injury the primary report of the strategy for assessing obtuse injury was dated 1971, by Kristenson in Germany. The improvement is as yet going on and in the light of advances in innovation prompting littler accessible machines joined with the costs of machines diminishing quickly hypotheses have been made about the likelihood that specialists later on will routinely be furnished with their own ultrasound stethoscope for use in their day by day clinical work. 2.1.3 Ultrasound Instruments It is critical to have an essential information in which a ultrasound picture is created. The segments of scanner incorporate Transmitter: Emits electrical driving forces that strike the transducer
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The New Angle On Best College Essay Topics Just Released
The New Angle On Best College Essay Topics Just Released Choosing Best College Essay Topics Is Simple 1 approach to acquire a notion of what colleges are trying to find is to read some amazing essays from students who've been successful in their bid to go into a selective university. Particularly in the education field, net and online applications have gotten invariable today. How your student would describe her or his ideal day would reveal much too. In any case, technology has the absolute most efficient implication in rising interdisciplinary studies that chance to be the crowning region of education. The Basics of Best College Essay Topics Not each time you prepare for debate you'll need to be serious. A small amount of research can help you discover the best sources to use. Argumentative debate topics cover specific problems, problems, phenomenon or subjects you may deliberate. Around the world, immigration is a popular topic as countries suffer from war and financial disasters. Ruthless Best College Essay Topics Strategies Exploited You must grab their attention and the best method to do this is by writing in your voice. The work, which demands the complete attention and a very clear mind. Naturally, you might pick any topic, nobody could ever know that you're describing experience that you never actually had, but don't forget that it is always simpler to tell the truth than to invent lies. Opt for a distinctive topic that others may not think of, and whatever you select, make sure that you know a lot about it! Application essays about challenges reveal how you respond to difficulty to folks who are rather interested in how you are going to manage the subsequent four years by yourself. Should you need some incredible topic ideas, continue reading. Also, remember your discussion topics must fit the other students' level some of them is able to be not able to take care of the topic that has too many facets to think about. You're the sole person with your specific mixture of personal qualities, beliefs, values, and experiences, and therefore you don't will need to lie or exaggerate to earn your essay unique. Writing essays for college is probably going to be a challenging practice. The essay is just one of the important methods you are able to distinguish yourself. When you're writing a college admission essay, you should finish the just one paper. Writing the college application essay is a difficult gig. The sports essay is predictable and ought to be avoided, if at all possible. Sports history any sport in any country may be the topic of an amazing essay. Process Essay Topics which Everyone Can Relate To. Essay topics for college needs to be paid a specific attention to. A summary of the SAT Essay. Using Best College Essay Topics If you're looking for a writing assistance and an excellent essay topic idea, our company is the very best option for you. To be able to think of good college essay topics, it's suggested to obey a range of prompts, which can be great for your purchase completion. In lots of ways, the most labor-intensive portion of your college application method is the essay. For instance, for admission essays, it's recommended to concentrate on some particular features rather than giving general and known details. The absolute most important quick thing you can do to help your essay is to be sure there aren't any typos or grammatical errors. Make certain that you fully grasp the detailed information of writing this kind of essay. A bit of writing is more than merely a bit of writing. The first can enhance thei r writing skills utilizing a precise pattern or template. So without further ado, below are some effective writing tips to create your common app essay stick out! Otherwise, you might end up spending lots of time staring at a blank Word document. If you're struggling, you always have the option to obtain help by employing an essay writing service such as ours. The very first thing which you will have to do is identify all the essays you ought to write and their deadlines.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Tony Dungy Book Report - 2990 Words
Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices, Priorities of a Winning Life Author: Tony Dungy A Book Report Michael Fors BUS 625/626 †¢ Dr. David Bess The book I chose was Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices, Priorities of a Winning Life, by Tony Dungy. This is more than an autobiography of the life of Tony Dungy, the coach of the 2006 Super Bowl champion Indianapolis Colts. Woven throughout his life story are the principles, practices, and priorities of a life that is able to lead others towards positive change, not by focusing on success, but by focusing on building up men by focusing on character, respect and integrity. Not only am I a fan of NFL football but more†¦show more content†¦Tony Dungy utilized several key techniques to bring about change to each organization he managed. Each organization was different so some of the techniques he used for one would not be used for another. When he was called in as head coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers he was asked to bring about radical change to this historically unsuccessful organization. The first thing he did was fire all of the existing assistant coaches. He took this extreme measure to bring about an extreme change. Over the years the team had cultivated a fragile mindset that infected their play; they always expected something to go wrong and it usually did. He was set on changing more than just the staff of the Buccaneers -- he was set on changing the entire culture of the organization. Ask your team what needs to be fixed. It seems simple but many leaders fail to even ask their team what they think. That was the second thing Tony did, he began meeting with the players to see what needed to be fixed. All the issues were minor but they contributed to the team’s second class defeatist, excuse-laden mentality. Tony felt that by addressing minor issues he could bring about a major culture shift. For instance, the Buccaneers’ previous owner was cheap and had the team staying in low-class, out-of-the-way hotels to save money. Tony arranged for them to stay downtown at the Marriott, Wyndham, and Ritz Carleton. He upgraded all their facilities that had fallen into disrepair and heShow MoreRelatedSports17363 Words  | 70 PagesGlobalization of Sports (book review) From the bibliography that follows, choose a book and critique it, including the following information: 1. The book: Full name of the title, author(s) name, when and where published and by whom, number of pages and illustrations. 2. Author(s): Who she or he isâ€â€profession, background, experience, and other publications. 3. Frame of reference: The writer’s point of view, or bias. Do you think she or he is qualified to write about this subject? Is the book based on personalRead MoreSports17369 Words  | 70 PagesGlobalization of Sports (book review) From the bibliography that follows, choose a book and critique it, including the following information: 1. The book: Full name of the title, author(s) name, when and where published and by whom, number of pages and illustrations. 2. Author(s): Who she or he isâ€â€profession, background, experience, and other publications. 3. Frame of reference: The writer’s point of view, or bias. Do you think she or he is qualified to write about this subject? Is the book based on personalRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Word s  | 1573 PagesOne Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Robbins, Stephen P. Organizational behavior / Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
As I Lay Dying and The Odyssey Books of Epic Quests with...
As I lay Dying and the Odyssey As I lay dying and the Odyssey can both be considered books of epic quests with incredible odds. Faulkner takes the title of As I Lay Dying from a line spoken in the Odyssey by the Greek warrior Agamemnon. Agamemnon tells Odysseus when he travels to the Underworld, â€Å"As I lay dying, that woman with the dog’s eye would not close my eyes as I descended into Hades.†Both books give off extraordinary characters, with what some may call outlandish behavior, to possibly throw off the reader from what was expected in such a quest or journey. These two novels seem as to begin in the midst of all the tragedy and situations, using flashbacks and stories of the characters to relate back and give the reader insight of†¦show more content†¦In another adventure, Odysseus lands on the island of the Greek goddess Circe who turns his men into pigs. Odysseus once again devises a way to cleverly defeat her, save his men, and return to the sea. After his encounter with Circe, Odysseus must journey into the underworld where he meets with his mother and some of his comrades from the Trojan War. ( Kleiner, David. The Odyssey. West Berlin, N.J.: Townsend Press, 2005. Print.) There are many different symbols that link both books together. For Faulkner in As I Lay Dying he uses the Love triangle as Homer did in the Odyssey. From Addie to Anse to Whitfield in As I lay Dying, to Agememnon, to Clytemnestra, to Odysseus in the Odyssey. Along with Elyptsu in the Odyssey falling off the roof and dying, Cash falls off the Church roof and breaks his leg. Not only does Clytemnestra betray him to die at the hands of her lover, she refuses him the mere dignity of proper burial rites. Faulkner uses this same concept in As I Lay Dying, where Addie is denied proper burial by her children and own husband. Along with the dangerous crossing of the proverbial river. Darl is seen as a sort of Cassandra from the â€Å"Odyssey†, blessed with a second sight which most dismiss as simply â€Å"queer,†foreseeing the disaster at the river yet unable to stop it or do anything about it. (Faulkner, William. As I Lay Dying. Ed. Noel Polk. New York: Vintage
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Letter of Complaint free essay sample
Fast Food Company. 50 Lion road. Kampala 23330. Uganda. Dear Sir, I am writing to convey to you that the service your company has been providing has worsened substantially during the last three months. Firstly, the quality of the food has decreased considerably during this period. This fact has been noticeable since you change your main supplier. Over these three months, fruits and vegetables have almost been eliminated from the menu, including an important amount of frozen food instead. Not only have these facts undermined the quality of the food, but it will also affect the health of our personnel in the long run. Secondly, there have been several complaints regarding the cleanliness of the dining facility. These complaints were previously reported several times, but your company has always argued that it lacks personnel since some of them left the company. This seems to be a major problem, since it has been reported a plague of cockroach. We will write a custom essay sample on Letter of Complaint or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It can be argued that, had your company invested in personnel, these shortcomings would have been solved. It would have been desirable that you had hired personnel replacing those who left the company; this measure as well as a raise of the salaries would have prevented workers looking for another job, thus it would have enhance the standard of the service as well. I regret to inform that there has been a clear breach of contract; therefore, our agency has decided not to renew it. However, and in order to avoid a massive dismissal, employee would have been granted a job in the prospective food service company as long as they fulfill all the requirements. Thank you for your service. David Martinez
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Dolphins Essays (746 words) - Oceanic Dolphins, Dolphin,
Dolphins Dolphins are one of the most beautiful animals in the word. Dolphins are mammals and are part of the Delphinidae family. This family contains various highly intelligent aquatic mammals. The name dolphin refers to the species that a have a beak like snout and a slender streamline body which helps them to swim at high speeds. Some species can swim up to speeds of 35 mph. Dolphins have a rubbery feeling skin that is hairless; this helps them swim through the water with little resistance. Their skin is very sensitive and has no protection from bumps or bruises. This is because the outer layer is made up entirely live cells. Since the outer layer is made up out of live cells it is shed every two hours to keep the cells fresh. Dolphins use their flukes to swim through the water by beating the flukes up and down. Men have studied dolphin's flukes on a dolphin to improve the effectiveness of submarine and boat propellers. The feeding habits of a dolphin vary; it depends on what is available at the time. A simple meal contains of small fish or squid. Many have to go where the food is and look to find their food. Dolphins use their teeth to catch the food, yet they do not use their teeth to eat the food because they swallow it hole. Dolphins do not have the best eyesight. They rely on echolocation to help them get where they are going. Echolocation is the use of using sounds to see what is going on up ahead. They make a clicking noise, which is used to find if objects are up ahead. This is because if the noise bounce back they know that there is an object up ahead. They also use this for communicating with other dolphins. Dolphins are found in many different parts of the world in various oceans and even in some freshwater rivers in Asia, Africa, and South America. The river dolphins are in danger of extinction because of pollution and dams. The main place to see dolphins is in the warm waters of the pacific area. The main dolphins seen are the White-bellied dolphins and the Bottle-nosed dolphins. The most common dolphin can be found in all temperatures and tropical sees. This dolphin is dark above, white below, and has bands of gray white and yellow on the sides. Dolphins sleep in a semi-alert. This is because they have to protect themselves for the dangers of people and other animals they do this by resting one side of their brain at a time. Dolphins usually stay in-groups of twenty when they are in the coastal areas. When they are out in the sea they are usually in bigger groups. This is because dolphins help each other. They communicate with one another and when one dolphin is sick or injured they help out that dolphin as much as they can. They also work as teams if danger is near by. Dolphins are very intelligent and can be taught to do many different tricks. Maybe one of the most dangers a dolphin has is a human. This is because of the ways of tuna fishing. Fishermen were aware of the fact that schools of dolphins and tuna move together. Tuna seem to follow dolphins very closely. Fisherman used to put down nets to catch the tuna, but they would also catch the dolphins. They would bring up the tuna and the dolphins in the nets. They then would separate the tuna from the dolphins and through back the dolphins no matter if they were injured or dead. This was not very good for the dolphins so the government has now stepped in and the dolphins are now safe. Dolphins may be neat to look at when you are out in the water and they are swimming freely but they shouldn't be bothered. These dolphins should be left alone; many people are feeding the dolphins junk food and swimming with them, which puts the dolphins in danger. The dolphins are eating food that they are not used to and when they have their babies the babies are dying. Many studies have proven that they are dying because of malnutrition the food that they are getting is not healthy for them to grow. Dolphins are loved all over the world. Hopefully they will be here for along time. People should stop hurting dolphins and let them do what they want freely. Bibliography Connor, Richard "The Lives of Whales and Dolphins"
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Sonic Slippage Project
Sonic Slippage Project Sonic Slippage project of re-making videos and adding new musical and spatial dimensions introduces new trends and perspectives in perception of image and sound. The main idea of reinvented experimental videos is to rely on unconventional combinations of sound, image, colors, and silence.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Sonic Slippage Project specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Various synergies of the enumerated components create distorted perceptions and sights of new media demonstration. Thus, the films under analysis reproduce new aesthetic dimensions and forms to engage into a new understanding of the purpose of filming. The short movie called Lossless #2 by Baron and Goodwin reproduces an interesting mixture of compressed digital image of another movie called Meshes of the Afternoon. While looking at the video, attention should be given to the way the distorted objects are accompanied by unusual sounds, which coul d not even called music. Indeed, the synergy of sounds and digital information provoke unusual and abrupt emotions, which differ from those when you watch a traditional video. New media characteristics of the movie provide a new materialistic dimension by means of digital disruption and removal of certain scenes. Though the plot of the movie is not understandable, it still attracts attention and makes the audience concentrate on making sense of the watched. Distortion of images and unusual submerge of two visual dimensions is represented in the video called Lilith. The film illustrates a complex unity of voice, mobile objects and silence. Special effects are also introduced to endow the picture with a new meaning. In particular, the author depicts a close confrontation between nature and technology, as well as what could happen if both collide. Apart from topic considerations, Lilith also demonstrates new approaches to depicting objects whose flexible nature influences the perceptio n of spatial dimension. Once again, the unusual application of media devices creates a new pattern of transformation experienced through synchronic distortion of video and audio channels. Both – Film #3: Interwoven and Looking for Mushrooms – experiment on combinations between colors, image, and sounds. In particular, Interwoven reproduces simplistic duet of music and colorful figure movements. The emerging figures move to the music and vice versa and, therefore, it is often hard which media device dominates in the movie.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In contrast, Looking for Mushrooms prioritizes the importance of music patterns and their influence on visual patterns. The point is that video images are almost identical, but they might acquire different meaning while being accompanied by various sounds. At the end of the movie, five musical frames are co mbined to create a continuous projection of both sound and images. While watching the movie Looking for Mushrooms, the sound patterns were especially intense in the middle of the plot. The sound of music pattern enhanced the depressed atmosphere of the images that quickly replace on another. In addition, Looking for Mushroom also rely on the play of colors in combination with music, which also creates a psychedelic atmosphere while watching. In conclusion, the experimental films under consideration do not adhere to traditional presentation of ideas, meanings, and fact. Their primary function is to emphasize how the connection of sound, silence, and distorted image creates a new perceptual dimension. Assemblage of music patterns engaged into speechless objects, as well as distorted images, contributes to creating new aesthetical meaning of media development. The emerged dissonance calls for the rejection of consistency and conventionalism of image and voice.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Effect of lowering temperature in tissue and organ preservation Research Paper
Effect of lowering temperature in tissue and organ preservation - Research Paper Example Enzymes in tissues and organs dissociate through inactivation because of cold-related propensities. Some enzymes are intrinsically affected by cooling. Reducing the temperature increases trans-membrane diffusion of solutes from minute ions to expanded molecules (Fuller et al., 2014). Hypothermic Machine Perfusion Preservation This preservation method was developed to enhance the quality and time of preservation of kidneys. The method allows the movement of oxygen to the tissues to enable ATP synthesis. The perfusion of the fluids aids in the transportation of oxygen through the fluids to essential areas of the organ (In Kirk, 2014). The perfusion process is positively impacted when the temperatures are regulated to certain limits. Even though the reduction of temperatures can have certain side effects, the preservation viability is immensely enhanced. Oxygen Persufflation The method employs gaseous oxygen in improving the viability of an organ for transplant. For instance, oxygen is bubbled through a vasculature that is then released through minute proliferations at the organ's surface. The method is effective in liver preservation because of its homogenous distribution of oxygen. The method has incredible capabilities of recovering the DCD organs (In Kirk, 2014). The two methods are critical in reducing the metabolic and chemical reactions that can otherwise affect the normal establishment of an organ. The flow of oxygen within the organ is the principal foundation of employed by the methods of preserving organs and tissues.
Saturday, February 8, 2020
A Worn Path Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
A Worn Path - Essay Example The setting of the story as written by the author is based on the Natchez Trace as well as the town of Natchez. Phoenix who is the protagonist in the video is an elderly Black American woman who subsequently goes on a heroic quest to rightly procure medicine for her beloved ill grandson. Throughout the story, the author uses different literary devices in order to make the story interesting. The Video also delivers the unforgettable character in the Black American woman, who does not even know when she was born. From the video, critics are well evident throughout the storyline. The various literary devices that are highly used in the video include allusion, metaphor, imagery, Simile and alteration. Allusion is a literary device that is used in the main character of the story, Phoenix. The name of phoenix is the similar to the mythical bird that subsequently raises the air and eventually bursts into flames. This bird is consumed by fire and when it gets burnt, a new phoenix spring emerges from the ashes. The old black woman is also old to walk in the difficult on her way to Natchez to get the medicine for her grandson. However, her age does not matter as the only thing that she believes in is that she has to have his medicine or die while trying. Metaphor is another literary device that is used in the video. From the video, it is quoted that the black woman walked slowly, a little side to side with a well-balanced heaviness, and with the lightness of the pendulum in the grandfather clock. Through such use of literary device, the author makes the character as well as the story to come into life. The Black old woman ambles in the cold, while she walks on the path multiple times for the sake of her grandson. However, due to his old age, her footing is quite unsure and she is seen to waver from side to side while walking. Imagery is also evident in the video. Throughout the
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Violence undermines Essay Example for Free
Violence undermines Essay Violence undermines the democratic reforms and the basic human rights implementation as it is the greatest threat to public safety in South America. Gun violence rose sharply especially after the internal armed struggles as well as the emergence of drug trafficking in the late 1970s and 80s. So far, Columbia is the only country that is engaged in a declared conflict in South America. Major causes of violence are the socio economic inequalities, corruption and easy availability of small and light guns and weapons. There are incidences of small arms proliferation and misuse in South America. Most of these small arms are produced in Brazil and Argentina. (countrystudies. us). Some states like Bolivia and Paraguay exercise laxity in terms of firearms regulation and this promotes or rather facilitates violence in the region. Weak border control as well as the constant failure to implement the existing legal procedures or instruments also perpetuates the violence instances in South America. There is increased illicit trafficking of illegal weapons which are used to practice criminality. Continued insecurity among the public necessitates the demand and the use of weapons in the society. The information that is available concerning the arms trade in most South American countries is quite unreliable making it difficult to develop programs that would be effective in ensuring public safety by the civil societies. The issue of weapons remains quite unpopular on the political agendas despite the serious implications they cause to the countries in question. (americas. irc-online. org). All in all there emerged increased efforts through campaigns to reduce the rates of demand that people have on firearms as well as advocacy ensured to promote the tightening and adherence of gun laws to reduce the flow of guns in the region. Effective research should be encouraged to ensure that the acquisition of correct data on gender victimization as well as routes that ensure illegal trafficking of drugs and other weapons are collected. More efforts need to be channeled into harmonizing gun laws in the region. There should be increased awareness regarding the risks that are involved or associated with firearms usage and possessions. Public gun destruction and the monitoring of the flow of weapons should also be encouraged as an effort to reduce violence. (www. iansa. org). Colombia’s political system is known for its long history on party politics, fair and regular elections as well as its adherence to the respect for political and civil rights. The major political parties are the liberals and the conservatives who compete and alternate as the governing party. Despite its increased popularity for democracy, Colombia is well known for its high instances of political violence. It is amazing how Colombian is capable of producing hospitable people who are dynamic and intelligent yet it also harbors a lot of violence. Peace is a rare but also a very precious commodity that is lacking in Colombia. Conservatives versus liberal political violence saw the once peaceful parts of Colombia soaked in blood. From 1899 to 1902 approximately 100,000 Colombians lost their lives due to inter party strife that lasted for over 1000 days. The La Violencia, another inter party war from 1948 to 1966 saw the death of approximately 200,000 Colombians. Guerilla warfare also saw the loss of lives of at least 70,000 lives in 1984. The violence entailed the left wing insurgence and terrorism, narcoterrorism and the right wing paramilitary activities. Since 1948 incidence that involved the death of Jorge Gaitan through an assassination as well as the loss of 2,000 lives Colombia was constitutionally authorized as a state of siege or estatuto de seguridad. It had to deal appropriately with its civil disturbances, rates of insurgence as well as terrorism. Jorge Gaitan was a liberal leader and a populist and he was against the Colombian Oligarch. His assassination resulted into a revolt that saw the death of many people. The revolt was known as El Bogotazo and it graduated into La Violencia. The state persecuted many people necessitating the liberal and the communists to hide in the remote areas that seemed inaccessible so as to resist the current predicament. This lasted for more than a decade and most of them regrouped to form FARC in 1966. Its main aim was to act as the armed wing of the communist party. Liberals in FARC created a distinction between it and other guerillas in South America. In the 60’s the combined liberal and communist guerillas were able to come together in liberated zones to form independent republics like the Marquetalia. They needed to defend or protect themselves from the rich land owners who had marginalized them and took their land forcing them away from fertile agricultural lands. Colombian guerillas were formed to act as self defense against violence from those who were in power. (americas. irc-online. org). May 1984 had much significance in Colombian history. The signing of a peace agreement by the president Betancourt led to a ceasefire as well as the creation of Unidad Patriotica (UP) that made it possible for all to participate in elections. Efforts of the UP were however curbed by the joint actions of drug dealers, paramilitaries as well as part of the state members or officials. They joined efforts and killed thousands of UP sympathizers and leaders. In 1986 there was a peace process where M-19, EPL, PRT and Quintin Lame Armed Movement as well as FARC and ERN formed the Simon Bolivar Coalition. However on the day that a constitutional assembly was to be convened as part of the peace process the army launched an offensive against the legendary Green House which was the secretariat of the guerilla group. In 1986 under president Andres Pastrana there was the creation of a new peace process. It ensured that there was the creation of a 40,000 km2 demilitarized zone. However this lasted for only 4 years as intensive accusation that FARC participated in drug trafficking and the forceful recruitment of minors saw its coming to a halt. President Pastrana in the meantime was negotiating the Plan Colombia which was geared towards empowering or strengthening the state to win the conflict. After the year 2000 when under Uribe’s rule or leadership the situation seemed to move from bad to worse. FARC was forced to retreat and it lost many of its members as well as the military and political initiative. It acquired most of its financing from drugs trade, extortion and kidnapping as well as through cattle rustling from the land owners. This means that to effectively survive they used criminal activities that entailed violence. According to Amnesty International, FARC is accused of violating many human rights. The average Colombians have in most cases had the perception that the wars and consistent conflicts are geared to benefit the rich and powerful in the society at their expense. (www. globalsecurity. or). FARC portrays itself as a revolutionary and popular organization but in the real sense it is surrounded by lack of decency and some countries view it as a terrorist organization that violates human rights and abuses women and hostages. The political violence has taken different perspectives in the sense that it has taken an ideological as well as an economical approach. Violence in the 50’s was to fight against the party’s in power but it later took a different perspective as both the left as well as the right wing groups were involved. A study conducted in 1988 by Columbian academic elites showed that it was quite clear that the Columbian government was losing focus in the fight against the rampant violence in the country. They had studied the killings that had been conducted by drug smugglers, guerilla wars and death squads. They noted that addressing one of the above mentioned issues in exclusion with the others would not see or rather result into the end of violence. They advocated for an all inclusive approach in ensuring that there was efficiency in eradicating violence. Important scholars worth mentioning include Robert H Dix and he attributed the violence trends to the political system that was elitist in nature. Traditional elites compete violently and with a lot of bitterness so as to control the government through liberal as well as the conservative parties. The parties rarely cooperate especially if there is no evidence that the upper class seems threatened. The Colombia Christian parties be they democratic, social democratic or Marxist proved to be weak and in most cases insignificant. However the constitutional amendments and the evolution of Columbia political culture saw to it that the government system was not only highly centralized but also elitist in nature. ( countrystudies. us). Control over the political system was done by the elites at the expense of the middle class, labor as well as the peasants’ classes. The existence of guerilla in the 1980s was a clear indication that the Colombia politics is elitist in nature. Guerilla insurgence in Colombia is the major problem in the country’s political system. The legitimacy problem could be reflected or seen in mass political apathy and increase the rates of voter absenteeism and decreased instances of voter identification with traditional parties as well as the increased urban swing vote. However to preserve and ensure stability, gradual changes were incorporated in the political system. This was more evident in the holding of the first direct and popular mayoral elections in the late 80’s. During this period there was a wide gap between the rich and the poor and the Colombian government failed to be competent enough to solve the issue amicably. The leftist guerilla groups had their leadership, structure and activities well known but on the contrast the rightist activities remains unclear regardless of the fact that it is known to be well organized and active. Almost all of the parties involved in the Columbian politics face violence or threats to violence. They include the elected officials, mayors and other politicians. Threats were also sent to priests, academicians, lawyers and even artists. Most people were threatened after denouncing the rightist campaigns but for others there were no clear motives behind threats. The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia (FARC) is known for its threats to municipal authorities. According to Gilberto Toro who heads the Colombian Federation of Municipalities approximately half of the total number of majors in the country receive threats from FARC. Tens of mayors and councilmen are assassinated across the country. The insecurity problem affects the manner in which business is conducted in the region as most business men opt to locate their premises near the capital centers where it seems safer or more secure and this hinders diversification. (Osterling J,1989). There are also many instances of unlawful and extra judicial killings. Politically motivated killings remain considerably high and most of them are not committed by state actors. However there are members of the state who or security officers who commit unlawful killings continuously for instance according to the Center for investigation and Popular Research there were responsible for 92 cases of intentional homicides in the first six months of 2001. Paramilitary forces are responsible for many politically motivated and unlawful killings. Such incidences are more prominent in areas where there is minimal or complete absence of a strong government and where their ideologies are refuted through guerillas. People who are most targeted by the paramilitaries include journalists, human rights activists, labor leaders, community activists, local politicians as well as indigenous leaders and all who seem to side with the guerillas. Journalists that seemed to challenge drug barons received threats or were killed. Again as most judges were intimidated or terrorized, gave up gearing their efforts in ensuring that the law was followed to the letter. Without the appropriate measures being taken by the criminal justice system the dug mobsters operated with ease. They intimidated the society in such a manner that the criminal justice system only acts as a toothless dog in fighting crime. Membership in the left wing or leftist political organizations ensures that individuals are killed, threatened or even harassed by the paramilitaries. Family members of known guerillas are also attacked. As the guerillas attack the military they are attacked together with their relatives and those who sympathize with them. FARC was against the election of president Uribe as the president and they conducted massive threats to many locally elected officials an act that saw the resignation of over 390 mayors across the country. City council members as well as municipal workers also resigned due to this. Some mayors were obligated on how to carry out their duties through phone calls as well as through the use of messengers from different departments that seemed secure. Although there are high incidences of insecurity and violence surrounding the Colombian politics there are high numbers of candidates who show their interests in politics. (www. acs-onweb). The conservative Roman Catholic has some significant role in the Colombian politics especially regarding the election of the president and also in political socialization of the Colombians. During Alvaro Uribe’s reign there were strict measures in fighting against drug trade and guerillas which resulted into intensive conflicts among the Colombian neighbors. The wide economic gap is evident from the fact that approximately 20% of the total population controls the Colombian economy and this attribute to the intensified conflicts in the region. The violence affects all people in the nation regardless of their racial, social, economical as well as political orientation. (Jorge Osterling, 1989). Although increased rate of violence have been subsiding since 2002, there are still constant attacks that against civilians and most parts of the country remain under guerilla influence. Conflicts are between the government and the non governmental forces. Uncontrolled violence in Colombia affects the country’s democratic institutions. There was well documented evidence that some army officers participated in the rightist death squads. Armed forces were accused of torturing suspected guerillas as well as killing innocent peasants. The rightist objectives were to drive other members out of the political arena forcing them to abandon the democratic struggle as well as to boycott the municipal elections. Rebel movements waged war against the police and army units. Violence then was linked to elections where some were not pleased with the fact that mayors were not to be appointed by the central government but would be elected through elections. Negotiations during the reign of president Belisario brought about the idea that through negotiations the crisis would be settled. It was supported by many as the constant wars had become tiresome. It was therefore agreed that the guerilla ought to join the country’s democracy. However there was need that all the relevant parties to be committed especially the government. As the insecurity rates worsened politicians and most senior officials were forced to use bullet proof vehicles and had heavily armed guards. More security officers were assigned the role of personal protection. This led to there having fewer officers to carryout effective investigations which is an important part in the criminal justice system. The paramilitary phenomenon has taken charge of the state enforcing their rule through bribery co-optation of politicians as well as many incidences of violence. Inefficiency in the fight against such groups is evident in the sense that even after showing their commitment through ceasefires it is still clear that the killings persist. A clear example is the United Self Defense of Colombia in 2002 which continued to kill those it perceived as its enemies. (americas. irc-online. or). As an effort to search for relevant measures to solve the current situation Colombia justice and peace law tried to ensure that justice prevailed and through it paramilitaries were to be sentenced up to eight years if they were found guilty. They were also expected to surrender all the possessions they had acquired illegally. Demobilization was backed up by many as a tool of ensuring that democracy and peace prevailed in the region. However this did not prove to be a sufficient way as the paramilitary kept influencing the country’s politics. In 2003 in Magdalena, Trino Correa became the governor and his opponents had been forced to pull out through paramilitary threats. He was later arrested in 2007 on alleged links with paramilitaries. The March 2006 congressional elections were also faced with much paramilitary intimidation and this saw the entry of several pro-AUC into the legislature. It is estimated that approximately 10 to 20% of the elected senators had paramilitary connections. It also became clear that the paramilitary still exerted much influence and this was revealed by a computer that disclosed how Jorge the AUC commander had authorized the murder of 558 Colombians in the Caribbean department of Atlantico a region where the paramilitary ceasefires were supposed to be in effect. Jorge had also used peasants as his fighters and had bribed the police to continue with the drug trafficking business. He had worked with local politicians and assisted them realize their electoral prospects. This scandal was very embarrassing to the president. (www. unhcr. org). Relatives of state leaders were also linked with paramilitary organizations. Senator Alvaro Araujo, a brother to the foreign minister was arrested on allegations that he had conspired with the AUC in kidnapping a political rival before the 2002 elections. This led to the resignation of the foreign minister. A president’s cousin, Mario Uribe was also accused of having dealings with the paramilitaries He was also a leader of the Colombia democratica a party they had co founded with the president. Some members of this party were accused of involvement with paramilitaries and some like Garcia Alvaro were accused of having orchestrated a massacre in 2000 as well as murder of an electoral official in 1997. (www. colombiajournal. org). To date there is clear indication that there is the existence of a sinister and anti democratic relationship between criminals and the country’s elected representatives. The crisis is a clear indication of the deep sense of the powerlessness that is prevailing.It is evident that violence affects or rather influences politics in South America and more so in Colombia. References: Global Security. Colombia. Retrieved on 9th April 2008 from http://www. globalsecurity. org/military/world/colombia/colombia_politics. htm Michael Walker. The Bush Administration’s Hollow Commitment to Colombian Democracy. Retrieved on 9th April 2008 from http://www. colombiajournal. org/colombia271. htm Raul Zibechi. 2008. Americas Program Special Report Military Crisis in South America: The Results of Plan Colombia. Retrieved on 9th April 2008 from http://americas. irc-online. org/am/5107 History of violence. Retrieved on 9th April 2008 from http://www. acs-onweb. de/hd/content/pres_c2_the_media_and_the_internet/history. htm South America. Retrieved on 9th April 2008 from http://www. iansa. org/regions/samerica/samerica. htm U. S. Library of Congress. Government and Politics. Retrieved on 9th April 2008 from http://countrystudies. us/colombia/78. htm UNHCR. Background on political violence in Colombia Retrieved on 9th April 2008 from http://www. unhcr. org/home/RSDCOI/414eef214. html
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Impact of Green Living on America Essay -- solar energy, renewable
Even though it’s not easy to get people to change and it is not completely fail proof, green living should be introduced into the American way of life because it can make the environment cleaner and safer and save people money on electric, water, and gas. The concept of green living is based on simply carrying out acts of knowledge to keep our planet healthy. People were put on the earth to take care of it, not hurt it. Ironically, however, we are hurting it every day and in result it takes a toll on our population in negative ways. People will most likely not make a big issue about this because there are no catastrophic affects to them directly yet. The enforcement of green living happens to be very controversial and if people don’t take action soon enough it will be too late. According to the article â€Å"Renewable Energy†, â€Å"Renewable energy accounted for only 10.5 percent of all the energy produced in the United States†(Renewable Energy). Our planet relies on hundreds of thousands of different resources. Generation after generation, the human population has created potential for various studies and developments of more efficient ways to get energy that we need without harming the environment. The consumption of energy sources for simple operations like driving, heat and cooling for our house and much more is extremely high and always in demand. Renewable energy or alternative energy is energy from sources that are infinite and natural such as solar, hydrogen, wind, and hydroelectric power. Its abundance makes it easier to produce for the energy companies; therefore it makes energy bills less expensive. Solar energy is used by absorbing the suns rays and converting it into heat to bring water to a boiling point to produce... ...Social Science Library. Detroit: Gale, 2010.Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. Carrol, Cris. "Global Water Supply Drying Up as Population Grows." Environmental Issues. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. Nasser, Haya El. "Caution IconAttention." Water Conservation Is No Joke in Drought-ridden California. N.p., 7 Feb. 2014. Web. 16 Mar. 2014. Pezeshki, S.R. "Most Downloaded Environmental Pollution Articles." Elsevier. N.p., May 2000. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. Briney, Amanda. "Acid Rain." Geography. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2014. Hardell, Sara. "Levels of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Three Organochlorine Pesticides in Fish from the Aleutian Islands of Alaska." PLOS ONE:. N.p., 25 Aug. 2010. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. Boehlke, Julie. "The Effects of Improper Garbage Disposal." LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 16 May 2010. Web. 17 Mar. 2014.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Tegan Hrad Write Up
Was outsourcing the APP project the right move for Texan given the other possible alternatives? Outsourcing has seemed to acquire a rise In popularity and usage In our modern times. Outsourcing involves entering into a contract in which an in-house company process, or processes, is ultimately handed over and dealt with from a third party's perspective. I would have to say that there are three primary, helpful factors to outsourcing, especially when it comes to the world of business. To start off, the cost of operations can be trimmed down through outsourcing.This, In turn, would assist a reparation or business in accumulating more illustrations. Secondly, every organization out there has the intention of delivering top-of-the-line services and goods. Outsourcing can contribute to more efficient deliveries. Specifically concerning information technology or something that would be considered to be a bit more technical, outsourcing can bolster efficiency within that particular field of a technical nature. Thus, productivity would be improved through outsourcing. Thirdly and lastly, within a set interval of time, an establishment has the ability through outsourcing to complete projects promptly.This Is due to the fact that while a third party is handling a certain progression of a certain company, that individual company can now use its human capital and employees †that may originally were going to have to deal with a peculiar development stage of a certain project which has now been outsourced – in other, more beneficial ways. More labor can be put into other areas. Yet, when concerning one's self or a company's self with such an area as information technology, outsourcing must be looked at with meticulous contemplation In order to guarantee the best possible outcome.Experts, on both ides of the aisle, the customer / purchaser and the outsourced business, must exhibit exemplary communication between the two of them. Both sides need to be participati ng constantly and engaged. Items will need to be analyzed on a constant basis. Participation and engagement will be critical again. With all of this in mind, I would have to say that the APP project being outsourced, on the part of Texan, was not a good move. They might have thought it was a good move, but it turned out not to be because the project bombed, especially In terms of the time Interval In which It was supposed to be completed.Obviously, there were failures In regards to communication. Additionally, I think Texan did not make available various pieces of crucial material that could have helped Hard. Maybe if Hard had possessed more intricate information or more information at a faster rate of speed, they could have optimized various systems and system functions by the Intended due date. SECTION 2: What are the tradeoffs involved in having the requirements analysis for a project performed by one of the firms that would ultimately bold on the project? Off The main touch, con cerning the requirements analysis tort a project, is to texture out owe a system specifically runs and how all the intricacies within that system work together. In the course of any requirements analysis process, tradeoffs must be pondered. Additionally, when an organization ultimately decides to pick that other outfit to perform whatever assignments need to be done, a thorough thought process will have to go in to that as well. A variety of tradeoffs happen based on many motives. Allow me to expand a bit. Leading off, I have to begin with cost.Cost is an essential, necessary component to undertake requirements analysis. Practically every equines out there is attempting to lower costs when taking on any pursuit while simultaneously trying to extract returns at an utmost level. Therefore, if the requirements analysis method is too pricey to do it in-house, the more fitting and suitable approach would be for that business to outsource to another agency the particular tasks and Jobs it wants done. I think ideally a firm or business group of sorts would love to use their own employees to complete tasks that the company needs to be fulfilled.Unfortunately, employees can be limited in their knowledge bases. Internally speaking, it may not be able to be done and then upper management may have to hire new people or possibly more people based on the size of the project or project duties. This ramification may not have been in the minds of senior management. Basically, can senior management hire specialized laborers or can they scoot on by without them? Cost definitely plays a role right here. What will be economical for the company? How long can companies consistently pay for specialized labor to work within their internal structures?What outsourcing options does a company have? Subsequently, constrictions and limitations regarding information technology are an integral part of the requirements analysis process. As a firm or company is mulling over the idea of outsourc ing, the individual company needs to understand how technologically advanced the other agency is. What are the boundaries and controls of that other agency? Do they actually have a proficient team of technological professionals that will be able to deliver what they promise or will they get stuck on something somewhere in the middle of the project? That would not be good.Whenever a company out there, no matter how big or small it is, indicates to go with an outsourcing partnership, it always helps to uncover and verify the chemical aptness of the agency that will be providing the commissioned package of odds and services. Thirdly, time is critical. The deliberation of time intervals and what needs to be finished within a certain time is vital when dealing with a requirements analysis. This is yet another tradeoff. Can we as a company, with everything that is already on our plate, complete projects x, y, and z on our own or do we need assistance getting such projects done in a more t imely fashion?To top off this section, if time is the key element that will make or break a project or series of activities, the companies that are researching outsourcing firms and will eventually pick one needs to find one that is efficient in accomplishing the sought after goal of time management. It is always nice for a business to have a positive rapport with an outsourcing firm. It might loosen up any stresses and that outsourcing firm may win the bid. Yet, how friendly is too friendly? Maybe a friendship could be cause for a lax / careless atmosphere.SECTION 3†² Given our Journeys through the world tot system development method discuss the choice of development methodology employed by Hard Technician. I know in class thus far and in this current case (in certain spots), I learned about some different types of development methodology. From what I gathered, I believe the range of methodologies crosses the spectrum from agile methods and waterfall- type routines over to eng ineering, iterative, and Joint access / design. One can even notice that within the Texan C. C. C. Document, the waterfall model is mentioned in the middle of page four.Furthermore, within the Hard Technician document, on its page four, it used such keywords as iteratively on the top of that page and then linty and Joint meeting in the middle of that page. I found it fascinating to go back through my notes and sort of match up some of these buzz words in the context of these two cases as I read through them. I got to see some of these methodologies referenced, shining a bit more light upon them. Concerning Hard Technician and what they employed, I would have to say the methodology that was exhibited was one of Joint Access and Joint Design.Moreover, I would say the waterfall methodology popped up too. Within the first kind of methodology Count methodology), the creators (the outsourced firm, Hard) remain in contact with the customer (Texan) concerning hoicks about what characteristi cs need to be assimilated into the layout of the current system in place. It is also helpful if the customer (Texan) has some know-how in regards to all the various pieces and cogs that should be built in and encompassed within the system. What the new system is going to be should be a clear picture within the customer's mind.That notion will aid and benefit the minds and thinking processes of the designers, also known as the outsourced firm. The outsourced organization would then develop, foster, and nurture such demented aspects and components into the system. Anything and everything that would be integrated or expanded upon into the system should adhere to strict compliance. The outsourced company cannot put something into the system that is not agreed upon or simply will not fit into the system. In continuation, once the system has been finalized, the client gets to test it.Hopefully the client does test it and does not Just start running with it immediately. The customer compan y needs to make sure they are getting the correct requirements they negotiated. Most likely testing will occur, and this is where both parties can record any inconsistencies and inefficiencies. If rectifications need to be made or functionality needs to be improved, this is where it happens. When Jointly designing usages and purposes, both sides need to cooperate. It is only through this cooperation that a successful end result can be achieved.Texan and Hard need to be on the same page. After reading both cases, it was quite obvious that there were some alignment problems. Furthermore, within this Joint methodology, it is obligatory that both sides have the same real time, working awareness and information for what the anticipated system is supposed to become this also appeared to be problematic). There cannot be delays or miscues sending and receiving data and material. If there is a break down in any of the topics previously discussed, it will cause a failure within the developmen t of the proposed, newer and better system.I do believe with the Joint designing, both companies put forth what they considered to be an adequate amount of effort but through their supposed tortes, they Jointly took a nose dive together. I truly believe each side wanted to help the other side, but they never accurately matched up with each other. It wasn't meant to be. In addition to the Joint access method, I also saw elements of the waterfall method illustrated by Hard. However, with the project climate constantly changing, the waterfall method may not have been the best choice by Hard.Probably a better choice by Hard would have been something along the lines of an iterative method. The waterfall method can be quite linear and rigid. It does not allow for flexibility and scope adjustments. I think the term scope creep ended up hitting Hard pretty hard there towards the end of both cases. With the waterfall method, it seemed to me like Hard could not really go back to a previous ph ase. It seems like the waterfall method displayed by Hard caused the project to overrun not only in regards to time but with cost too.SECTION 4: Why did Hard Technician, the firm that performed the requirements analysis, have scope and requirements problems once the project commenced? Hard Technician decided to implement a methodology that involved sharing. The sharing was intended to be mutual and on a consistent basis. Regrettably, barriers that revolved around steady interaction and dependable exchanges of information hindered a good amount of project requirements. Even though Hard Technician reformed the requirements analysis, many of the goals and ideas that were slotted to take place did not meet the standards that needed to be in place. Problems had arisen.First off, the analysis stage was not a success. Hard had enormously depended upon their former understanding of the system. This understanding and knowledge had come about when they had actually contrived the requirement d ocument. Through this, I can infer that most likely during the quality analysis phase, the project did not excel and outshine, as it was meant. It probably did not show promise and turned out to be a flop. Once again, over-confidence in relation to the system and supposed familiarity with the system contributed to the failings and deficiencies of the planning and devising committees of Hard.As an end product of all of this, there ended up being a wide-ranging shortage of awareness. The customer (Texan) and the outsourced firm (Hard) were not on the same page at all when it came down to the requests and wishes for what wanted to be done with the A / P System. Secondly, the Low Level Design Documents come to mind. There seemed to be time lost or time not properly used concerning the Olds. I do not think the company of Texan embraced a correct development methodology. Moreover, I do not believe Texan had enough adequate resources or enough expert-type employees.There are two great quot es on page three and then page four in the Hard Technician case that back up the previous sentence. The first one was: â€Å"While at the initial meeting, there had been many people close to the A / P project, it unfolded that it was only the most vocal person at the meeting who understood the system: Julia lone. †The second was: â€Å"As a short cut, Hard decided that it would be impossible for Lila Jones (the expert) to review every [single] document, so they distilled what they knew onto a set of Powering slides which they presented to Jones for her reaction. Additionally, the interruption of said time was intrinsic regarding the end date for the project. As a consequence tot all these time issues, the managing team obviously wanted to take precautions and preventative measures to try to condense the time of culmination for the project. However, in a way, this over eagerness to remedy time management difficulties headed towards some other errors that inadvertently held p the typical and customary functioning of the system. Overall, another methodology should have been used. I think the system failure was due to the methodology that got picked.There should have been another course of action where Texan did not have such a principal role. If that had been the case, maybe Hard could have improved the performance of the system. SECTION 5: The Case Writers state: â€Å"Sadly, Smith knew that â€Å"Leadership†and â€Å"Commitment†, the paucity of which was blamed for untold IT failures were not the problems here. †Critique- do you agree? What do you see as the most important IT management failures here? It is quite evident that there was a deficiency in the commitment and leadership categories from both sides, Texan and Hard.This paucity, as it is called, caused several complications throughout the execution of the A / P project. Thus, I do not agree with the quotation above. I think leadership and commitment were some of the major problems and contributed greatly to the unsuccessful nature of the project. I mean, Texan did not exactly express an overwhelming dedication to the project due to the fact that it never truly released a sufficient amount of knowledgeable staff to alp accelerate the OLD reviews. In response to all of this, Hard was pretty accommodating and compliant to the seemingly inflexible ways of Texan.The mannerisms of Texan displayed an attitude as if they did not care if the project was a success or not. Furthermore, Texan was adamant about having a fixed-price contract. This was all regardless of over-flowing costs and even the enthusiasm and cooperation of Hard to pay for some of the additional costs. This right here is sort of exemplifying in a way that Texan really did not want to go the distance with this project. I feel as if Texan Just wanted to pay someone swiftly and have the outsourced company get it done swiftly too.Moreover, another conceivable drawback that could have endangered and threatened the project was employing the exact same company that also performed the requirements analysis. Concerning one final thought and going back real quick to the fixed-price contract, the usage of this kind of contract forced a sizeable test upon Hard in tackling the new transformations of the execution of the project. The system had some very complex pieces to it that were not initially recognized. SECTION 6: Which of the options for moving forward that Texan identified would you recommend? I would have to state that the project at hand was an immediate failure.Many conditions and obligations were not met. It is also obvious that more time and more money will be necessary to guarantee that at some point the project will be officially completed. Two primary reasons for the shortcomings of this project, yet again, included the sluggish rotational speed in regards to the L Ads and now tats they could send them back and forth to one another accompanied with appropriate feed back ND secondly, the consciousness that suddenly came about in regards to the fact that other and new elements needed to be incorporated into the system of which had not been delineated within the requirements analysis.Out of the four possible choices on page five of the Texan document, I would go with a mix of one and three. Texan should â€Å"stick with Hard†, and they should also continue to â€Å"devote resources to ideally fix, or at least patch the existing system. †The fundamental recommendation, as I see it, would be to expand the timeline rather than to considerably shrink the project's nationality. I think Hard is starting to see the complexities, they Just need more time.An entirely new outsourced firm, I think, would be bad. A new firm might not even see what Hard is recognizing right now for an even longer period of time, which could possibly produce what would seem like an eternal drag of resources and money. I think this recommendation would be the bes t. I think it would be advantageous to Texan and Hard logically speaking because eventually the deliverables would be met, they would specifically be met by Hard, and maybe some sort of relationship restoration could be had.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
American Society For Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - 1706 Words
What would we change about our bodies if we could? Our face, our thighs, or our hips? What about our eyes or our lips? Would we change everything? If given the chance, more than sixty percent of people would endure cosmetic surgery in the hopes of achieving their â€Å"ideal†form, according to a survey conducted by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. In our nation, society has taken full control over body image. Not just any body image, though, our body image. Recently, bodies have been the favorite subject of our culture. These bodies are plastered to every major advertisement, the ones paraded down runways, and cast for the lead in television. These are the bodies that diet and exercise articles say you can have for the time, effort, and patience. These are the bodies surgeons say can happen with a lump sum and a few weeks of recovery. These ideal bodies have plagued our nation in a way that nothing else has. These are the bodies that sixty percent of people dream of having, but don’t. Bodies are becoming the number one priority in our life, but at what cost? Today, the emphasis placed on body image is so widespread that children of even younger ages are suffering. When asking around, I discovered that a close friend of mine had a niece, eight years old, who was already concerned with whether she was â€Å"too fat†or not. It may seem a little far-fetched but think about it. Everything a child is exposed to highlights other children with slim bodies. 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