Thursday, November 28, 2019
The code of conduct
Social Performance Business organizations are legal entities. Therefore, they may enter into contracts, own property, sue or be sued (Bouchoux, 2009). Organizations may engage in illegal activities. Therefore, since organizations are legal entities, the government or various parties may sue the organizations.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The code of conduct specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Technically, it is impossible to imprison an organization. The sentencing guidelines provide a mechanism for convicting organizations that contravene various laws. This necessitates organizations to monitor their social performance. Failure to monitor the social performance would not only make the organization liable to expensive lawsuits, but would also tarnish the image and reputation of the company. Therefore, most organizations have a code of conduct that ensures that their activities are above board. The code of conduct governs the activities of employees of the organization. The code of conduct ensures the smooth running of the operations of an organization. Cellcom is a wireless telecommunications provider that has its headquarters in the Green Bay, Wisconsin. The company provides mobile phone telephone services to members of the public using CDMA technology. However, Cellcom does not currently have an ethics program. This puts the company at risk of facing expensive lawsuits or tarnishing of the image and reputation of the company. Therefore, it is vital for the company to develop a code of conduct. ATT, one of the leading telecommunications company in the US, has one of the best ethics program in the industry. The code of conduct dictates that employees of the company should act with integrity. The code of conduct also states that there should be no conflict of interest between an employee’s professional duty and personal interests.Advertising Looking for essay on business economi cs? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition, the code of ethics requires employees to comply with all existing federal or state legislation that governs the activities of the company. This ensures that the code of ethics is always up to date regardless of changes in legislation (ATT, n.d). Verizon wireless has a more detailed code of conduct. The code of conduct details how employees should interact with other employees and their seniors. The code of conduct provides intricate detail of the employees conduct. For example, the company prohibits employees from giving loans of more than $25 to other employees who they have a direct or indirect reporting relationship (Verizon Wireless, 2005). The intricate detail of the code of conduct ensures that employees do not contravene the company’s policies. However, this makes the employees feel like prisoners the code of conduct governs virtually all their activities. Atlantic Tele -Network has a less detailed code of conduct. The code of conduct requires employees to have personal and professional integrity. It also requires employees to treat fellow employees, customers and other parties respectfully. In addition, employees should maintain the confidentiality of company information and use the company property for the benefit of the company and its clients. According to the Atlantic Tele-Network code of conduct, employees should not have a conflict of interest between their professional duties and personal interests (Atlantic Tele-Network, 2009). Atlantic Tele-Network’s code of conduct is very brief. This makes it to be vague.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The code of conduct specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Cellcom should use the code of conduct of the above companies as the benchmark for creating its own code of conduct. Cellcom’s employees should ensure that they have personal and professional integrity. They should treat employees, clients and other parties respectfully and honestly. This would prevent any conflicts between employees, or between the company and external parties. Cellcom’s employees should also ensure that there is no conflict of interest between their professional duties and personal interests. This would ensure that employees perform their activities for the benefit of the company and its customers at all times. Employees should also maintain confidentiality of company information to avoid jeopardizing the company. In addition, employees should not use information that they obtain due to their professional involvement with the company for personal benefit. Cellcom’s employees should ensure that they protect the company’s property at all times. Cellcom employees should ensure that they adhere to existing state and federal legislation that governs the activities of the company. This would prevent breach of th e laws, which may lead to tarnishing of the image and reputation of the company and expensive lawsuits. The code of conduct adheres to the sentencing guidelines. The sentencing guidelines attach criminal liability to an organization due to the action of its employees while they are performing their professional duties. This is regardless of whether the employee acted contrary to the organization’s guidelines. Therefore, it is vital for the code of conduct to ensure that employees’ actions are not contrary to the organization’s policies. The sentencing guidelines advocates for policies that ensure there is oversight of employees by high-level personnel.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition, sentencing guidelines advocate for effective communication between employees. Cellcom’s code of conduct ensures that there is proper communication between employees by ensuring that employees have personal and professional integrity. The sentencing guidelines advocates for consistent implementation of compliance standards (USSC, n.d). This ensures equal treatment of employees who have violated the code of conduct regardless of their rank within the organization. Cellcom’s code of conduct governs the activities of all employees of the company regardless of their rank within the organization. Implementation of the code of conduct is bound to face several challenges. People are always resistant to changes that they perceive curtails their freedom. Therefore, prior to implementation of the code of conduct, it is vital to highlight the importance of the code of conduct to the employees. Employees should appreciate the fact that the code of conduct eases their a ctivities and enables the organization to attain its objective. The management should not put much emphasis on the repercussions of contravening the code of conduct to reduce resistance of the employees to the code of conduct. In addition, there should be fairness in imposing punishments to employees who contravene the code of conduct. All employees should face similar punishment regardless of their rank within the organization. Business organizations exist in a rapidly changing environment. Therefore, it is vital to ensure that the code of conduct remains relevant despite the changes. The code of conduct ensures that the actions of the employees of the organization should always be in the best interest of the company and its customers. Therefore, regardless of changes that may occur, employees will always engage in activities that benefit the company and its customers. In addition, the code of conduct ensures that employees do contravene federal or state legislation that governs th e activities of the company. Therefore, employees will always adhere to the existing legislation, which may change from time to time. The code of conduct ensures that the company and its employees engage in socially acceptable activities. This helps in building the image and reputation of the company. In addition, the code of conduct prevents the company from facing expensive lawsuits, which may cost the company millions of dollars. Therefore, having a code of conduct enables a company to kill two birds with one stone. References ATT (n.d.). ATT Inc. Code of Ethics. Web. Atlantic Tele-Network. (2009). Code of ethics. Web. Bouchoux, D.E. (2009). Fundamentals of business organizations for paralegals, Third Edition. New York: Aspen Publishers. United States Sentencing Commission. (n.d). An overview of the organizational guidelines. Washington, DC: United States Sentencing Commission. Web. Verizon Wireless. (2005). Your code of conduct. Web. This essay on The code of conduct was written and submitted by user Noel Chaney to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Cold War Ideologies essays
Cold War Ideologies essays There are three main schools of thought that trace the origins of the Cold War. The Orthodox view is that the intransigence of Leninist ideology, the sinister dynamics of a totalitarian society, and the madness of Stalin (Doc 1) cause the Cold War. The Revisionists claim that American policy offered the Russians no real choice...[and] the United States used or deployed its preponderance of power (Doc 2) and these actions caused the Cold War. The Post-Revisionist position is that the Cold War was initiated both by the United States and the USSR. Through the analysis of documents and other sources, the actual cause of the war lies with both powers. Both powers caused the Cold War because, although the US and the USSR were allied during World War Two, the USSR and US had different ideologies and aims of the war that conflicted after the war was over and the threat that each power imposed on the other. The primary cause of the Cold War is the exceedingly bipolar systems of government that the USSR and the US were administered under. The US had a democracy and had, in April of 1945, just said farewell to one of the most liberal presidents that ever had been elected. By making many social reforms, President Roosevelt pulled the US out of the crippling depression and into on of the most prosperous decades ever. The aims of the US are evident in the Atlantic Charter, which was signed by Churchill and Roosevelt in August of 1914. According to the Charter, the US would seek no aggrandizement.... respect the rights of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live.... bring about the fullest collaboration between all nations.... [and seek] the abandonment of the use of force (Doc 4). While still early in the war, the Atlantic Charter was later adopted by the United Nations and remains, to this day, one of the cornerstones of the western world. H...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Information Based Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Information Based Decision Making - Essay Example In general a decision is made depending on the situation and the issue. The decision made cannot be favorable for everyone in all circumstances. It may lead to improvement or adverse effects on the situation. The information from the concerned department is the important part of decision making process. A decision is made only after collecting the relevant information. Thus information plays a major role in any decision. As a strategic manager I should design a strategy that helps in the process of decision making. This strategy must incorporate the plans that improve the existing situation. The strategy should consist of step by step procedure. The data and information must be selected when using the information based decision making. The nature of the data is an important aspect of information based decision making. (Johnson, 2008).The decision can be made only based on the nature of data. To get the data the data source must be selected well in advance. Once the data source is selected the corresponding data can be retrieved from the specified source. The identification and selection of data involves ascertaining the nature of data, data selection criteria and analyzing the legal requirements of data collection and storage. These are outlined in the following steps. Data is generally given as an input to the corresponding information system. The raw data is processed in the system after which it is given as an output. This output is referred as the information. Data can be in the form of a text file, image, video or an audio. Hence the data can be in any format that is understandable by the respective information system. This data is processed to form complete information. Data is an abstract type of information. The data can be either quantitative or qualitative. The nature of data has gone through various phases of improvement. Due to the latest technologies and the advancements, data's nature is completely different when compared to the initial stages. The nature of the data and the information must be assessed so that the decision is made according to the nature and type of data. The type of data may also differ from one system to another. The decision will differ based on the type of data. The processed information is then analyzed after which the next step begins. Criteria for Data Selection Data selection is an important aspect of information based decision making. Data selection is done based on various criteria. The data must satisfy the criteria to enter in to the system. The data selection criter
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Effective negotiation skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Effective negotiation skills - Essay Example (Lewicki and Hiam, 2006, p. 42) In business situations we very often know when a negotiation situation is likely to happen and this allows us to gather information both on our own position and that of the other party. It is very important to have clear what the goal of the negotiation is. People often forget this, and get trapped into winning the argument for its own sake, without considering whether all the effort is going to bring the desired results in the end. In fact there may be times when winning the argument is not the best outcome: â€Å"There is no value in driving the best deal if it causes resentment and a desire for revenge that will sour business and could cost you more in the future than you could have saved in the short term.†(Steele and Beasor: 1999). It is wise also to consider what the alternatives would be if this proposed deal is not successfully resolved. A company which has many different suppliers, all offering good products at competitive prices will not need to bargain so hard with one particular customer because the fall back position is to go elsewhere. This means that before going in to a negotiation situation we should weigh up how strong our own position is in this respect, and try to figure out how much the other party needs and wants to make this agreement. In the opening phase of a negotiation it is important to try and build a good relationship with the other party and make the discussions pleasant and polite. In personal situations, however, this can be quite difficult at times. In my own personal life, for example, I recall having a very difficult discussion with my parents about going on holiday with my friends. I was in a weak position, because I desperately wanted to go, but relied on my parents for a part of the money, since I was still a teenager with only a part time job which did not pay well. My parents took, in my view, a very hard line and said that I was too young to go on holiday without supervision and t hey refused to give their permission. At the time I got angry and this started a huge family row. I told them that I felt they were old fashioned, out of date, and had fascist rules which were unfair to me. Due to the influence of my sister, who was, and still is, smarter about human relationships, I realized that my parents actually did not want to cause me pain, but were worried about my safety driving south in my friend’s car, and a possible bad influence from a particular boy in my circle of friends. I followed my sister’s advice, apologized to my parents about the outburst, and explained that this was important for me as a step towards independence. My parents clarified their concerns, and I told them, truthfully that the boy they were concerned about was not going on the holiday. They agreed to support my holiday, and I agreed to keep away from drugs and to telephone home every three days. My mistake in this negotiation was in demanding rather than asking, in an aggressive way, and in failing to establish what the reason for my parents’ objections were. I also failed, at first, to understand where my parents were coming from: â€Å"We must start a negotiation thinking about the pictures in the heads of the other party†(Diamond, 2010, p.135). Once I had understood their fears, the facts were clarified and a more respectful tone was adopted, we each put
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Principles of Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Principles of Healthcare - Essay Example Equitable access to healthcare is an important health parameter. The government and the healthcare sector have been making sincere efforts to deliver quality healthcare to all socio-economic groups. However, there is no proper definition of this concept. Most often, the principles of ethics and universal access are collectively used to define it as the provision of equal treatment to patients with the same medical requirement, regardless of all other factors including origin, ethnicity and income levels. Ashcroft (2007) terms this as the ‘horizontal equity’ in the healthcare system. Although universal and equitable access to healthcare is professed widely, patients often face numerous obstacles in benefiting from this policy. Goldsmith (2011) notes that the only way to overcome these barriers if by transcending beyond the assumptions made under universal access and coverage. He further suggests that these barriers result due to inefficiencies in the supply chain within t he healthcare system. For instance, there are wide variations in the levels of insurance coverage, cost sharing, geographical limitations and the maximum utilization capacity of hospitals and clinics. The primary objective of community participation is to ensure the involvement of everyone in the process of delivering universal healthcare (Pointer, 2009). Often, this is achieved through the promotion of public support for relevant policies and programs and also through compliance with the applicable legislation. Several governments around the world have initiated healthcare programs to engage the active participation of the people and improve transparency across the whole system. However, there are issues in policy definition and the operational methods that are used to facilitate such involvement.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Wildlife of India: An Introduction
Wildlife of India: An Introduction India is a very rich country in terms of bio- diversity. Almost all big mighty creatures roam its jungles. The sight and sounds of a majestic elephant, a peacock ¿Ã‚ ½s dance, the roar of a tiger are unparalleled experiences in themselves.The country offers immense opportunities for wildlife tourism. The immense heritage of wildlife in India comprises of more than 70 national parks and about 440 wildlife sanctuaries including the bird sanctuaries.India has always been a fete for wildlife enthusiasts from around the world with its fascinating myriad of flora and fauna that has remained both unique and mysterious for nature lovers. A paradise for the nature lovers, these forest areas are also crucial for the conservation of the endangered species like the Snow Leopard, Asiatic Lion, Asiatic Elephant, the bengal tiger and One-horned Rhinoceros. Spread across the length and breadth of India, these reserves and forest areas, right from the Ranthambore National Park in Rajasthan to the Hazaribagh Wildlife Sanctuary in Bihar, from the foothills of Himalayas, the Jim Corbett National Park to six national parks in Andaman; the Indian Wildlife circuit is an Incredible treat, unmatched by any other experience.The Indian subcontinent is rich in both floral and fauna species. According to estimates, India has about 18% of the plant and 8% of the total animal species found in the world, which makes the country a paradise for wildlife enthusiasts and nature gazers. India harbours eighty percent of the entire population of the one horned rhinoceros in the world. The parks like Bandhavgarh N.P, Kanha NP support a sizeable population of the mighty tigers. The Kaziranga Game Sanctuary is an ideal habitat for the rhino and a popular destination with the naturalists and environmentalists as well as the wildlife travellers.The Corbett National Park one of the most popular National Parks in the northern region for the wildlife enthusiast as well as the holiday makers These National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries are promoters of wildlife tourism in India.A wildlife escapade in India is not complete until one decides to spend a few days amongst the wilderness.Wildlife resorts located in different national parks and wildlife sanctuaries lets you experience just that. Imagine living in a tree house, eighty feet above the ground or an antique wildlife resort where your dinner partner may be a wild beast feasting on its prey. Wake up to the twittering of b irds or the roar of a lion, definitely a spine chilling experience. Interestingly India is immensely rich in avian life the sub-continent witnessed huge migration of birds in the winters.Bharatpur birds paradise Nalsarover in Rajasthan, Sultanpur in Haryana close to Delhi, famous parks like Corbett, Manas, Kaziranga are a treat to the bird lovers. Come, feel, explore this wildlife lovers paradise. Feel free for any kind of information on these national parks.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
How do the poets represent the importance of roots in their poetry? E
How do the poets represent the importance of 'roots' in their poetry? Consider how the social and cultural identity of the poets is paramount to the development of the main themes. Other Cultures ============== How do the poets represent the importance of 'roots' in their poetry? Consider how the social and cultural identity of the poets is paramount to the development of the main themes. The four poems that I will be comparing all describe how the poets feel about their roots, background and cultural heritage. Although they are all based on the same issue, they have many different features that are quite different. John Agard is the author of 'Half-Caste'. He was born in Guyana and then moved to Britain in 1977. In 'Half-Caste' the poet is feeling discriminated and he wants to put across that he is one person and by calling him half-caste, they are taking away half of his identity. The author of 'Search For My Tongue' is Sujata Bhatt. She was born in India in 1956 and then moved to the USA in the 1960s. She now lives in Germany. In 'Search For My Tongue' the poet can speak two different languages, her original language and her second language, English. She is saying that her original language is being forgotten, but then discovers that it is returning and progressing. 'Nothing's Changed' was written in South Africa in 1997 by Tatamkhulu Afrika. The poem is autobiographical and was written after apartheid had been abolished in 1994. In 'Nothing's Changed' the poet is saying that even though apartheid had been abolished, he still feels that racism is still around him and he feels that nothing has changed. Moniza Alvi wrote 'Presents From My Aunts In Pakistan'. She was born in Pakistan in ... ...ates this she also wants to be able to feel the same way about her new home in Britain. Even though she says she is, 'of no fixed nationality', the poet still knows in her heart that she wants to celebrate and be proud of her roots in Pakistan. From reading and understanding the four poems, I have learnt that people from ethnic backgrounds can face terrible hardship and that even after large amounts of discrimination drilled into their heads, they still feel proud of their roots and identity. However I have also learnt that by having their roots discriminated against, losing their roots or even not knowing what exactly their roots are, can deeply sadden the people and make them irritated. People react differently to these and we should acknowledge that to make people in situations like those in the poems to feel happier and at ease with themselves.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Adelphia Scandal and Worldcom Scandal Essay
Basic Questions 1. Rigas Entities were entities that shared a common cash management system with Adelphia and Adelphia subsidiaries, which Adelphia controlled and operated. Since the scandal broke, it is commonly referred as off-the-book entities. 2. EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) is essentially net income with interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization added back to it, and can be used to analyze and compare profitability between companies and industries because it eliminates the effects of financing and accounting decisions.-from Investopedia 3. Self-dealing basically refers to when directors of a company improperly uses company finances or resource for personal gain. This can include directors taking company loans that the directors do not intend to repay, using company money for extraordinary personal use, or using company property for personal gain. See more: Is the Importance of being earnest a satirical play essay Advanced Questions 1. Both Adelphia scandal and WorldCom scandal were not prevented by company’s external auditor, though Deloitte and Touche and Arthur Andersen both rated their client as high risk. As for the differences, Adelphia did not have an independent internal auditor. However, WorldCom had an independent internal auditor and blows the whistle. 2. I will say Deloitte and Touche is most responsible for not detecting and stopping. As an external auditor, they should pay attention to organization’s financial records and examine on any mistakes or fraud. At least, Deloitte and Touche should have stopped Timothy Rigas from serving as CFO and Director of Adelphia’s Accounting Committee. After all, it was obviously against the rules. 3. Timothy Rigas received a reasonable prison sentence as we can see from the WorldCom case; Bernard Ebbers was sentenced to 25 years. As for John Rigas, a former CEO who was guilty of more than 15 counts of fraud. Rationally speak ing, it seems to be a fair judgment. However, it sounds too rough to keep an old man who has been suffered from cancer in jail.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Peace And Love
Some people believe Humanity can have Utopia now. They believe Humanity has everything necessary for a Utopia, and that humans just have to better utilize what they have now and enjoy the same. The World Game Institute has prepared the most comprehensive statement of this position and posted the same at The Institute has identified various programs and policies that could provide for food, water, shelter, health care, energy and education for every person in the world, while eliminating all major environmental problems. Without a solution, more than 800 million people will remain malnourished, large segments of the population will continue to suffer from preventable diseases, and over 40 million people will die each year from starvation or preventable diseases. Additionally, plant and animal extinction, deforestation, soil erosion, ozone depletion, and other major environmental problems will continue. The combined total cost of implementing corre ctive programs is 30% of the world's total annual military expenditures, or 234 billion dollars. Society's bystanding at this mass human slaughter because of improper use of available resources constitutes complicity in murder. If one is not convinced of the imperative need to solve such problems for humanitarian reasons, then it should be noted that the resulting benefits of an overall enhanced quality of life, increased global productivity, and environmental preservation, clearly exceed the costs of these programs. Being in tune with ourselves and nature, and wisely using our current resources is an excellent start for having a better world. Life is full of wonder and beauty and should be cherished and enjoyed by everyone. However, Humanity can, and should, do better, such as finding cures for all disease.... Free Essays on Peace And Love Free Essays on Peace And Love Some people believe Humanity can have Utopia now. They believe Humanity has everything necessary for a Utopia, and that humans just have to better utilize what they have now and enjoy the same. The World Game Institute has prepared the most comprehensive statement of this position and posted the same at The Institute has identified various programs and policies that could provide for food, water, shelter, health care, energy and education for every person in the world, while eliminating all major environmental problems. Without a solution, more than 800 million people will remain malnourished, large segments of the population will continue to suffer from preventable diseases, and over 40 million people will die each year from starvation or preventable diseases. Additionally, plant and animal extinction, deforestation, soil erosion, ozone depletion, and other major environmental problems will continue. The combined total cost of implementing corre ctive programs is 30% of the world's total annual military expenditures, or 234 billion dollars. Society's bystanding at this mass human slaughter because of improper use of available resources constitutes complicity in murder. If one is not convinced of the imperative need to solve such problems for humanitarian reasons, then it should be noted that the resulting benefits of an overall enhanced quality of life, increased global productivity, and environmental preservation, clearly exceed the costs of these programs. Being in tune with ourselves and nature, and wisely using our current resources is an excellent start for having a better world. Life is full of wonder and beauty and should be cherished and enjoyed by everyone. However, Humanity can, and should, do better, such as finding cures for all disease....
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Conecting history essays
Conecting history essays Throughout history, there have been rules that all people live by. The most important one can be shortened into two words supply and demand. For example if the people of a society suddenly demand the streets to be different colors, and if enough people or powerful people started demanding green left turn lanes the government will send a crew out with an assortment of colored paint to paint the streets. Even though color-coding traffic lanes seems like an ridiculous idea that would not help with any traffic problems, it could be done if there is enough power behind this demand. A good example of a situation where one man used his power to get what he wanted is the crusades. The Crusades were military expeditions planned and carried out by western European Christians. The crusades started around 1100. The purpose of these crusades was to overtake and gain control of the holy land of Jerusalem from the Muslims. The Christians believed that control of Jerusalem was their god given right. The pope (One of the big ringleaders) would gather the people together and incite them. Eventually the crusaders were sent out to recover what they thought was theirs. The crusades also provided almost nothing for the Christians therefore much time and money was wasted on them. The crusades are a perfect example of one man using his powers to gain something he personally desired. A good example of people that were powerless individually but because of their strength in numbers was able to demand reform. The French Revolution was a social revolution caused by the growing middle class. The Revolution caused a change of power in the government. The power went from the kings and nobles to the people of the country. During the revolution the Declaration of the Rights of Man was created. This declaration stated: All men are created equal, natural rights of liberty, security, property, and resistance to oppression were given to all citizens, ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
What is Pirandello implying in this allegory by having characters in Essay
What is Pirandello implying in this allegory by having characters in search of an author. What does the theater of theater implies - Essay Example It also played on Broadway in New York City in 1922. Six Characters has been classified a satirical tragicomedy, meaning that its purpose was satire, but with elements of both comedy and tragedy. This play, as well as many of Pirandello’s other plays and novels, is also considered a forerunner of Theatre of the Absurd, an important artistic movement of the mid-twentieth century and developed by authors like Samuel Beckett and Edward Albee. There is much Theatre of the Absurd in Six Characters. Pirandello, like many later absurdists, rejected realism in drama and art and substituted it with symbolic representations on stage. According to Pirandello, the characters in Six Characters represented the creative process he went through when creating characters. It is fitting that this play’s setting is the rehearsal of another play, one that just happened to also be written by Pirandello, The Rules of the Game. Setting the setting of a play within another play is a common practice today, but not during Pirandello’s day, when it was unheard of and truly absurd. In an essay Pirandello wrote in 1925, about the process of creating Six Characters in Search of an Author, he said, â€Å"The mystery of artistic creation is the mystery of birth itself†(n.p.). He likened the creation of characters to the experience of giving birth. He rejected realism in theatre and drama, so he imagined that his characters, as a result of his creation of them, were actual living entities. The six characters in this play are physical representations of that concept. Even the Director, who goes about helping the characters find the plot of their play, is confused about the reality of the plot and by the end of the play, is unsure about if what he has experienced really happened. The first audience’s experience seems to have imitated this character’s experience. Of course, for Pirandello,
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Soloist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Soloist - Essay Example has long escaped from it, being more disposed to unconventional living where he is caught between schizophrenia and the will which Lopez desperately helps him with for the revival of his exceptional talent and passion for music. The story identifies the premise in the musician’s yielding to profess virtuosity at the time the effect, unconsciously leads him beyond norm. Accordingly thus, his schizophrenic behavior necessarily reflects significant disturbance in the manner he wanders about with his instrument and in an odious external, deed and talking which no real person with common logic seeks to afford. A mentally disordered individual in Nathaniel’s case, may be found to exhibit symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and grossly disorganized behavior (DSM Criteria). The film gives evidence to the fourth sign showing Ayers to have a rather crudely embellished outfit, that strikes an abiding impression as both bizarre and beaten up like his wagon of improvised percussions awkwardly set up. Characterized by unwieldy facial gestures, some repressed desire manifests through his overall countenance. Visual hallucinations have had recurrences in his childhood, the varying instances of which have one element in common. At the early stage of his deepening struggle, Nathaniel sees a rolling cart of fire by the window when he was by himself playing cello one evening. Likewise, when Steve sends him over to watch a classical concerto, he perceives flashes of colorful lights in the middle of raptures, having transported the symphonies to his full attention, earn ing remembrance of his fondness for Beethoven. The time he gets the chance to perform with a live audience however, just when he’s about to hit the bow on string, a brilliant light passing the slits of the upper deck collides his eyes. It comes too bright to blind a sight away from the rest that subsequently makes him recollect an act of rudeness toward his sister, a scene at daybreak
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