Wednesday, October 30, 2019
DOES CULTURE IMPACT ON ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTTIVITY - Essay Example Independence was found out to be a vital in entrepreneurial activity. (Hofstede, 2001 p. 225). Hofstede believed that degree of autonomy differed from society to society held that in low poor distance societies. (Wu et al) The second dimension of national culture is uncertainty. Uncertainty avoidance refers to the way people cope with uncertainty. People of high uncertainty avoidance and people with low uncertainty. Entrepreneurial activities are full of uncertainty challenges and risks. (Wu et al) Entrepreneurship has been defined as new venture creation that is growth oriented and generates employment as well as small businesses and micro enterprises that may provide self employment .In this definition among many others' entrepreneurship encompasses small profit oriented economic activities. The scholastic view last centuries on entrepreneurship was not on economic efficiency but rather on social-political terms since small business were the main suppliers of employment. Many economists were convinced that the future of many economies prosperity will be determined by large corporations and that small business would eventually die away. Recently however, the notion among scholars has changed and entrepreneurship is regarded as one of the vehicles to economic prosperity. Entrepreneurial activity has contributed not only in creation of employment but also in terms of innovation and competitiveness (Lowe, 2000, p. 9). John major (then chief secretary to the UK treasury) in May 1 989 said "there is a great deal of evidence to show that the jobs and products of tomorrow are highly likely to come from activity of the small business sectorin my judgment the future belongs to them". The perpetual succession of entrepreneurship contrary to scholar's belief has led classical theorists to review their arguments on entrepreneurship. There is no clear and orchestrated works on entrepreneurship but economic, financial and administrative factors do not sufficiently explain the variations in entrepreneurial activities' these led scholars to consider culture as a determinant to entrepreneurial activities (Lowe 2000, p.16). Studies have been done to determine whether cultural differences impact on entrepreneurial activities Culture is defined a set off values, beliefs and expected behaviors (Hofstede, 1980 pg. 4). It has also been defined as the collective programming of mind which distinguishes the member of one group or category of people from those of another. In his later definition, Hofstede refers to culture referencing to a nation but acknowledges that this yardstick alone cannot be used, not only does culture differ across nation but also differs regionally, ethni cally and socially and from all these angles culture affects organizational behavior (Hofstede, 1980 pg. 25).Culture for the purpose of this study can be analyzed in different set of interdependent and interrelated categories namely personal traits, organizational culture, branch or industry culture and national culture. This paper will look at the look at personal traits
Monday, October 28, 2019
The impact of increased life expectancy on community health, locally and nationally Essay Example for Free
The impact of increased life expectancy on community health, locally and nationally Essay There is constantly a rise in the life expectancy in the US, due to the improved healthcare system. New diagnostic interventions, treatment techniques, incorporation of preventive strategies, and drugs have enabled to increase the quantity of life. Deaths from several diseases including cardiovascular, cancer, etc, continue to decrease. In the year 2003, the life-expectancy of an American was found to be about 77.6 years, whereas in the year 1990, it was 75.4. There continue to be a rise in the life-expectancy. There is also a difference in the life-expectancy between men and women. As in the year 2003, men live about 5.3 years shorter than women. However, individuals in the elderly group are more often affected with chronic diseases such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, musculoskeletal diseases, etc. The problem has become more severe than ever before. About 50 % of the individuals between 55 to 65 years are affected with hypertension, and 40 % have obesity. As the health and the quality of life of the Americans are currently poor, the pressure on the healthcare system has all the more increased. People are having a very poor lifestyle and do not follow proper dietary and exercise patterns, which could increase the risk of chronic diseases. One of the huge impacts has been on the costs of providing healthcare. Inflation needs to be a major consideration. Considering inflation, providing healthcare for a year of increased lifespan, can increase spending by about $ 20, 000 a year. In the 1970’s, this cost was about $ 7, 400. Is it justified to provide healthcare when the effect is going to be severe on public savings? The costs of providing healthcare to senior citizens have increased drastically. The incidence of chronic disease on elders is even greater, and it would be very costly to provide healthcare to manage chronic diseases. An increased life-span would also mean greater need for healthcare professionals belonging to various fields and various specializations. The demand for healthcare in the US has constantly been rising, and an increased lifespan would mean employing more staff especially to care for seniors with special needs. There has been an increasing demand for institutions that provide health education and also students who find the healthcare field promising and would pick up a career in such a field. However, the need for individuals to join the healthcare sector is high and hence, an increasing life-expectancy would create an even greater problem. As the US cannot meet with the demand for healthcare professionals by itself, it would have to obtain the resources from outside the country. These human resources require further training to ensure that healthcare is provided according to the US standards. References: Medical News Today (September 4, 2006). U.S. Health Care System Offers Good Value In Terms Of Life Expectancy Gains Despite Rising Costs, Study Finds, Retrieved on August 22, 2008, from Medical News Today Web site: Stobbe, M. (2006). U.S. Life Expectancy Hits All-Time High, Retrieved on August 22, 2008, from Breit Brat Web site:
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Fuzzy Systems Essay -- Fuzzy Logic Artificial Intelligence AI
Preface This article is written for an intended audience of undergraduate or graduate students, this article provides an introduction to, and an overview of what fuzzy systems are. Presented in this article is an acknowledgment of the contributions that fuzzy systems are making to the Artificial Intelligence discipline, as well as examples of fuzzy systems which are in use today. Abstract The concept and implementation of fuzzy systems is part of the natural course of evolution for humans who are a part of a society where access to information is plentiful but efficient utilization of massive amounts of information is power. To get at the information, we need systems which can understand what we need, rather than for us to understand what information we can ask for. This paper examines how fuzzy systems are not a new concept, but rather an old concept that is a natural part of the evolution of the human race. As society continues to evolve, the implementation and utilization of fuzzy systems will also continue to evolve. Introduction Using the following dictionary[2] definitions provided for the terms "Fuzzy" and "Systems", Fuzzy is defined as "Not clearly worked out; confused" and Systems can be defined as "A set of objects or phenomena grouped together for classification or analysis." A natural question would be, why do we want a confused system that groups together things for analysis? This is an abuse of the literal definition for fuzzy systems. Fuzzy systems can be more correctly defined as a set of objects or phenomena that have been grouped together in a fuzzy way. This type of grouping allows the computers to make judgments and considerations which are considered closer, in response, to the way that humans o... information than previously thought possible and make analysis recommendations. Humans have a fascination for tools which make their lives easier, and fuzzy systems are such a tool. This allows humans more time to continue using the one thing that computers have yet to come us with, the human imagination. References 1. Edwin B. Dean, "Fuzzy Systems from the Perspective of Competitive Advantage", NASA, May 28, 1997 2. "The American Heritage Dictionary, Second College Edition", Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston 1985 3. James F. Brule', "Fuzzy Systems" - A Tutorial 4. Toshiro Terano, Kiyoji Asai, Michio Sugeno, "Fuzzy Systems Theory and Its Applications", 1992, Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-685245-6 5. "Isn't "fuzzy logic" an inherent contradiction?", April 15, 1993, Only two paragraphs, but contains a good example for the value of fuzzy logic.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Social Media and Business
Business Horizons (2010) 53, 59â€â€68 www. elsevier. com/locate/bushor Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media Andreas M. Kaplan *, Michael Haenlein ? ESCP Europe, 79 Avenue de la Republique, F-75011 Paris, France KEYWORDS Social Media; User Generated Content; Web 2. 0; Social networking sites; Virtual worlds Abstract The concept of Social Media is top of the agenda for many business executives today. Decision makers, as well as consultants, try to identify ways in which ? rms can make pro? able use of applications such as Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, Second Life, and Twitter. Yet despite this interest, there seems to be very limited understanding of what the term ‘‘Social Media’’ exactly means; this article intends to provide some clari? cation. We begin by describing the concept of Social Media, and discuss how it differs from related concepts such as Web 2. 0 and User Generated Content. Based on this de? nition, we then provide a classi? cation of Social Media which groups applications currently subsumed under the generalized term into more speci? categories by characteristic: collaborative projects, blogs, content communities, social networking sites, virtual game worlds, and virtual social worlds. Finally, we present 10 pieces of advice for companies which decide to utilize Social Media. # 2009 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. All rights reserved. 1. The specter of Social Media As of January 2009, the online social networking application Facebook registered more than 175 million active users. To put that number in perspective, this is only slightly less than the population of Brazil (190 million) and over twice the population of Germany (80 million)!At the same time, every minute, 10 hours of content were uploaded to the video sharing platform YouTube. And, the image hosting site Flickr provided access to over 3 billion photographs, making the world-famous Louvre * Correspondi ng author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] eu (A. M. Kaplan), [email protected] eu (M. Haenlein). Museum’s collection of 300,000 objects seem tiny in comparison. According to Forrester Research, 75% of Internet surfers used ‘‘Social Media’’ in the second quarter of 2008 by joining social networks, reading blogs, or contributing reviews to shopping sites; this represents a signi? ant rise from 56% in 2007. The growth is not limited to teenagers, either; members of Generation X, now 35â€â€44 years old, increasingly populate the ranks of joiners, spectators, and critics. It is therefore reasonable to say that Social Media represent a revolutionary new trend that should be of interest to companies operating in online space–â€â€or any space, for that matter. Yet, not overly many ? rms seem to act comfortably in a world where consumers can speak so freely 0007-6813/$  see front matter # 2009 Kelley School of Business, India na University.All rights reserved. doi:10. 1016/j. bushor. 2009. 09. 003 60 with each other and businesses have increasingly less control over the information available about them in cyberspace. Today, if an Internet user types the name of any leading brand into the Google search, what comes up among the top ? ve results typically includes not only the corporate webpage, but also the corresponding entry in the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. Here, for example, customers can read that the 2007 model of Hasbro’s Easy-Bake Oven may lead to serious burns on children’s hands and ? gers due to a poorly-designed oven door, and that the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company has been accused of using child labor in its Liberian rubber factory. Historically, companies were able to control the information available about them through strategically placed press announcements and good public relations managers. Today, however, ? rms have been increasingly relegated to the sidelines as m ere observers, having neither the knowledge nor the chance–â€â€or, sometimes, even the right–â€â€to alter publicly posted comments provided by their customers. Wikipedia, for example, expressly forbids the participation of ? ms in its online community. Such an evolution may not be surprising. After all, the Internet started out as nothing more than a giant Bulletin Board System (BBS) that allowed users to exchange software, data, messages, and news with each other. The late 1990s saw a popularity surge in homepages, whereby the Average Joe could share information about his private life; today’s equivalent would be the weblog, or blog. The era of corporate web pages and e-commerce started relatively recently with the launch of Amazon and eBay in 1995, and got a right ticking-off only 6 years later when the dot-com bubble burst in 2001.The current trend toward Social Media can therefore be seen as an evolution back to the Internet’s roots, since it retransforms the World Wide Web to what it was initially created for: a platform to facilitate information exchange between users. But does that mean that Social Media is just old wine in new bottles? Probably not! As we will delve into further, the technical advances that have been made over the past 20 years now enable a form of virtual content sharing that is fundamentally different from, and more powerful than, the BBS of the late 1970s.This article discusses the challenges and opportunities that emerge from this evolution for ? rms, and provides structure to better understand the rapidly evolving ? eld of Social Media. We begin by providing a de? nition and classi? cation of Social Media by looking at their historical roots, technical speci? cities, and differences from other entities such as Web 2. 0 and User Generated Content. We then focus on six types of Social Media–â€â€collaborative projects, blogs, A. M. Kaplan, M. Haenlein content communities, social networki ng sites, virtual game worlds, and virtual social worlds–â€â€and present ways in which companies can ef? iently make use of these applications. Based on this analysis, we then derive a set of 10 recommendations companies should follow when thinking about developing their own Social Media strategy, be it with respect to these aforementioned types or other applications which might emerge in the future. 2. What is Social Media–â€â€And what is it not? As highlighted, the idea behind Social Media is far from groundbreaking. Nevertheless, there seems to be confusion among managers and academic researchers alike as to what exactly should be included under this term, and how Social Media differ from the seemingly-interchangeable related concepts of Web 2. and User Generated Content. It therefore makes sense to take a step back and provide insight regarding where Social Media come from and what they include. By 1979, Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis from Duke University had c reated the Usenet, a worldwide discussion system that allowed Internet users to post public messages. Yet, the era of Social Media as we understand it today probably started about 20 years earlier, when Bruce and Susan Abelson founded ‘‘Open Diary,’’ an early social networking site that brought together online diary writers into one community. The term ‘‘weblog’’ was ? st used at the same time, and truncated as ‘‘blog’’ a year later when one blogger jokingly transformed the noun ‘‘weblog’’ into the sentence ‘‘we blog. ’’ The growing availability of high-speed Internet access further added to the popularity of the concept, leading to the creation of social networking sites such as MySpace (in 2003) and Facebook (in 2004). This, in turn, coined the term ‘‘Social Media,’’ and contributed to the prominence it has today. The most rece nt addition to this glamorous grouping has been so-called ‘‘virtual worlds’’: computerbased simulated environments inhabited by threedimensional avatars.Perhaps the best known virtual world is that of Linden Lab’s Second Life (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2009c). Although the list of the aforementioned applications may give some idea about what is meant by Social Media, a formal de? nition of the term ? rst requires drawing a line to two related concepts that are frequently named in conjunction with it: Web 2. 0 and User Generated Content. Web 2. 0 is a term that was ? rst used in 2004 to describe a new way in which software developers and end-users started to Users of the world, unite!The challenges and opportunities of Social Media utilize the World Wide Web; that is, as a platform whereby content and applications are no longer created and published by individuals, but instead are continuously modi? ed by all users in a participatory and collaborative fashio n. While applications such as personal web pages, Encyclopedia Britannica Online, and the idea of content publishing belong to the era of Web 1. 0, they are replaced by blogs, wikis, and collaborative projects in Web 2. 0. Although Web 2. 0 does not refer to any speci? technical update of the World Wide Web, there is a set of basic functionalities that are necessary for its functioning. Among them are Adobe Flash (a popular method for adding animation, interactivity, and audio/video streams to web pages), RSS (Really Simple Syndication, a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content, such as blog entries or news headlines, in a standardized format), and AJAX (Asynchronous Java Script, a technique to retrieve data from web servers asynchronously, allowing the update of web content without interfering with the display and behavior of the whole page).For the purpose of our article, we consider Web 2. 0 as the platform for the evolution of Social Media. When Web 2. 0 represents the ideological and technological foundation, User Generated Content (UGC) can be seen as the sum of all ways in which people make use of Social Media. The term, which achieved broad popularity in 2005, is usually applied to describe the various forms of media content that are publicly available and created by end-users. According to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2007), UGC needs to ful? l three basic requirements in order to be considered as such: ? rst, it needs to be published either on a publicly accessible website or on a social networking site accessible to a selected group of people; second, it needs to show a certain amount of creative effort; and ? nally, it needs to have been created outside of professional routines and practices. The ? rst condition excludes content exchanged in e-mails or instant messages; the second, mere replications of already existing content (e. g. , posting a copy of an existing newspaper article on a personal blog without any modi? ations or commenting); and the third, all content that has been created with a commercial market context in mind. While UGC has already been available prior to Web 2. 0, as discussed above, the combination of technological drivers (e. g. , increased broadband availability and hardware capacity), economic drivers (e. g. , increased availability of tools for the creation of UGC), and social drivers (e. g. , rise of a generation of ‘‘digital natives’’ and ‘‘screenagers’’: younger age groups with substantial technical knowledge and 1 willingness to engage online) make UGC nowadays fundamentally different from what was observed in the early 1980s. Based on these clari? cations of Web 2. 0 and UGC, it is now straightforward to give a more detailed de? nition of what we mean by Social Media. In our view–â€â€and as used herein–â€â€Social Media is a group of Internet-based applicati ons that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2. 0, and that allow the creation and exchange of User Generated Content. Within this general de? ition, there are various types of Social Media that need to be distinguished further. However, although most people would probably agree that Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, and Second Life are all part of this large group, there is no systematic way in which different Social Media applications can be categorized. Also, new sites appear in cyberspace every day, so it is important that any classi? cation scheme takes into account applications which may be forthcoming. To create such a classi? cation scheme, and to do so in a systematic manner, we rely on a set of theories in the ? ld of media research (social presence, media richness) and social processes (self-presentation, self-disclosure), the two key elements of Social Media. Regarding the media-related component of Social Media, social presence theory (Short, Willi ams, & Christie, 1976) states that media differ in the degree of ‘‘social presence’’–â€â€de? ned as the acoustic, visual, and physical contact that can be achieved–â€â€they allow to emerge between two communication partners. Social presence is in? uenced by the intimacy (interpersonal vs. mediated) and immediacy (asynchronous vs. ynchronous) of the medium, and can be expected to be lower for mediated (e. g. , telephone conversation) than interpersonal (e. g. , face-to-face discussion) and for asynchronous (e. g. , e-mail) than synchronous (e. g. , live chat) communications. The higher the social presence, the larger the social in? uence that the communication partners have on each other’s behavior. Closely related to the idea of social presence is the concept of media richness. Media richness theory (Daft & Lengel, 1986) is based on the assumption that the goal of any communication is the resolution of ambiguity and the reductio n of uncertainty.It states that media differ in the degree of richness they possess–â€â€that is, the amount of information they allow to be transmitted in a given time interval–â€â€and that therefore some media are more effective than others in resolving ambiguity and uncertainty. Applied to the context of Social Media, we assume that a ? rst classi? cation can be made based on the richness of the medium and the degree of social presence it allows. With respect to the social dimension of Social Media, the concept of self-presentation states that 2 in any type of social interaction people have the desire to control the impressions other people form of them (Goffman, 1959). On the one hand, this is done with the objective of in? uencing others to gain rewards (e. g. , make a positive impression on your future in-laws); on the other hand, it is driven by a wish to create an image that is consistent with one’s personal identity (e. g. , wearing a fashionable out? t in order to be perceived as young and trendy). The key reason why people decide to create a personal webpage is, for example, the wish to present themselves in cyberspace (Schau & Gilly, 2003).Usually, such a presentation is done through self-disclosure; that is, the conscious or unconscious revelation of personal information (e. g. , thoughts, feelings, likes, dislikes) that is consistent with the image one would like to give. Self-disclosure is a critical step in the development of close relationships (e. g. , during dating) but can also occur between complete strangers; for example, when speaking about personal problems with the person seated next to you on an airplane. Applied to the context of Social Media, we assume that a second classi? ation can be made based on the degree of self-disclosure it requires and the type of self-presentation it allows. Combining both dimensions leads to a classi? cation of Social Media which we have visualized in Table 1. With respect to social presence and media richness, applications such as collaborative projects (e. g. , Wikipedia) and blogs score lowest, as they are often text-based and hence only allow for a relatively simple exchange. On the next level are content communities (e. g. , YouTube) and social networking sites (e. g. Facebook) which, in addition to text-based communication, enable the sharing of pictures, videos, and other forms of media. On the highest level are virtual game and social worlds (e. g. , World of Warcraft, Second Life), which try to replicate all dimensions of face-to-face interactions in a virtual environment. Regarding self-presentation and self-disclosure, blogs usually score higher than collaborative projects, as the latter tend to be focused on speci? c content domains. Table 1. A. M. Kaplan, M. Haenlein In a similar spirit, social networking sites allow for more self-disclosure than content communities.Finally, virtual social worlds require a higher level of self-disclosure tha n virtual game worlds, as the latter are ruled by strict guidelines that force users to behave in a certain way (e. g. , as warriors in an imaginary fantasy land). We will now provide more detail on each of these six different types of Social Media, and discuss the challenges and opportunities they offer companies. 3. The challenges and opportunities of Social Media 3. 1. Collaborative projects Collaborative projects enable the joint and simultaneous creation of content by many end-users and are, in this sense, probably the most democratic manifestation of UGC.Within collaborative projects, one differentiates between wikis–â€â€that is, websites which allow users to add, remove, and change text-based content–â€â€and social bookmarking applications–â€â€which enable the group-based collection and rating of Internet links or media content. Exemplary applications within this category include the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, a wiki currently available in more than 230 different languages, and the social bookmarking web service Delicious, which allows the storage and sharing of web bookmarks.The main idea underlying collaborative projects is that the joint effort of many actors leads to a better outcome than any actor could achieve individually; this is similar to the ef? cient-market hypothesis in behavioral ? nance (Fama, 1970). From a corporate perspective, ? rms must be aware that collaborative projects are trending toward becoming the main source of information for many consumers. As such, although not everything written on Wikipedia may actually be true, it is believed to be true by more and more Internet users. This may be particularly crucial as regards corporate crises. For example, Classi? ation of Social Media by social presence/media richness and self-presentation/self-disclosure Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media when online book retailer Amazon started to test the idea of dynami c pricing, comments declaring such a practice as unfair showed up instantaneously under the Wikipedia entry on ‘‘time-based pricing. ’’ Yet, collaborative projects also provide some unique opportunities for ? rms. Finnish handset manufacturer Nokia, for instance, uses internal wikis to update employees on project status and to trade ideas, which are used by about 20% of its 68,000 staff members.Likewise, American computer software company Adobe Systems maintains a list of bookmarks to company-related websites and conversations on Delicious. 63 3. 3. Content communities The main objective of content communities is the sharing of media content between users. Content communities exist for a wide range of different media types, including text (e. g. , BookCrossing, via which 750,000+ people from over 130 countries share books), photos (e. g. , Flickr), videos (e. g. , YouTube), and PowerPoint presentations (e. g. , Slideshare). Users on content communities are not required to create a personal pro? e page; if they do, these pages usually only contain basic information, such as the date they joined the community and the number of videos shared. From a corporate viewpoint, content communities carry the risk of being used as platforms for the sharing of copyright-protected materials. While major content communities have rules in place to ban and remove such illegal content, it is dif? cult to avoid popular videos–â€â€such as recent episodes of comedy dramas–â€â€being uploaded to YouTube only hours after they have been aired on television.On the positive side, the high popularity of content communities makes them a very attractive contact channel for many ? rms; this is easy to believe when one considers that YouTube serves over 100 million videos per day. In 2007, Procter & Gamble organized a contest for its over-the-counter drug Pepto-Bismol, whereby users were encouraged to upload to YouTube 1-minute videos of themsel ves singing about the ailments Pepto-Bismol counteracts, including heartburn and nausea. In a similar spirit, kitchen appliances manufacturer Blendtec became popular for its bevy of inexpensive ‘‘Will it blend? ’ videos, which have been watched by millions of people. Other ? rms, such as Cisco and Google, rely on content communities to share recruiting videos, as well as keynote speeches and press announcements, with their employees and investors. 3. 2. Blogs Blogs, which represent the earliest form of Social Media, are special types of websites that usually display date-stamped entries in reverse chronological order (OECD, 2007). They are the Social Media equivalent of personal web pages and can come in a multitude of different variations, from personal diaries describing the author’s life to summaries of all relevant information in one speci? content area. Blogs are usually managed by one person only, but provide the possibility of interaction with others through the addition of comments. Due to their historical roots, text-based blogs are still by far the most common. Nevertheless, blogs have also begun to take different media formats. For example, San Francisco-based Justin. tv allows users to create personalized television channels via which they can broadcast images from their webcam in real time to other users. Many companies are already using blogs to update employees, customers, and shareholders on developments they consider to be important.Jonathan Schwartz, CEO of Sun Microsystems, maintains a personal blog to improve the transparency of his company; so does automotive giant General Motors. Yet, as is the case with collaborative projects, blogs do not come without risks. These generally present in two fashions. First, customers who–â€â€for one reason or another–â€â€turn out to be dissatis? ed with or disappointed by the company’s offerings may decide to engage in virtual complaints in the form o f protest websites or blogs (Ward & Ostrom, 2006), which results in the availability of potentially damaging information in online space.Second, once ? rms encourage employees to be active on blogs, they may need to live with the consequences of staff members writing negatively about the ? rm. Microsoft’s former ‘‘technical evangelist’’ Robert Scoble, for example, had a tendency to ? ercely criticize the products of his employer– before he decided to leave the Redmond-based software company in 2006. 3. 4. Social networking sites Social networking sites are applications that enable users to connect by creating personal information pro? les, inviting friends and colleagues to have access to those pro? es, and sending e-mails and instant messages between each other. These personal pro? les can include any type of information, including photos, video, audio ? les, and blogs. According to Wikipedia, the largest social networking sites are U . S. -based Facebook (initially founded by Mark Zuckerberg to stay in touch with his fellow students from Harvard University) and MySpace (with 1,500 employees and more than 250 million registered users). Social networking sites are of such high popularity, speci? cally among younger Internet 4 users, that the term ‘‘Facebook addict’’ has been included in the Urban Dictionary, a collaborative project focused on developing a slang dictionary for the English language. Several companies are already using social networking sites to support the creation of brand communities (Muniz & O’Guinn, 2001) or for marketing research in the context of netnography (Kozinets, 2002). To promote the movie ‘‘Fred Claus,’’ a 2007 Christmas comedy ? lm, Warner Brothers created a Facebook pro? le via which visitors could watch trailers, download graphics, and play games.Likewise, the Adidas custom soccer community on MySpace allows visitors to asso ciate themselves with one of two brands of elite soccer cleats produced by the German sports apparel manufacturer, and to access product reviews and information on professional soccer players who play using ‘‘their’’ shoes. Some ? rms even go one step further and use Facebook as a distribution channel. Consider U. S. -based ? orist 1-800-Flowers. com, which offers a widget on Facebook called ‘‘Gimme Love’’ whereby users can send ‘‘virtual bouquets’’ to friends or, with a click of the mouse, be directly transferred to the company’s website to send real ? wers. A. M. Kaplan, M. Haenlein hunter–â€â€starts to more and more closely resemble their real life personality. Besides their use for ingame advertising (similar in idea to product placement in blockbuster movies), the high popularity of virtual game worlds can also be leveraged in more traditional communication campaigns. Japanese automo tive giant Toyota, for example, used pictures and mechanics from the World of Warcraft application in its latest Tundra commercial to reach the 2. 5 million players in the U. S. lone. 3. 6. Virtual social worlds The second group of virtual worlds, often referred to as virtual social worlds, allows inhabitants to choose their behavior more freely and essentially live a virtual life similar to their real life. As in virtual game worlds, virtual social world users appear in the form of avatars and interact in a three-dimensional virtual environment; however, in this realm, there are no rules restricting the range of possible interactions, except for basic physical laws such as gravity.This allows for an unlimited range of self presentation strategies, and it has been shown that with increasing usage intensity and consumption experience, users of virtual social worlds–â€â€or ‘‘residents,’’ as they prefer to be called–â€â€show behavior that more and more closely mirrors the one observed in real life settings (Haenlein & Kaplan, 2009; Kaplan & Haenlein, 2009a, 2009b). Arguably, the most prominent example of virtual social worlds is the Second Life application, founded and managed by the San Francisco-based company Linden Research Inc.Besides doing everything that is possible in real life (e. g. , speaking to other avatars, taking a walk, enjoying the virtual sunshine), Second Life also allows users to create content (e. g. , to design virtual clothing or furniture items) and to sell this content to others in exchange for Linden Dollars, a virtual currency traded against the U. S. Dollar on the Second Life Exchange. Some residents are so successful in this task that the virtual money earned that way complements their real life income.Virtual social worlds offer a multitude of opportunities for companies in marketing (advertising/communication, virtual product sales/v-Commerce, marketing research), and human resource and internal process management; for a more detailed discussion, see Kaplan and Haenlein (2009c). 3. 5. Virtual game worlds Virtual worlds are platforms that replicate a threedimensional environment in which users can appear in the form of personalized avatars and interact with each other as they would in real life.In this sense, virtual worlds are probably the ultimate manifestation of Social Media, as they provide the highest level of social presence and media richness of all applications discussed thus far. Virtual worlds come in two forms. The ? rst, virtual game worlds, require their users to behave according to strict rules in the context of a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). These applications have gained popularity in recent years, as standard game consoles–â€â€such as Microsoft’s X-Box and Sony’s PlayStation–â€â€now allow simultaneous play among a multitude of users around the globe.Examples of virtual game worlds inc lude the cod-medieval ‘‘World of Warcraft,’’ which counts around 8. 5 million subscribers who explore the virtual planet of Azeroth in the form of humans, dwarves, orcs, or night elves, to ? ght monsters or to search for treasure; and Sony’s EverQuest, in which 16 different races of players (e. g. , wizards, clerics) travel the fantasy world of Norrath. The rules of such games usually limit the degree of self-presentation and self-disclosure possible, although some users spend so much time with these applications that their character–â€â€be it a warrior, a wizard, or a dragon . Ten pieces of advice for companies deciding to use Social Media Social Media is a very active and fast-moving domain. What may be up-to-date today could have Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media disappeared from the virtual landscape tomorrow. It is therefore crucial for ? rms to have a set of guidelines that can be applied to any form of Social Media, whether they are part of the aforementioned list or not. Next, we provide such a set of recommendations. Given that Social Media have both a social- and a media-component, we split our advice into two sections: ? e points about using media and ? ve points about being social. 65 4. 1. Five points about using media 4. 1. 1. Choose carefully There are dozens–â€â€if not hundreds–â€â€of Social Media applications, and new ones are appearing on the horizon every day. If you still need time to run your core business, you simply cannot participate in them all, especially since ‘‘being active’’ is one key requirement of success (see below). Choosing the right medium for any given purpose depends on the target group to be reached and the message to be communicated.On the one hand, each Social Media application usually attracts a certain group of people and ? rms should be active wherever their customers are present. For example, if your main target audience is book lovers, a content community via which users share self-written novels or poems is likely better suited to your purpose than a virtual world which centers on ? ghting dragons and ? nding treasures. On the other hand, there may be situations whereby certain features are necessary to ensure effective communication, and these features are only offered by one speci? c application. For example, when the U. S.Army undertook an initiative in 2007 to reach the Hispanic community, it decided to utilize the social networking site Univision rather than the more popular Facebook. This choice was driven in part by the fact that Univision–â€â€a Spanish-language television network in the U. S. and Puerto Rico–â€â€is the social networking application with the largest Latin American audience, due to an extensive range of telenovelas and Mexican programs produced by Grupo Televisa. However, another reason Univision was chosen is becau se it offers a moderating service which checks comments from users for appropriateness before posting them on the site.In contrast, other applications, including Facebook, allow users to post messages without supervision. 4. 1. 2. Pick the application, or make your own Once you know which game you’re playing, the next decision involves whether to make or buy. In some cases, it might just be best to join an existing Social Media application and bene? t from its popularity and user base. After all, there is no need to reinvent the wheel if somebody has already done it, especially given that Social Media show positive network externalities in the sense that they get more attractive to join the more participants they already have.But in some cases, the right application might just not be available yet. Japan’s Fuji? lm, for example, recently launched its own social network to build a community of photo enthusiasts. In a similar spirit, U. S. -based department store ? rm Se ars collaborated with MTV music television to create a social network around back-to-school shopping. Yet, whatever the ultimate decision–â€â€to buy, make, or both– it is vital that there is an understanding of the basic idea behind Social Media. It’s all about participation, sharing, and collaboration, rather than straightforward advertising and selling. 4. 1. 3.Ensure activity alignment Sometimes you may decide to rely on various Social Media, or a set of different applications within the same group, in order to have the largest possible reach. In this case, it is crucial to ensure that your Social Media activities are all aligned with each other. A prime example in this context is computer manufacturer Dell and its ‘‘Digital Nomads’’ campaign. Dell uses a combination of social networking sites (Facebook, LinkedIn), blogs, and content communities (YouTube videos) to show how its range of laptop computers enable individuals to become a nomadic mobile workforce.In a similar spirit, Chrysler’s Jeep brand connects with its customers by combining photos shared on the content community Flickr, with groups on social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook. Using different contact channels can be a worthwhile and pro? table strategy. But remember: one goal of communication is the resolution of ambiguity and reduction of uncertainty, and nothing is more confusing than contradicting messages across different channels. 4. 1. 4. Media plan integration What is true for different types of Social Media also holds for the relationship between Social Media and traditional media: Integration is key!While you may consider these two arenas to be completely different, in customers’ eyes they are both part of the same: your corporate image. Consider the actions of soft drink giant Coca-Cola. In June 2006, a pair of performance artists shot a video featuring a series of geysers they created by dropping Mentos brand mints into 2-liter bottles of Coke; the clip became a major hit on YouTube. Realizing customers’ enthusiasm for this performance, Coca-Cola fostered the sensation by airing the video on late-night television and ensuring broad digital distribution across different content communities.Besides the advantage of 66 high impact/low cost media coverage, the campaign also resulted in a measurable sales uplift. 4. 1. 5. Access for all Although this might sound elementary, once the ? rm has decided to utilize Social Media applications, it is worth checking that all employees may actually access them. Commonly, ? rms block Facebook, YouTube, and Second Life on corporate PCs for fear that staff might spend too much time networking instead of working. While this is certainly a consideration, it cannot imply that employees must have special permission to be able to access the company blog.At the same time, there is a need to curtail the possibility of the entire organization spending all its time producing funny videos and uploading them to YouTube. One possible approach involves de? ning groups of employees whose primary objective is the management of corporate Social Media; all other staff members are treated as occasional participants. Under this scenario, the ? rst group is given administrator rights–â€â€which allows the opening of new discussion threads and deletion of inappropriate posts–â€â€while the second group is not.Also, at some point, it will be necessary to develop certain guidelines for Social Media usage; as done, for instance, by ‘‘Big Blue’’ IBM, which has a corporate charta for appropriate behavior within Second Life. For example, it is important to highlight that every employee needs to identify himself or herself as such when posting a comment on the corporate blog. Otherwise, end-consumers could get the impression that anonymous accounts are used to enable employees to post fake messa ges and overly-positive feedback, which could severely damage the credibility of your whole Social Media campaign. A. M. Kaplan, M.Haenlein else’s than it is about engaging others in open and active conversation. Participants on Social Media applications have the desire to actively engage and to become both producers and consumers of information, so-called ‘‘prosumers’’ (Tof? er, 1980). Be considerate of this need and act accordingly. 4. 2. 2. Be interesting Let’s face it: nobody is interested in speaking to a boring person. As such, if you would like your customers to engage with you, you need to give them a reason for doing so–â€â€one which extends beyond saying you are the best airline in town, or manufacture the most robust kitchen blender. The ? st step is to listen to your customers. Find out what they would like to hear; what they would like to talk about; what they might ? nd interesting, enjoyable, and valuable. Then, devel op and post content that ? ts those expectations. Coffee powerhouse Starbucks, for example, created the ‘‘My Starbucks Idea’’ platform, via which customers can submit new ideas for the company. These ideas are subsequently voted on by other users, with the winners being considered for implementation by Starbucks top management. As stated by Oscar Wilde in his novel, The Picture of Dorian Grey: The one sin for which there is no forgiveness is ennui. . 2. 3. Be humble Never forget that Social Media existed before you decided to engage in them; indeed, in many cases, even before you knew about their existence. In this light, do not expect that you know better how to use them than others who have spent countless hours on Facebook or Second Life, for example. Before you enter any application, ? rst take some time to discover it and to learn about its history and basic rules. Only once you have gained the necessary understanding, start to participate. When aerosp ace and defense ? rm Boeing decided to launch its ? st corporate blog, the site was designed such that users were not allowed to comment on what they saw. Yet, interaction and feedback are critical elements of all Social Media, blogs included. Hence, many readers perceived the Boeing blog as a fake, and simply corporate advertising in disguise. If there is one certain path to failure, it involves thinking that Social Media is just about posting existing TV spots on YouTube or putting prefabricated press announcements on corporate blogs. 4. 2. 4. Be unprofessional Have you ever noticed that in Hollywood blockbuster ? ms, it’s not usually the handsome guy who ends up with the girl, but rather the clumsy, charming one? The same goes for Social Media, and ? rms 4. 2. Five points about being social 4. 2. 1. Be active If you want to develop a relationship with someone, it is always advisable to take the lead and to be active. Social Media are all about sharing and interaction, so e nsure that your content is always fresh and that you engage in discussions with your customers. Consider the aforementioned blog kept by Sun Microsystems CEO Jonathan Schwartz. Via this outlet, the ? urehead discusses–â€â€on an ongoing basis–â€â€his corporate strategy, new product development projects, and company values, and replies directly to correspondence received. In considering your Social Media efforts, be aware that ? rm involvement must extend beyond responding to negative comments and defending product offerings. Social Media is less about explaining why your baking mix, detergent, or shampoo is better than anyone Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media would be wise to avoid overly-professional content offerings.There’s no need to spend $100,000 to design the perfect MySpace presence, or hire a professional writer to manage your corporate blog. Instead, try to blend in with other users and don’t be a fraid to make mistakes! Bill Marriott, Chairman and CEO of the Marriott International Hotel chain, uses his blog, for example, to post regular updates and stories from his travels to Marriott properties around the world–â€â€very much in the same way as would a work colleague when describing her last vacation. Social Media users are people like you, who understand that things do not always go smoothly.And, if you’re nice to them, they may even give you free advice on how to do it better the next time. 4. 2. 5. Be honest Last but not least, be honest and respect the rules of the game. Some Social Media–â€â€such as Wikipedia– may not allow companies to be involved, so do not try to force your way in. Consider Anheuser-Busch, owner of SeaWorld marine mammal parks. Anheuser-Busch tried to ‘‘rectify’’ misleading information on Wikipedia through the use of PR ? rms, and failed miserably at it. Never expect that other par ticipants may not ? d out who stands behind some anonymous user account; after all, you’re dealing with some of the most technologically sophisticated people on the planet. 67 5. Nothing to lose but their chains Today, everything is about Social Media. Some industry gurus claim that if you do not participate in Facebook, YouTube, and Second Life, you are not part of cyberspace anymore. Social Media allow ? rms to engage in timely and direct end-consumer contact at relatively low cost and higher levels of ef? ciency than can be achieved with more traditional communication tools.This makes Social Media not only relevant for large multinational ? rms, but also for small and medium sized companies, and even nonpro? t and governmental agencies. Using Social Media is not an easy task and may require new ways of thinking, but the potential gains are far from being negligible. Dell, for example, states that its use of Twitter–â€â€a micro blogging application that allows se nding out short, text-based posts of 140 characters or less–â€â€has generated $1 million in incremental revenue due to sales alerts. Some ? ms may even be too successful for their own good, as illustrated by Burger King’s ‘‘Whopper Sacri? ce’’ campaign: In December 2008, the fast food giant developed a Facebook application which gave users a free Whopper sandwich for every 10 friends they deleted from their Facebook network. The campaign was adopted by over 20,000 users, resulting in the sacri? cing of 233,906 friends in exchange for free burgers. Only one month later, in January 2009, Facebook shut down Whopper Sacri? ce, citing privacy concerns. Who would have thought that the price of a friendship is less than $2 a dozen?A new trend is on the horizon, though; Watch out for Mobile Social Media! Mobile Web 2. 0 is very similar to Web 2. 0, as discussed earlier. In contrast to its predecessor Mobile Web 1. 0, which relied on proprietary pr otocols (e. g. , WAP) and use-based pricing, Mobile Web 2. 0 is characterized by open standards (e. g. , a transition to the TCP/IP protocol, the technical foundation of the World Wide Web) and ? at-rate systems. Even the manual entry of web addresses using small and dif? cult-to-handle keyboards is becoming history.Soon, all items around you will be equipped with Radio Frequency Identi? cation (RFID) tags that will be able to automatically connect to your mobile phone and send URLs to them, similar to today’s text messages. This technical evolution is laying the groundwork for moving Social Media applications away from desktop PCs and laptops, toward mobile devices. Why log into Facebook if you can easily update all your friends using Twitter? Why wait until you return home to watch the new YouTube video if you can do so conveniently on your iPhone? According to Jupiter Research, the market for Mobile Web 2. evolutions will grow from a mere $5. 5 billion today to an impressi ve $22. 4 billion by 2013. Mobile Social Media applications are expected to be the main driver of this evolution, soon accounting for over 50% of the market. In one way, this surge toward Mobile Social Media can even be seen as another step toward Internet democratization and closing the digital divide between developed and emerging countries. In India, for example, mobile phones outnumber PCs by 10 to 1. In Thailand, only 13% of the population owns a computer, versus 82% who have access to a mobile phone.It is therefore not surprising that the Pew Research Center–â€â€a Washington-based think tank–â€â€estimates that by 2020, a mobile device will be the primary Internet connection tool for most people in the world. Making Social Media applications mobile is likely to tap a currently unexploited base of new users. Even if percapita spending in these countries may still be low, vast population numbers make them relevant for virtually any ? rm. Obviously, Mobile So cial Media does not come without a price. Some would argue that while it enables the detailed following of friends half-way across the world, it can foster a society where we don’t now the names of our own next-door neighbors. Be that as it may, and independent of 68 whether or not one approves of such an evolution, it seems undisputable that (Mobile) Social Media will be the locomotive via which the World Wide Web evolves. Businesses, take note–â€â€and don’t miss this train! A. M. Kaplan, M. Haenlein Kaplan, A. M. , & Haenlein, M. (2009b). Consumers, companies, and virtual social worlds: A qualitative analysis of Second Life. Advances in Consumer Research, 36(1), 873â€â€874. Kaplan, A. M. , & Haenlein, M. (2009c). The fairyland of Second Life: About virtual social worlds and how to use them.Business Horizons, 52(6), 563â€â€572. Kozinets, R. V. (2002). The ? eld behind the screen: Using netnography for marketing research in online communities. Journa l of Marketing Research, 39(1), 61â€â€72. Muniz, A. M. , & O’Guinn, T. C. (2001). Brand community. Journal of Consumer Research, 27(4), 412â€â€432. OECD. (2007). Participative web and user-created content: Web 2. 0, wikis, and social networking. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Schau, H. J. , & Gilly, M. C. (2003). We are what we post? Selfpresentation in personal web space. Journal of Consumer Research, 30(3), 385â€â€404.Short, J. , Williams, E. , & Christie, B. (1976). The social psychology of telecommunications. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Tof? er, A. (1980). The third wave: The classic study of tomorrow. New York: Bantam Books. Ward, J. C. , & Ostrom, A. L. (2006). Complaining to the masses: The role of protest framing in customer-created complaint web sites. Journal of Consumer Research, 33(2), 220â€â€230. References Daft, R. L. , & Lengel, R. H. (1986). Organizational information requirements, media richness, and st ructural design. Management Science, 32(5), 554â€â€571. Fama, E. F. (1970).Ef? cient capital markets: A review of theory and empirical work. Journal of Finance, 25(2), 383â€â€417. Goffman, E. (1959). The presentation of self in everyday life. New York: Doubleday Anchor Books. Haenlein, M. , & Kaplan, A. M. (2009). Flagship brand stores within virtual worlds: The impact of virtual store exposure on real life brand attitudes and purchase intent. Recherche et Applications en Marketing 24(3). Kaplan, A. M. , & Haenlein, M. (2009a). Consumer use and business potential of virtual worlds: The case of Second Life. The International Journal on Media Management 11(3).
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Knowledge Is Power Essay
Knowledge is Power, but knowledge does not always come with power. Knowledge is the state of awareness or understanding gained from experience or study learning specific information about something. This means a person has the resourcefulness to obtain and criticize useful and informative information in order to become well informed citizens who can make intelligent decisions based upon their understanding and awareness of everyday situations. Does this make them powerful? Is a question that creeps into ones mind? Well, power is said to be the ability or capacity to act or perform effectively. Without knowledge, how can this ability to perform effectively, be possible? Indeed, it cannot. This proves that knowledge is very much a necessity to gain Power. Education is the key to success is one of the sayings that one hears throughout their college life. It is invariably true that every person who is knowledgeable leads a successful life. Education plays an important role in promoting a nations economic growth, as well. When you look at Americaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s rise to power during the past war era it is easy as well as trivial to attribute it to the abundance of natural resources and surplus number of new inventions. But, really we must consider how those inventions came about and how those natural resources were utilized to a productive end. More importantly than what made America the most powerful country in the world is why it became the most powerful country. It wasn’t luck, or coincidence or the fact that they had abundant resources but because they laid a firm foundation for their people by educating them and making them valuable members of the society who could meet the demands of the competing world. Investment in higher education is worthwhile because how much you spend on it right now definitely will make up for the amount it makes you gain later in life.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Swatch
Swatch Watch U.S.A.: Creative Market Strategy TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT 3 BACKGROUND 4 SWATCH ® ANALYSIS 5 Marketing Strategies 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7 REFERENCES 9 ABSTRACT Switzerland was an industry leader in the watch market up until the 1970’s when the digital watch was introduces to consumers. The digital watch was inexpensive to manufacture and could be produced in mass. It created a whole new market by making watches inexpensive enough for all classes of people. The Swiss did not respond to this new competition and began to lose their market share. The Swiss watchmakers still produced high end watches for the wealthy, but did not compete for the lower end market. In the 1980’s the Swiss watchmakers began to realize they needed to change their business model to fit in to the new global market place. They needed to not only change their views of the market but the infrastructure of watch manufacturing. In order to compete on a global level they needed to improve their technology, design products that would appeal to new markets and be able to compete with other companies both in quality and cost. The development of Swatch ® allowed one company, the Swiss Corporation for Microelectronics and Watchmaking Industries (SMN), to do just that. SMN developed a product that was appealing to a younger target market. Their new design, distribution and production strategies created a niche market that became popular worldwide. The company developed an advertising campaign that was new to the watch industry and was strongly directed at a younger audience. BACKGROUND For years the Swiss watch industry had a competitive advantage on the watch market, in fact they had little or no competition and often had waiting lists for their watches. In fact, in the 1950’s the Swiss held an estimated eighty percent of the free-market share (Keegan, p 219). Their product was of h... Free Essays on Swatch Free Essays on Swatch Swatch Watch U.S.A.: Creative Market Strategy TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT 3 BACKGROUND 4 SWATCH ® ANALYSIS 5 Marketing Strategies 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7 REFERENCES 9 ABSTRACT Switzerland was an industry leader in the watch market up until the 1970’s when the digital watch was introduces to consumers. The digital watch was inexpensive to manufacture and could be produced in mass. It created a whole new market by making watches inexpensive enough for all classes of people. The Swiss did not respond to this new competition and began to lose their market share. The Swiss watchmakers still produced high end watches for the wealthy, but did not compete for the lower end market. In the 1980’s the Swiss watchmakers began to realize they needed to change their business model to fit in to the new global market place. They needed to not only change their views of the market but the infrastructure of watch manufacturing. In order to compete on a global level they needed to improve their technology, design products that would appeal to new markets and be able to compete with other companies both in quality and cost. The development of Swatch ® allowed one company, the Swiss Corporation for Microelectronics and Watchmaking Industries (SMN), to do just that. SMN developed a product that was appealing to a younger target market. Their new design, distribution and production strategies created a niche market that became popular worldwide. The company developed an advertising campaign that was new to the watch industry and was strongly directed at a younger audience. BACKGROUND For years the Swiss watch industry had a competitive advantage on the watch market, in fact they had little or no competition and often had waiting lists for their watches. In fact, in the 1950’s the Swiss held an estimated eighty percent of the free-market share (Keegan, p 219). Their product was of h...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Changes Throughout Society essays
Changes Throughout Society essays Drama has made many changes throughout its existence and has helped to shape many different societies in many different ways. Drama began with ancient drama, worked its way up to medieval drama; now has crawled its way up to modern and contemporary drama and beyond. Today, drama of all structures are enjoyed leisurely and also for education purposes. Along the way drama has taken many forms, and the ability to illustrate different issues, classes, joys, and tragedies. Drama has changed even from the Shakespearean age and now has classifications such as romanticism, realism, and naturalism. For example, look at the differences between plays such as A Midsummer Nights Dream by William Shakespeare and Hedda Galber by Henrik Ibsen. These two plays portray many differences in context in contrasting from then to now and also; at the same time, they show many similarities between the individual characters. From the Shakespearean age, with the play A Midsummer Nights Dream, it takes on the traditional ways of having the male gender be the dominating and manipulating figure in the story. Egeus, Hermias father, seems to possess many evils. Evils such as having control over whom his daughter, Hermia, will marry. What say you, Hermia? Be advised, fair maid; To you your father should be as god; One that composed your beauties, yes and one To whom you are but as a form in wax By him imprinted and within his power To leave the figure or disfigure it. Demetrius is a worthy gentleman. (267) Other characters illustrate evils in this play. Characters such as Oberon, applies manipulation techniques, which are performed by his fairy friend, Puck. Oberons first attempt with the juice is going to be is own Queen of the Fairies, Titania. Ill watch Titania when she is asleep, And drop the liquor of it in her eyes. ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Biography of Christine de Pizan, Medieval Writer
Biography of Christine de Pizan, Medieval Writer Christine de Pizan (1364 to 1430), born in Venice, Italy, was an Italian writer and political and moral thinker during the late medieval period. She became a prominent writer at the French court during the reign of Charles VI, writing on literature, morals, and politics, among other topics. She was noted for her unusually outspoken defense of women. Her writings remained influential and oft-printed through the 16th century, and her work returned to prominence during the mid-20th century. Fast Facts: Christine de Pizan Known For: Early feminist thinker and influential writer in the royal court of Charles VI of FranceBorn: 1364 in Venice, ItalyDied: 1430 in Poissy, FrancePublished Works: The Book of the City of Ladies, The Treasure of the City of LadiesFamous Quote: â€Å"The man or the woman in whom resides greater virtue is the higher; neither the loftiness nor the lowliness of a person lies in the body according to the sex but in the perfection of conduct and virtues.† (from The Book of the City of Ladies) Early Life Pizan was born in Venice to Tommaso di Benvenuto da Pizzano, later known by the Gallicized moniker Thomas de Pizan, in reference to the family’s origins in the town of Pizzano. Thomas was a physician, astrologer, and politician in Venice – then a republic in its own right – and accepted a posting to the French court of Charles V in 1368. His family accompanied him there. Unlike many of her contemporaries, Pizan was well educated from a young age, in large part thanks to her father, who encouraged her learning and provided access to an extensive library. The French court was highly intellectual, and Pizan absorbed it all. Wed and Widowed At the age of fifteen, Pizan married Etienne du Castel, a court secretary. The marriage was, by all accounts, a happy one. The pair were close in age, and the marriage produced three children in ten years. Etienne encouraged Pizans intellectual and creative pursuits as well. Pizans father Thomas died in 1386, with some debts outstanding. Because Thomas had been the royal favorite, the family’s fortunes were not as bright after his death. In 1389, tragedy struck again. Etienne fell ill and died, most likely from the plague, leaving Pizan a widow with three young children. With no surviving male relatives, Pizan was left as the sole supporter of her children and her mother (and a niece, according to some sources). When she attempted to claim the salary still owed to her late husband, she was forced to engage in legal battles to get what was owed. Writer at Court The royal courts of England and Milan both expressed interest in Pizans presence, but her loyalty remained with the court where she had spent nearly her entire life. The natural decision might have been to remarry, but Pizan made the decision to not seek a second husband among the men at court. Instead, she turned to her considerable writing skill as a means to support her family. At first, Pizans output mainly consisted of love poetry in the favored styles of the era. Several of the ballads were expressions of grief over Etienne’s passing, again highlighting the genuine affection of their marriage. Pizan was highly involved in the production of her books, and her skillful poetry and embrace of Christian morals caught the eyes of many of the wealthy, titled courtiers. Writing romantic ballads was also a crucial means of gaining patrons, given the popularity of the form. As time passed, she gained many patrons, including Louis I, Duke of Orleans, Phillip, Duke of Burgundy, Marie of Berry, and even an English earl, the Earl of Salisbury. Because of her ability to utilize these powerful patrons, Pizan was able to navigate a time of major turmoil in the French court during the reign of Charles VI, who earned the moniker â€Å"the Mad†due to his bouts of mental illness that rendered him unfit to rule for stretches of time. Pizan also wrote many of her works for and about the French royal family. In 1404, her biography of Charles V was published, and she often dedicated pieces of writing to the royals. A 1402 work was dedicated to Queen Isabeau (Charles VI’s wife) and compared the queen to the historical queen Blanche of Castile. Literary Quarrel Pizans poetry was clearly influenced by her own experience of losing her husband and being left to fend for herself, but some poems had an unusual tone that set her apart. One poem describes a fictionalized Pizan being touched by the personification of Fortune and â€Å"changed†into a male, a literary depiction of her struggles to be her family’s breadwinner and fulfill a â€Å"male†role. This was only the start of Pizans writings on gender. In 1402, Pizan gained attention as the instigator of a famous literary debate, the â€Å"Querelle du Roman de la Rose†or the â€Å"Quarrel of the Romance of the Rose.†The debate centered on the Romance of the Rose, written by Jean de Meun, and its harsh, misogynistic depictions of women. Pizans writings defended women from these portrayals, using her extensive knowledge of literature and rhetoric to debate at a scholarly level. The Book of the City of Ladies The work for which Pizan is best known is The Book of the City of Ladies (Le Livre de la cità © des dames). In this work and its companion, The Treasure of the City of Ladies, Pizan created an extensive allegory in defense of women, marking her as one of the earliest Western feminist authors. The central idea of the work is the creation of a great metaphorical city, constructed by and for heroic, virtuous women throughout history. In the book, Pizans fictionalized self has a lengthy dialogue with three ladies who are the personifications of great virtues: Reason, Rectitude, and Justice. Her rhetoric is designed to critique the oppression of women and the vulgar, misogynistic attitudes of male writers of the day. It included profiles and â€Å"examples†drawn from great women of history, as well as logical arguments against oppression and sexism. Additionally, the book exhorts women of all stations to cultivate their skills and to live well. Even in the production of her book, Pizan advanced the cause of women. The Book of the City of Ladies was produced as an illuminated manuscript, which Pizan herself oversaw. Only skilled women were employed to produce it. Political Writings During Pizans life, the French court was in considerable turmoil, with various factions constantly vying for power and the king incapacitated much of the time. Pizans writings urged unity against a common enemy (the English, with whom the French were fighting the Hundred Years’ War) rather than civil war. Unfortunately, civil war broke out around 1407. In 1410, Pizan published a treatise on warfare and chivalry, in which she discussed the concepts of just war, treatment of troops and prisoners, and more. Her work was balanced for her time, adhering to the contemporary concept of war as divinely ordained justice but also critiquing the cruelties and crimes committed in wartime. As her connection to the royal family remained intact, Pizan also published The Book of Peace, her final major work, in 1413. The manuscript was dedicated to the young dauphin, Louis of Guyenne, and was filled with advice on how to govern well. In her writing, Pizan advocated against civil war and advised the prince to set an example for his subjects by being wise, just, honorable, honest, and available to his people. Later Life and Death After the French defeat at Agincourt in 1415, Pizan stepped away from court and retired to a convent. Her writing ceased, although in 1429, she wrote a paean to Joan of Arc, the only such French-language work written in Joan’s lifetime. Christine de Pizan died at the convent in Poissy, France in 1430 at the age of 66. Legacy Christine de Pizan was one of the earliest feminist writers, defending women and placing value on the perspectives of women. Her works criticized the misogyny found in classical romances and were seen as vindications of women. After her death, The Book of the City of Ladies remained in print, and her political writings continued to circulate as well. Later scholars, most notably Simone de Beauvoir, brought Pizans works back to prominence in the twentieth century, studying her as one of the earliest instances of women who wrote in defense of other women. Sources Brown-Grant, Rosalind. Christine de Pizan and the Moral Defence of Women. Cambridge University Press, 1999.â€Å"Christine de Pisan.†Brooklyn Museum,â€Å"Christine de Pizan Biography.†Biography,, Andrea A., editor. Reclaiming Rhetorica: Women and in the Rhetorical Tradition. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1995.Porath, Jason. Rejected Princesses: Tales of History’s Boldest Heroines, Hellions, and Heretics. New York: Dey Street Books, 2016.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 133
Assignment Example However, it is worth observing the fact that despite the crisis, for the Neo-Classics, they responded through defending their position and even made it clear that the crisis was a confirmation of their view. It is understandable that the disunity amongst economists become more pronounced after the economic and the financial crisis mainly due to the resemblance of the recent financial crisis to the great depression of 1930s in both policy orientation and on doctrine issues. During the principle policy problem of the 1930s was unemployment which was then traced to rigidities which prevented the free working of the capitalist system and it was then determined that the major rigidity was obstruction too the downward movement of wages, making the crisis a matter of confidence which could not find cure either on fiscal or monetary expansion. Looking at the current crisis, it is evident that the crisis was triggered by the collapse in the banking system which was a big wake up call for the Neo-classical mainstream economists as it was a clear proof of ill preparation for the crisis owing to the cold shoulder extended to the financial sector. However, on the other hand, the New Keynesians and the New Institutional Economists were presented with the first opportunity to employ the use of fiscal and monetary expansion to halt the contraction of the financial sector. Therefore, theoretically, as a matter of fact, neither economics nor the special branch of economic history is capable is capable of doing its work entirely without help from the neo-classical theory. The last quarter a century has seen the economy-environmental dynamic become subject to the concept of the environment and humans. The last decade has seen an increase in alarming abuse of and exerting of excessive pressure on the environment resulting into a devastation on a grand scale most notably in the developing countries. Most of these instances have
Friday, October 18, 2019
Management of International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Management of International Business - Essay Example After that David Ricardo formulated the principle of comparative advantage, even in the present day it stands true. Such thoughts and ideologies have influenced a number of companies to undertake global expansion. It has forced Governments of different countries to formulate an international trade policy. There was an establishment of customs duty, local sales tax and various other charges were levied on companies taking up international trade. However with the course of time countries understood the importance of international trade. There were drastic changes took place in the scenario of international trade, most of the countries also made significant changes to their existing trade policies. The report will mainly emphasize on the international expansion of a company based on USA. The company chosen for this purpose is Dunkin’ Donuts and the chosen country of expansion is Australia. In this context, a comprehensive analysis of Australian business environment will be carrie d out. The regional organization APEC has been chosen and comprehensive analysis of the same will be also done. The study will then discuss the foreign market entry modes and based on the findings, recommendation regarding the most suitable mode will be made. Table of Contents Country Analysis 4 PESTEL Analysis 4 CAGE analysis 6 Analysis of Regional Organisation 8 APEC: A Brief Overview 8 Functions of APEC 9 Important Factors 9 MNE Analysis 10 SWOT Analysis 11 Industry/Sector Analysis 13 Porter’s Five Forces Model Analysis 13 FMSS/Mode of Entry Analysis and Recommendation 19 References 23 Country Analysis The report highlighted that the chosen company will be Dunkin’ Donuts, which is based in USA. Now the chosen country of expansion is Australia. The primary rationale behind choosing Australia is that, the MNE, which has been selected for accomplishing the study, does not have their presence in the markets of USA. Hence a comprehensive analysis of the Australian busine ss environment will be carried out. The analysis of the business environment will include a range of aspects that influences the performance and operation of new venture. Moreover the business will have hardly any control over the factors. Hence the analysis of business environment will include cultural and social influence, regulations, laws, technological infrastructure and also the economic condition. The tools that will be used for the purpose of analysing the country will include PESTEL analysis CAGE analysis. The next half of the project will highlight the PESTEL and CAGE analysis. PESTEL Analysis PESTLE is external environmental analysis tool, which is used for analysing the political, social, technological, economical legal and environmental factors (Henry, 2008, p.51). Political – The political factors corresponds to the political stability of the country where the expansion will be carried out. Hence the facets that will be mainly analysed include government stabili ty, political changes, tax policies, trade restrictions, and tariffs. Now in Australian context, the government of Australia follows a federal system. The tariffs structures and tax policies are well defined. The Australian government is stable to a large extent. Economical – The economical aspect will analyse gross domestic product, interest rates, unemployment rates, inflation rate, and growth rate of the Australian economy. The GDP per person is nearly $44,000. The top performing sectors of the country includes Retail,
The Progressive Value System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
The Progressive Value System - Essay Example The Enlightenment Value System was limited to the fact that humans are good, not evil-beings, and their conscience is a major determinant of their actions. The effective functioning of the individual within the society should be assisted by the government, which was viewed not merely as an autocratic power, but as facilitator of social progress. establishment the accompanying belief in technology has become a value of its own†(Waldo, 1978, p.43). The major contemporary principles of this system are following: 1) sustainable progress; 2) shared responsibility; 3) effective government; 4) constant prosperity. Effective government is an important component of just society, and the government should create effective infrastructures and services, which cannot be provided by private sector of services. Moreover, government provides a judicial system that determines effective functioning of our society in terms of equitability and righteousness. †Government provides coordinated planning and incentives that help businesses adjust to changing circumstances. Government provides the means of coordinating actions with other countries†(Hays, 1959, p.139). Prosperity and shared responsibility are important contributors to individual and social happiness, since they provide high quality of life as well as social conscience and identity. In order to succeed, people should take the responsibility at least for their own lives and behaviors, which helps them rely on themselves without blaming others in their own faults and shortcomings. In addition, I would like to mention the results of my research, related to the implementation of Progressive Value System inmanagement and governing. First of all , I would like to refer to several writers, who explored this area and to my own methods, which combined content- and context-analysis of those writings and the researches that were conducted in
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Asian Economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Asian Economic - Essay Example â€Å"The 1993 World Bank policy research report†(Ryan 802) named The East Asian Miracle, identified eight â€Å"high-performing Asian economies (HPAEs)†(Ryan 802) and classified them into three distinct groups according to the duration of uninterrupted â€Å"positive real economic growth rates between 1960 and 1990†(Ryan 802). Japan alone occupied the first group. By the 1960s, Japan had already become matured as an economy by maintaining a remarkably high focus on economic development. Hence it had become a leader with an enviable record showing sustained economic growth for thirty consecutive years. The second group consisted of four countries recognized as ‘four Asian tigers’; namely, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea. All these four economies had witnessed soaring economic growth rates consistently since the mid-1960s until the mid 1990s. Three other countries, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, were referred to as â€Å"newly indu strializing economies (NIEs)†(Ryan 802) by the World Bank. These countries that made the third group of HPAEs had been included in the list of the HPAEs in the beginning of 1970s. The outstanding growth rates and economic performances reflected by the eight nations had one thing in common. Excepting Japan, which had been categorized as a developed country by the 1960s, all the other seven countries had adopted strategic macroeconomic policies and implemented them to manage their economic activities, coupled with carefully selected policy interventions by their individual governments. Research reveals that in all these cases, the government played a decisive role in mobilization of resources. Government policies were assisted by foreign direct investment (FDI) and technological transfer from other industrialized nations of the world, particularly Japan and the USA (Ryan 802). Causes of the financial collapse in Asian economies Heavy dependence on cheap labor input Initially, c ompetitive advantage of these countries was founded on their endowment of abundant labor. Since supply of labor was abundant in these countries, labor input was cheap, which created competitive advantage for these countries in adopting labor intensive technologies of production. However, as the knowledge intensity increased in the exports made by these countries they increasingly started to rely on highly skilled labor force that was more productive than low skilled laborers and was also more disciplined. Krugman had made a controversial contention on the phenomenon of economic growth of the Asian economies (65). The renowned economist had put that these countries would inevitably face a downfall in their economic growth. Since the lofty growth rates of these countries were achieved principally through incorporation of higher amounts of labor input along with capital input into the production process of these economies. This led to higher output and hence higher GDP, but, did not in crease the net level of productivity. This was a stage when the economies were moving along the revenue curve in the zone of increasing returns. According to Krugman, it could be anticipated that these economies would reach the range of diminishing returns (Krugman 65) that would ultimately
Biofuel Synthesis Project Proposals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Biofuel Synthesis Project Proposals - Essay Example As a means of ensuring objective adoption of green energy like biodiesel, education stakeholders have decided to integrate concepts of biofuel in college and university curriculum (Tuohy and Saddler 28). Currently, concepts of biofuel in learning institutions are delivered to students through both theoretical and practical lessons. This means that chemistry students will not only learn about the theoretical construct of biofuel production, but they will also conduct small scale practical projects within a laboratory setting. Therefore, this proposal extrapolates on the necessary aspects of chemical synthesis meant to facilitate actual production of biodiesel within a learning environment. The main objective of this project is to simulate a real production process used in synthesis of market biodiesel. The entire experiment will operate within the boundaries placed by material and equipment constrains. This means that procedures used may fail to totally emulate typical steps employed in commercial production of biodiesel. However, one goal of the project is to synthesize small quantity of a biodiesel from available raw materials, and test whether the final product possesses required characteristics of biodiesel. This experiment will not only enable students to apply theoretical knowledge that they have acquired in class, but will also transform theoretical fantasies and create a sense of realistic accomplishment in chemistry. Apart from establishing a discrete link between theoretical and practical concepts, this experiment also aims at promoting individual participation in group work. In addition, strict adherence to all synthesis steps helps students in learning abo ut procedural execution of laboratory processes. In order to optimize the synthesis process and ensure production of quality biodiesel, this experiment will be conducted in a strategic and procedural manner. The first strategy involves establishing harmony between materials and equipment available
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Asian Economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Asian Economic - Essay Example â€Å"The 1993 World Bank policy research report†(Ryan 802) named The East Asian Miracle, identified eight â€Å"high-performing Asian economies (HPAEs)†(Ryan 802) and classified them into three distinct groups according to the duration of uninterrupted â€Å"positive real economic growth rates between 1960 and 1990†(Ryan 802). Japan alone occupied the first group. By the 1960s, Japan had already become matured as an economy by maintaining a remarkably high focus on economic development. Hence it had become a leader with an enviable record showing sustained economic growth for thirty consecutive years. The second group consisted of four countries recognized as ‘four Asian tigers’; namely, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea. All these four economies had witnessed soaring economic growth rates consistently since the mid-1960s until the mid 1990s. Three other countries, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, were referred to as â€Å"newly indu strializing economies (NIEs)†(Ryan 802) by the World Bank. These countries that made the third group of HPAEs had been included in the list of the HPAEs in the beginning of 1970s. The outstanding growth rates and economic performances reflected by the eight nations had one thing in common. Excepting Japan, which had been categorized as a developed country by the 1960s, all the other seven countries had adopted strategic macroeconomic policies and implemented them to manage their economic activities, coupled with carefully selected policy interventions by their individual governments. Research reveals that in all these cases, the government played a decisive role in mobilization of resources. Government policies were assisted by foreign direct investment (FDI) and technological transfer from other industrialized nations of the world, particularly Japan and the USA (Ryan 802). Causes of the financial collapse in Asian economies Heavy dependence on cheap labor input Initially, c ompetitive advantage of these countries was founded on their endowment of abundant labor. Since supply of labor was abundant in these countries, labor input was cheap, which created competitive advantage for these countries in adopting labor intensive technologies of production. However, as the knowledge intensity increased in the exports made by these countries they increasingly started to rely on highly skilled labor force that was more productive than low skilled laborers and was also more disciplined. Krugman had made a controversial contention on the phenomenon of economic growth of the Asian economies (65). The renowned economist had put that these countries would inevitably face a downfall in their economic growth. Since the lofty growth rates of these countries were achieved principally through incorporation of higher amounts of labor input along with capital input into the production process of these economies. This led to higher output and hence higher GDP, but, did not in crease the net level of productivity. This was a stage when the economies were moving along the revenue curve in the zone of increasing returns. According to Krugman, it could be anticipated that these economies would reach the range of diminishing returns (Krugman 65) that would ultimately
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Girl Scouts Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Girl Scouts - Coursework Example The biggest obstacle was realignment of the council but Cloninger’s did it strategically. This created short term wins such as cost reduction. Cloninger’s together built on the change which was later embraced in a corporate culture. (Kotters 8-Step Change Model, 2012) d) Mckinsey (company, 2001) designs a model of mission, strategies and team work. Then he ensures human resource is developed from all cadres forming a good organizational structure embraced by corporate culture which is the case brought forward by Cloninger in Girl Scout. e) The resistance brought by decentralization of the organization by some council influenced Cloninger’s approach of team work. The ‘musty uncool’ image also affected Cloninger’s approach of free flexible participation for all age level of between 15-17 girls. f) Through identification of strengths of the organization such as volunteering. Also through strengthening weaknesses. Cloninger’s also identified opportunities which they worked on within the given time line. Threatening issues such as decentralized governance were realigned and team work through corporate culture adopted. g) The first obstacle was the realignment of the council which she knew would be faced by rejection and disparities by local council. The there is the low membership recruitment. The other problem was the resistance by some council who were opposed to centralized control and finally by people joining and leaving the organization so that there is no continuity. The condition for success included working together as a team and within the allocated timeline by reducing costs in the organization. It is similar in that there was realignment of the council trying to satisfy the needs of everyone. There was also combination of task force by bringing all stakeholders aboard and finally looking for income contribution methods through donors and volunteers. Mckinsey addresses culture but model in chapter seven does not highlight on
Monday, October 14, 2019
Models of Addiction Essay Example for Free
Models of Addiction Essay The three models of addiction examined in this week’s readings include the medical model, the psychosocial model, and the disease of the human spirit model. The medical model â€Å"rests on the assumption that disease states are the result of a biological dysfunction, possibly one on the cellular or even molecular level†(Doweiko, 2012, p. 333). Many consider this model and â€Å"maintain that much of human behavior is based on the interaction between the individual’s biological predisposition and the environment†(Doweiko, 2012, p. 333). Individuals under this model view free will â€Å"as an illusion†(Doweiko, 2012, p. 33). There is controversy regarding this model as â€Å"to the degree to which the individual’s genetic heritage actually serves to predispose the individual to a substance use disorder, and how much of this is the result of psychosocial factors†(Doweiko, 2012, p. 344). The disease model does appear to govern the way in which substance abuse disorders are considered and treated in the United States. The psychosocial models of substance use proponents suggest that it is interlinked with the medical model in that both â€Å"admit that there is a major psychosocial component to the addictions†(Doweiko, 2012, p. 345). Psychosocial proponents state that â€Å"addictions are learned behavior(s), poor psychosocial functioning, or the result of maladaptive thinking†(Doweiko, 2012, p. 345). It is suggested that the pharmaceutical industry may be responsible for ‘disease mongering’ to help promote the sales of drugs said to cure proposed diseases, therefore promoting the disease model. Some believe we are obscuring unacceptable behavior and calling them diseases suggesting that we have â€Å"become a nation of blamers, whiners, and victims, all too happy, when we get a chance, to pass the buck to somebody else for our troubles†(Doweiko, 2012, p. 46). Multiple theoretical models were offered: moral model, temperance model, spiritual model, dispositional disease model, educational model, characterological model, general systems model, and the medical model. In considering all the models that propose to offer insight in the factors to consider with addiction, â€Å"each perspective fails to completely explain all of the facets of the SUDs adequately†(Doweiko, 2012, p. 352). The third model of substance use disorders presented is the disease of the human spirit. This model suggests that as we enter the burdens and trials of life and become ungrounded with pain or voids in our lives we allow ourselves to feel pity and open ourselves up to our inwardly sinful nature. â€Å"It is at this point that some recoil in horror and become spiritual narcissists: self-centered, unwilling to see any reason to deny the â€Å"self†any desire or pleasure†(Doweiko, 2012, p. 357). This model believes that all individuals â€Å"all start out with hope, faith and fortitude†but when exposed to the ills of the world some â€Å"turn to chemicals to fill the perceived void within or to ease their pain†(Doweiko, 2012, p. 61). When considering spiritual bankruptcy and void in the life of an addict, despair comes to mind. When an individual feels despair they are unable to consider anything else but what is happening in the present and often appear desperate. Literature supports that â€Å"people are also spiritual beings who are either actively or passively involved in a relationship with a Higher Being†(Doweiko, 2012, p. 353). When a person is spiritually bankrupt they have lost moral direction and often begin to make poor, self-pleasing choices and have chosen a passive relationship with their Higher Being. Addicts are searching for something to fill them with the joy and wholeness they have replaced with the unconditional love of Christ. The prevalence of addiction based on my readings suggests that illicit drugs, marijuana, and narcotics are readily available on the streets. â€Å" In the United States it has been estimated that 2000 people use cocaine for the first time each day†and that â€Å"nationally 5-10% of the population, or about 30 million people, have abused cocaine at least once†(Doweiko, 2012, p. 110). It is disturbing that the literature is able to quote statistics on children using these substances at such a young age. Literature supports that the use of hallucinogens seems to be declining in the United States, however, â€Å"it was estimated that 943,000 persons over the age of 12 abused a hallucinogenic compound for the first time in the year 2007†(Doweiko, 2012, p. 166). Also mentioned was â€Å"the average age at which individuals begin to smoke marijuana in the United States is around 18-19 year of age†(Doweiko, 2012, p. 124). Another disturbing fact regarding substances on the streets is the consideration that many of the substances vary in amount of substance such that individuals may not realize the quantity or quality of the substance they are ingesting.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The history and effects of child sexual abuse
The history and effects of child sexual abuse Child sexual abuse is definitely not a new or modern phenomenon and even though it was not necessarily acknowledged before the 1800s, it does not mean that it did not exist. Throughout history, documentation about child sexual abuse has existed, with references especially to Greek and Roman civilisations, as well as in colonial America and Europe (Bolen, 2002). Jean-Claude Chenais (1981), in a study using multiple data sources has been pivotal in the attitude changes in Western societies over the issue of child sexual abuse over the last hundred years. His studies have shown that due to a number of different contributing factors, in some European countries like Germany and France, child sexual abuse was so frequent as to be considered normal (Bagley King, 2004). As cited in Bolen (2002), in his research on classical childhood analysis of different historical eras, DeMause (1988), states that: The history of childhood is a nightmare from which we have only begun to awaken. The further back in history one goes, the lower the level of child care, and the more likely children are to be killed, abandoned, beaten, terrorised and sexually abused. In her research of historical child sexual abuse, Florence Rush has found that it is predominantly a phenomenon of the patriarchal systems in history, where children were considered as property of the father. In Talmudic law it is the tradition that a female daughter can be betrothed by her father by means of sexual intercourse after the age of three. Even though not encouraged, sexual acts including intercourse with a child younger than three years is not a crime. Such sexual activity with young girls was not discouraged by the Catholic Church either in history, as in a Papal decree of the sixth century stated that for a marriage to be valid it was copulating that was the overriding factor and consent only desirable. The age of the girl was taken into consideration for the purpose of betrothal where if the girl was not at least seven years old than this was considered invalid. Also, through history we find however that sexual abuse was not limited only to girls. Especially in Greece , it was popular to use boys for sex. It was also common to castrate young boys and buy or sell them as sex slaves (Bagley King, 2004). In its broad sense, child sexual abuse is when an older person forcibly engages in sexual activity with a child. The definition of the terms sexual assault on children or child molestation is different in different legal jurisdictions (Rowan, 2006). As cited in Kinnear (2007), child sexual abuse is defined by Fraser (1981) as being the exploitation of a child for the sexual gratification of an adult, whilst Baker and Duncan (1985) claim that [a] child (anyone under 16 years) is sexually abused when another person, who is sexually mature, involves the child in any activity which the other person expects to lead to their sexual arousal. In their 2003 report on the maltreatment of children, the Childrens Bureau of the US Department of Health and Human Services defines it as the involvement of the child in sexual activity to provide sexual gratification or financial benefit to the perpetrator, including contacts for sexual purpose, molestation, statutory rape, prostitution, pornography, exposure, incest, or other sexually exploitation activities (U.S. Department for Health and Human Services, Administration for Children, Youth and Families, 2005). The age of consent is also different from one country to another. However, it is commonly understood, that a child is not able to understand or willingly consent to sexual experiences with an older person. It is also acknowledged that there exists sexual experimentation between young people and therefore molestation charges are only enforced when the older person is sixteen or eighteen and that child is three or five years younger (Rowan, 2006). There are certain factors which categorise sexual encounters as abuse according to the World Health Organisation. As well as the age difference it also includes in the definition the misuse of a position of authority by the adult which then leads to sexual acts. The child must also be unwilling to participate in such acts even if he or she did not offer resistance. It also requires the attempt to touch the genitals or breasts of a child or make the child touch the ones of the adult. If the adult attempts to touch the child by exposing himself or if the child is undressed, made to, as well as the attempt to seduce or tempt to take to another place whilst psychology threatening the child (Fegert, 2003). Sociological definitions of child sexual abuse differ from the clinical or legal ones and whilst some are universally acknowledged some are less so even though equally important and influential (Lawrence, 2004). One of the definitions widely accepted by child protection services is that of Schechter and Roberge and it states that Sexual abuse is defined as the involvement of dependent, developmentally immature children and adolescents in sexual activities they do not truly comprehend, to which they are unable to give informed consent (Schechter Roberge, 1976). When researching child sexual abuse, it is common to associate this with the phenomology of pedophilia. When assessing and treating sex offenders however, professionals know that it is important to explore different variables that have an important role in such deviant sexual behaviour. The sexual preference and history, including any of crime or violence, are taken into consideration. Any other disorders such as endocrine or neuropsychological ones as well as any other biological factors are to be explored (Langevin, 2003). By definition, a pedophile is generally an individual who for no less than a period of six months fantasises about having sexual encounters with young children or is sexually aroused by the thoughts of such fantasies. Usually the sexual urges of such individuals are focused on children younger than thirteen years of age. Pedophiles can be frustrated from these urges and often suffer from interpersonal difficulties because of these sexual impulses. However, even i f not necessarily always the case, some pedophiles will act upon such fantasies and are usually only apprehended or brought to attention because of this. Most pedophiles are usually not necessarily disturbed enough about such fantasies about children and as a consequence do not seek voluntary medical help (Hall Hall, 2007). The key factor in the assessment of pedophilia is the age of the children for whom interest is shown. In its most strong forms, exclusivity is shown towards prepubescent children with no sexual urges or interest in other adults. Not all pedophiles however commit sexual offences with child victims and not all sex offenders with children are pedophiles (Seto, 2004). Dr Langevin (2003) noted however, that even though there seem to be a number of factors that are common between pedophile priests and other pedophiles in terms of sexual preferences, pedophile priests generally have less antisocial behaviour characteristics. In light of the huge amount of media coverage of the clergy abuse crisis in the last few years, it seems that even though much interest by the community has been sparked on the topic, little research has been carried out by psychological and clinical bodies. This may be due to a long existing mutual indifference between the Church and the mental health field. Only a few studies have actually addressed the issue of the pedophile priest or the priest who sexually abuses children. Despite the surmounting media coverage and attention of the issue providing an alarming public assumption that most priests are pedophiles, an American study estimated however that only 2% of priests are pedophiles whilst another 4% being ephebophiles. However, it is also taken into account that a probably large number of sexual abuse cases by the clergy are not reported (Plante, 1999). Michael Rezendes (2002), part of the Boston Globes Spotlight Team was one of the first journalists who brought attention to t he issue of child sexual abuse allegations against the American clergy. A year of investigations carried out by this team resulted in the resignation of Cardinal Bernard Law on the 13th December, 2002. This was mainly due to the exposure of a series of shortcomings and mistakes, in his handling of a well known pedophoile in Boston; Rev John J. Geoghan, where after being reported of sexual misconduct with children, he was reassigned. However, it was clear that Geoghn was only a sign of a more serious problem. The Spotlight Team investigated further into the Archdiocese of Boston and by the time of Laws resignation, had published over 800 stories. An earlier singular case which also received worldwide publicity however dates back to 1984, where Fr Gilbert Gauthe of Lafayette, Louisiana was charged on multiple counts of child sexual abuse. This was the first criminal case of its kind to receive such level of media attention and publicity and also was the first time that a civil suit was initiated against a diocese on the grounds of failure to protect children from a known abuser in its clergy (Murphy, Buckley Joyce, 2005). Dr Richard Sipe, a psychotherapist and psychiatrist as well as a former Roman Catholic Priest, wrote extensively on the subject of child sexual abuse and reports that even as early as 1976, before the big scandals broke out on the media, there opened a programme, the first, perhaps, in the world dedicated to the treatment of psychosexual disorders for clergy. This included the treatment of disorders which involved the sexual abuse of children. The need for such a programme and its preparation, years before i ts opening, shows that knowledge of Catholic Clergy who had problems of sexual misconduct was already widespread in the 1960s and 70s (Sipe, 1995). With such an increasing interest in the phenomenon of priests as sexual abusers of children, the Catholic Church seemed to be spiralling into a crisis as portrayed so by the media, with an increasing number of people coming forward with new allegations all over the world. Philip Jenkins (2001), as cited in Dokecki (2004) explores the terms of moral crisis as opposed to moral panic. In order to fully understand weather the Catholic Church was being victimised by a new panic born out of media frenzy or if the panic was due to a moral crisis deeply rooted in actual facts and reality of the problem, one must also explore the issue in its full context. It is worth noting and reflecting upon the possibility of child abuse scandal by clergy as being a classic example of social construction. This is not to belittle the seriousness of priests com mitting such lewd acts with children, but it is more a manner of asserting how the media portrayal of such events can impact the way it shapes the social response to it (Jenkins, 2001). The way that this issue in the US has been widely covered and reported by the media, it has undoubtedly generated a growing popular feeling of mistrust in the church. This might have been a trigger in the claim that the Catholic Church has been inefficient in its response to such abuses and allegations, as the increasing number of cases began to crop up all over America as well as the rest of the world. By 2004, the time of the Globes investigation of the Boston cases, it was reported that between 1950 and 2002, four thousand three hundred priests were alleged to have abused or molested almost eleven thousand children or adolescents (Paine Hansen, 2002). A study of child abuse committed by clergy which was conducted by the John Jay College for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2002 recorded these figures. However, this only reflects the numbers for those victims who actually reported their abuse and came forward to the Church authorities. Studies have shown that a great number of victims, especially males, never come forward to disclose their abuse to anyone and even more never report it to the authorities. It is also important to note that not all dioceses participated in this study and not all kept official and accurate records (John Jay College of Criminal Justice, 2002). In the matter of establishing whether the problem of child sexual abuse by clergy in the Catholic Church is just moral crisis as opposed to just moral panic, numbers alone do not suffice. It is often normally recognised for organisations and public entities to take defensive measures when dealing with such serious accusation against its employees or members. Most importantly the defense would most certainly be targeted against a blanket condemnation of the whole organisation. Sometimes, such corporations genuinely fail to recognise and acknowledge the fact that the destructive effects of such allegations have deeper roots than simply moral panic (Dokecki, 2004). Studies of other organisations entrusted with the care of children show that the prevalence of child sexual abuse is also of concern. In his study as reported in The Washington Times (1991), Patrick Boyle outlined that between 1971 and 1989 there were one thousand, one hundred and fifty seven reports of child sexual abuse out of a million volunteers (all adults) and four million member scouts; with the majority believed to be boys aged between eleven and seventeen. Case studies also seemed to indicate that in order to safeguard the image of the Boy Scout organisation, certain information was covered up in order to prevent the possibility of a crisis scandal. The police were not involved if the alleged abuser left the organisation. However, it was common practice for these offenders to move to other states and join new troops whilst those reported to the General Headquarters still managed to bypass the system and re-roll in new States (Boyle, 1994). Other studies of different organisa tions for youths and children also show sexual abuse incidents reported. These include institutions like the Big Brother Organisation, the YMCA as well as other athletic organisations and centres for child care-giving in day care institutions or families. In sporting organisations, the perpetrators were found to be involved in the majority of cases with a school; i.e., teachers or principals who appeared to have multiple victims, with one coach reported to have four hundred counts of sexual abuse. The majority of these cases occurred in the US, the UK and Ireland. In both the sports organisations and the Big Brother one, however, it seemed that legal action was taken against the perpetrators and screening processes put in place for all future volunteers (John Jay College, 2002). As seen from the community, the sexual abuse crises in the Catholic Church presented a larger moral shock than any other abuse scandal, predominantly because of the social status priests hold within the same community. The priest is believed to be not merely a man serving the pastoral functions for his church, but also a delegate of Christ on Earth. The priest is often held in a position of trust within society; where people look upon him as a source of comfort and advice. In Catholic communities the clergy are viewed as central and present in everyday life through their work within the parish and as reference points for the safeguarding of the souls (Cozzens, . However, priests do not only function in a society as preachers of the word of God. In most cases, they will take on the role of therapists, care-givers and educators. They do not only earn their loyalty from the altar, but mainly from being there for the sick, the troubled, the dying and the dead. It is understood, because o f such an intimate involvement in social and community life, that any case of sexual abuse by a member of the clergy will have relational and social implications as well as personal ones (Frawley-ODea, 2007). According to Lebacqz (1985), from an ethical perspective, priests are professionals and as such, a relationship of mutual trust needed. The clergy however go beyond our normal understanding of their sacramental office and thus in the relationship between priest and child, the typical power discrepancy is significantly amplified. This is so because the context of the relationship is the church and also the professional is a priest and the client a child (Dokecki, 2004). From their early years children are socialised to view the Church as a mother and a priest as a fatherly figure; hence also priests being called father.
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